Thursday, August 28, 2014

Job - It’s Nothing Personal Pt. 4

Yesterday’s declaration (blog) had a different twist than most Victors (readers) expected, including me because it wasn’t my intentional goal.  However, as I studied the second chapter of Job much closer and conducted more research the Holy Spirit enlightened me to share MJ’s story (Mrs. Job) through the eyes of a grieving mother and wife, who like Job lost everything too.  As I began to humanize her experience and as a woman, wife, lover, mother and friend, I was compelled to view her losses, disappointments and grief.  No offense, but I have a feeling that the majority of the commentators who wrote and/or teach about MJ were men living in a fantasy that MJ should have sucked it up like a good little wife and not complain, grieve or show any emotion.  So much for the status quo, Imma keep goin. Because we have so much ground to cover, I would like to invite you to read yesterday’s blog: Job – It’s Nothing Personal Pt. 3.  Let’s pick up at Job 2: 11-13 paraphrased through my eyes. 

Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar were all older, well established more affluent friends of Job and each other. They initially heard about the loss of all of Job’s children but based upon their distance it was impossible for them to make the funeral.  Since that time they had heard all types of rumors about him by those who were far too eager to offer their news and some even seemed excited about Job’s misfortune.   Through correspondence with each other they decided not to subject themselves to hearsay but to arrange a trip to visit Job together as brothers. It was a sacrifice to leave their business and families but it was worth it because Job had been an incredible mentor to them and a genuine friend, always willing to help.  During their journey Eliphaz said that one of his associates told him Job fell into hard times because he had struck some shady business deals with the Chaldeans.  Zophar refuted that because it was completely out of character for Job.  Bildad cautioned that they not focus on gossip but rather how they could be an encouragement to Job once they arrived.  The caravan finally stopped but as they looked around they were confused as to why they had stopped in this portion of the city which looked like a ghetto.  They confirmed the location with the caravan leader and he assured them this was the spot.  As they talked to the caravan leader a woman made her way towards them.  They didn’t recognize her, but MJ recognized them right away.  She sat her water jugs down and came over to greet them.  They tried to hide their shock at seeing her look so, “industrial” but they didn’t do very well.  She saw how they looked at her but she didn’t let it bother her.  She was so glad Job’s friends were here to visit she could hardly contain herself.  They put their belongings in the modest tent that had become home to her and Job and then she led them to their friend.

He was sitting where she had left him earlier that day when she left to do her chores, in a pile of ashes.  When they saw Job’s condition and disfigurement tried as they may, they couldn’t hide the shock of seeing their friend who looked like sitting death.  As was the custom of expressing grief, they tore their garments, threw dust above their heads and wept aloud.  My God!!! My God!! Our brother and friend!!  Be merciful!!  Job thought all of his tears were gone, but he soon discovered that he had enough left to share with is dear friends and they cried until they were all empty.  As was the custom during that time his friends did not speak until he spoke and so they sat there on the ground with Job day and night for seven days.  

When Job finally does speak, his friends are shocked at his language as recorded in Chapter 3.  He is happy to see his friends to have someone to talk to other than MJ (who is having the same experience as Job minus the sores all over her body.  But he is at a point now where he is clearly frustrated due to his circumstances, but the lack of sleep and constant pain would cause most of us to think and speak irrationally.  He curses his conception and birthday, suggesting it would have been better for him not to have been born or to have been a still born birth.  If he had died at birth or was still born he would be at peace, etc.  Job is right on the edge he is deeply deeply depressed but he is not suicidal.  He curses his birth but does not curse himself or God.   

Tania not Tanya moment:  Before you sit in judgment of Job I need you to remember that he is human and just like 99% of those listening (READING) we may have done the exact same thing if not worse.  Has he abandoned his faith, given up on God, decided to throw in the towel.  No, he is simply having a meltdown and if you’re honest you will admit that you have had a similar experience too and your stuff wasn’t nearly as bad as Job’s, come on, be real.  If you won’t, I will be.  I have had “why-downs”.  What’s a “why-down”?  I have asked myself and God “why is this happening?” to the point of wearing my spiritual man down to almost despair. 

In Chapter Four, Eliphaz (son of Essau) asks for permission to speak though he clearly had every intention of doing so regardless of whether Job obliged him.  He strokes Job’s ego first, reminding him of what an amazing encourager he has been; how has helped countless people to get (financially) to get back on their feet and the countless times he has given wise counsel to people that have regained their footing, discovered/re-discovered themselves, and identified their purpose, etc.  Then he subtly begins to blame Job for his own calamities based on the “spirit” that visited him in the middle of the night which “confirms” Job has done wrong.  Job 4:12-16 (The Message).  “A word came to me in secret—a mere whisper of a word, but I heard it clearly.  It came in a scary dream one night, after I had fallen into a deep, deep sleep.  Dread stared me in the face, and Terror.  I was scared to death—I shook from head to foot.  A spirit glided right in front of me—the hair on my head stood on end. I couldn’t tell what it was that appeared there— a blur …”  There are good spirits (angels) and bad spirits (demons).  This was clearly a bad spirit sent by the accuser in an attempt to confuse Job into ultimately cursing God.
Meanwhile Job is thinking to himself, this dude is crazy, he has lost his cotton pickin mind.  How can he come to my tent and accuse me of wrong without asking me any logical questions, like:  “Job, did you mess up, it’s us, you can be honest.”  No he sits in his self-righteousness and accuses me.  Abso-freakin-lutely unbelievable. 

In Chapter Five, Eliphaz really goes off the deep end as he tells Job that his misfortune is not fate and that trouble doesn’t just come from nowhere.  He continues by telling Job that God is using this opportunity to correct him and that he should go to God and beg for mercy and when he does all of this trouble will disappear. By now he is spewing so much nonsense that Job is letting it go in one ear and out the other and he thinks to himself “this cat has lost his natural born mind, but at least I have something to keep my mind off the pain.” 

Tania Not Tanya moment:  I have been in situations where people close to me were accused of doing things that were not true and a well meaning uninformed Christian friend “emailed me” to tell me that person needed to humble themselves and repent. First of all their well-meaning actions were cowardice because they didn’t have the guts to call the person directly, secondly they didn’t have all of the facts and the ones they thought they had were wrong because they got one-sided information and thirdly, God allowed the truth to be revealed and they completely changed their story to say how much they had been praying and knew everything was going to work out.  Really??

In closing, if you’re going to be supportive of a friend pray before you speak, ask God to give you what to say or the self-control to shut your mouth and just be there to listen.  By all means if you didn’t see it with your own eyes assume you don’t have the facts and even if you did see something out of order you are not a prosecutor, jury or judge but you can be the friend that helps to pull your “assignment” (friend) out of the pit.

I’m out of time, we’ll have to pick up tomorrow

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Job - It’s Nothing Personal Pt. 3

We have a lot of ground to cover today so I’m not going to give a review of what we discussed yesterday.  If you would like to catch up feel free to read my blog at or click this link:  Let’s pick up at Job Chapter Two

We are not sure of the length of time, but a period of days weeks or months had passed from Job’s initial loss as discussed in chapter one.  While I believe the word just as it is:   The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.  Proverbs 15:3, I also believe that the angels of the Lord help with that watching based upon the fact that they report to God consistently as stated in Job: 2:1-2. 

Using my sanctified imagination I envision the events as follows:  The angels were prompt as usual.  Several of them had already given their reports but just as Gabriel began his report, Michael gave the signal that the accuser had arrived.  God interrupted Gabriel and turned his attention to the accuser and asks where he had been.  Now at first glance one might think that God is showing favoritism to the accuser but that is not the case at all.  He absolutely wants to hear from him, not because he is unaware, but because he wants the accuser to make his statements public for the record.  However, God is also sensitive to the HIPBA codes (Heaven Is Protecting Believers Always).  So the exception is made to get him in and out quickly. 

The accuser gives the same or a very similar response to what has become his routine, he says he has been prowling the earth looking for Victors, I mean victims.  God mentions Job again and says: “there’s no one quite like him, is there—honest and true to his word, totally devoted to God and hating evil? He still has a firm grip on his integrity! [even though] You tried to trick me into destroying him, but it didn’t work.” Satan was embarrassed as he heard the other angels laughing and high-fiving each other especially Michael who was bent over laughing and slapping his knee. Satan turned to Michael and mean mugged him.  Michael quickly lost his laugh, stood up and said: “Wassup?’  God intervened and reminded them there would be plenty of time for them to handle their business on their own terms, right now, they needed to move forward with the reports.  Satan continued: “A human would do anything to save his life. But what do you think would happen if you reached down and took away his health? He’d curse you to your face, that’s what.”  God said, “All right. Go ahead—you can do what you like with him. But mind you, don’t kill him.”  Satan left the Board room and struck Job with sores from head to toe.

Job woke especially early the next morning with a weird pain that seemed to cause his entire body to ache but what was also strange was the fact that his entire body seemed to itch as much as it hurt.  He reached up to scratch his neck and felt multiple lumps.  He sat up and the pain shot through his entire body.  He went to the mirror made of highly polished beaten brass and noticed lumps all over his face, hands and arms.  He lifted his night clothes and saw sores all over his body. 

He hurried to his wife’s bed chambers like a scarred little boy.  When her maidservant told her he had arrived she had already decided she was in no mood for Job’s friskiness this morning and she told him so as she turned over and pulled the covers over her head.  But his silence was deafening so she pulled the covers back down from her face to see her husband grimacing in pain.  She zeroed in on his face, looking directly in eyes which were almost shut closed from some type of swelling.  She stood quickly and moved closer to him to examine him upfront and then she practically shrieked:  “What happened to you?”  He could barely talk because his lips were also swollen in fact his face was swollen so badly that he was completely disfigured.  She lifted Job’s night clothes and discovered they things were literally all over his body.  She was absolutely overcome with anxiety.  First their property, servants and children, now this.  Not that she wanted to, but she was all cried out.  She helped Job to redress as painful as it was and then called for her faithful chambermaid, Dorcas, who was also an herbal specialist, to examine her husband’s skin.  Dorcas believed they were boils but there were so many that she wasn’t sure.  She told her mistress that she would go and find herbs to help bring the lesions to a head and hopefully ease the pain.  When she returned they attempted to apply the balm she made, but it was far too painful so they decided to try again later.  In the mean time she gave him some medicated wine to take the edge off. 

After the second day they were exhausted from the lack of sleep.  The pain had become unbearable and when he tried to re-position his body to find a comfortable position in hopes that he could sleep but ultimately cried out in pain.  Each time he did, MJ (Mrs. Job) was right by his side.  She delicately applied warm compresses to the sores hoping they would come to a “head” if they were boils.  While it seemed to offer temporary relief for a short period it wasn’t a long term solution.  She was frankly at her wits end with exhaustion, grief, pity parties and blame, that she felt like she was gonna lose it.  It was at that point that she opened her mind just enough for the PP (Pity Party) Committee to overthrow her. 

As she got up to prepare some broth for Job she blamed their friends for abandoning them even though they have met the needs of countless others; Job for spoiling their children and giving them everything they wanted; her eldest son for hosting that party and killing all of her children; the Chaldeans, whom she had often referred to as ruthless thugs for stealing part of their livestock; God for reigning down fire and consuming the rest of the livestock causing them to lose everything.  She accused him of being unfair after all they did for their friends and family and now everyone has turned their backs on them.  They didn’t even have money to send for a decent physician.  Now she had worked herself up to a frenzy; she was crying and pacing the floor as she poured the broth she made in a bowl and prepared to take it to Job.  Job had mustered up enough strength to go outside and sit in the sun.  As she headed out to where he was she decided to tell him exactly how she felt but as she approached him she barely recognized him because he looked like a bloody pulp.  He had broken the water pot their middle daughter made and had scraped his body with a broken piece of it!  In horror she dropped the soup and fell down before him and said:  Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die. Job 2:9 (NLT).  He has abandoned us, he doesn’t love us, he doesn’t care about us if he did we wouldn’t have done this to us.

Job looked at MJ through painful eyes and as much as it hurt to talk or touch, he reached down stroked the back of her head and said:  “Baby Doll, you’re talking like one of those foolish women from the well”.  That’s not the woman God I know and married.  The woman that sang to and prayed over our children almost as much as I did.  Sweetness, we have to remember God’s promises and his goodness.  It wouldn’t be fair for God to bless us all the time and we never suffer anything”.  As soon as the words left her mouth she regretted them but it was too late.    She loved her husband and had always supported everything he did.  She knew Job was right, she knew that God loved them but this seemed so unfair and she didn’t understand why they were being persecuted so severely.  Job had always been stronger in faith than her but she was much more vocal about her feelings and right now she was angry with God. 

Job knew MJ was at her breaking point otherwise she wouldn’t have lashed out the way she did.  She had been very brave during the course of this trial and he loved her far more than he could ever express.  It hurt him to see her so broken.  As painful as it was, Job continued to speak soothing words to his wife and rub her back until he felt the release his wife desperately needed.

I’m out of time, we’ll have to pick up tomorrow

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Job - It’s Nothing Personal Pt. 2

Yesterday’s blog covered the basic Introduction of Job.  We discovered the two possible meanings of his name in Hebrew: the persecuted one and in Arabic: repentant one.  He had a large family but at this time his children were adults with homes of their own.  They apparently got along quite well and liked to party because each of the seven sons hosted a party every month that would last up to several days and they always included their three sisters.   Job was the richest man in the East at that time, which would make him a billionaire if he lived in the 21st century.  Job is recorded as honest inside and out, a man of his word, who was totally devoted to God and hated evil with a passion.

Tania Not Tanya moment.  There are some people that wear poverty like a badge of honor but that’s oxymoronic when we consider John 10:10 (NLT) which says: The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.  We can be poor or rich in spirit, health, relationships and/or finances.  I have heard that money was evil for many years, not from my Pastor, but from well-meaning mis-informed “Christian-folk” who missed Job 1:1-4 as well as these scriptures:
  • Ecclesiastes 10:19b (NKJV): But money answers everything
  • Deuteronomy 8:18 (NKJV): And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day
  • Proverbs 13:22 (NKJV): A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous

There are more, but this blog’s focus isn't wealth.  I am well aware of the theme scripture that some of those same “mis-informed well-meaning “Christian-folk” use to support their misunderstanding of the word:  For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  1 Timothy 6:10 (NKJV).  The first eight words are key:  For the love of money is a root.  From those eight words, two give the text real meaning:
o   love:  If you love money you will do any and everything to get and keep it. 
o   a:  Infers that “loving” money is “one of” the roots of all kinds of evil. 
We have a responsibility to know the word for ourselves according to 2 Timothy 2:15 (NLT):  Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.

To be clear, the first chapter of Job specifically talks about his character, how wealthy he was and the amazing intimate relationship he had with God.  So I can 1) listen to the broke minded well-meaning Christian-folk down hemmmmmmmm, or 2) stand on the word of God and claim, believe, declare and prepare for my millions.  Vanna, I’ll take door number two please for millions.

Job 1:6-12 discusses the Spiritual staff meeting held in God’s conference room.  The angels were on time, but the designated accuser aka satan, the devil, the father of lies was late for the meeting.  He was actually honest when he said that he had been on earth looking for a Victor and God says “have you noticed my “friend Job?”  At first glance it may appear that God just offered Job up as a mark for the accuser but that’s not it at all.  God is far too loving and intentional for that.  Needless to say the accuser is given permission to “handle” Job and handles him he does.  My paraphrased version of verses 13-22 is as follows:

After his morning sacrifices Job decided to go home rather than to do the pop up visits he does once a week at the various locations of his livestock and instead use the time to catch up on some of his bookkeeping.  He even thought of visiting his children at his eldest son’s home if he finished his work early enough.  In the middle of calculating some figures one of his servants came to his office excitedly informing him that a messenger was there to see him.  Job gave permission for the messenger’s entrance and was surprised to see the foreman of the livestock:
  •        He said Sir, “the oxen were plowing, with the donkeys feeding beside them, when the Sabeans raided us. They stole all the animals and killed all the farmhands. I am the only one who escaped to tell you
  •        Just as Job was about to question him, another servant interrupted his train of thought when he entered and said:  Sir “The fire of God has fallen from heaven and burned up your sheep and all the shepherds. I am the only one who escaped to tell you.” 
  •        Job looked at his servants in disbelief and opened his mouth to speak just as a third servant entered the room and said: Sir, “Three bands of Chaldean raiders have stolen your camels and killed your servants. I am the only one who escaped to tell you.”
  •        Job felt light headed and looked at the three of these servants trying to figure out if this was a practical joke or if they were lying when a fourth servant entered the room.  Job thought to himself “it can’t get any worse than this.” But when he saw the tears welling up in this man’s eyes he knew in his gut that the very next sounds he heard would be the most devastating.  With anguish and through empathetic tears he said: Sir, “Your sons and daughters were feasting in their oldest brother’s home. Suddenly, a powerful wind swept in from the wilderness and hit the house on all sides. The house collapsed, and all your children are dead. I am the only one who escaped to tell you.” 

Job was stunned.  He sat there in utter silence for what seemed like an eternity but in reality it was only about 25 seconds and then he stood up, tore his robe in grief.  He walked over to the ledge where he kept a sharp knife and held it close to his chest.  Everyone in the room gasped in horror each of them thinking their worst thoughts all of which centered on Job taking his life.  The tension was so thick that Job could have cut it with the knife in his hands.  Instead he raised the knife slowly and he seemed to pause when it got near his throat, he then continued to raise until he got to his scalp.  Without a mirror he placed the scalp at the beginning of his scalp and in one slow motion guided it perfectly to the base of his neck.  He brought the knife back to the tip of his scalp and guided it back to the base of his neck again.  He repeated these steps until his head was almost perfectly shaved.  He then dropped the knife, fell to his knees, bowed his head to the ground and worshiped as he cried out:

“I came naked from my mother’s womb!!!! 
and I will be naked when I leave!!!!!!!  
The Lord gave me what I had!!!!!!!! 
and the Lord has taken it away!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise             the name         of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Praise             the name         of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Praise             the name         of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I’m out of time, we’ll have to pick up tomorrow

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Job - It’s Nothing Personal Pt. 1

I have read the book of Job more than once, however, I have never done any in-depth study until now.  The name Job has two possible meanings: in Hebrew: the persecuted one and in Arabic: Repentant one.  I have always found the first and last chapters quite interesting but the middle, while informative has not been as memorable, in fact it was a challenge to read until now.  I believe that my challenge with it was because the book of Job is a very long poem and I am not that big on poetry – sorry. 

The books from Genesis to Esther are all narrative books.  They are fairly easy reads that cover: who, what, when, where, how and sometimes why but because they are living stories we can more readily identify with the contents and characters.  Job begins another section---the poetical books of the Bible---which also includes Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations.  Job is admired worldwide as one of the most beautiful writings known to man. However, it is more than an expressive, dramatic poetic writing because Job was a living being who experienced the things we’re going to discover.  The history of Job’s life helps us to discover an age old question:  Why does “senseless” tragedy happen to people, especially those who “don’t seem” to deserve it?  What’s amazing is that the answer to that question is found in the very first chapter of Job, but before we review the answer, let’s go a little deeper:


The author of the book Job is unknown but some scholars suggest that the author may have been Elihu (Job’s friend), Solomon (the wisest King in the world), Moses (delivered the children of Israel from Pharaoh and led them to the Promised Land) or Jehovah (God our Father).  The exact time period is also a mystery although many scholars conclude that:
·       Job is believed to have lived during the “Patriarchal Era” of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at or around the writings of Genesis 11 and 12;
·       There is no mention of the Mosaic Law or the Exodus further substantiating that the book of Job was written prior to those time periods.   If that is the case, he probably would have lived during Jacob and his twin brother, Essau’s lifetime because Job and Eliphaz were friends.  Eliphaz was one of the first friends to give Job advice.  Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied to Job: (Job 4:1 NLT) and Eliphaz was the son of Essau: The sons of Esau were Eliphaz, Reuel, Jeush, Jalam, and Korah. The descendants of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, Kenaz, and Amalek, who was born to Timna. (1 Chronicles 1:35-36 NLT).  If we skip back to the time

Job lived in Uz, However, it is not clear where Uz was.  Uz is also translated as Oz which means east as in the land of the East or the Middle East.  Oz is also associated with Edom which would be our modern day southwestern Jordan and southeastern Israel.  Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, You who dwell in the land of Uz! ... (Lamentations 4:21 NKJV)

There is no mention of any other priests in that time so we can assume the priesthood had not been established, however, during the Patriarchal era the father served as the priest of his household (children initially and then their children’s families (wife, grandchildren) and each generation thereafter until the Patriarch died and passed the responsibility on to the heir (the eldest son).  This is one of the reasons there was so much emphasis placed on a man having sons, not only for Patriarchal purposes but also to main the families’ estate, and bloodline.   

Job Chapter 1:  Job is a man of integrity, good character, responsible, dependable, good values and honest.  He reverenced and feared God.  He wasn’t afraid of him he greatly respected him.  It amazes me how people who lived in an era where there was no written bible, churches, priests (pastors), technology seemed to have just as much if not more reverence for God than we do with all of the tools that we have at our fingertips.  Remember the story of Joseph and his deep love for God?  Just as God spoke directly to the Patriarchs, Moses and many others, I believe he spoke with and had an intimate relationship with Job.

He had 10 children, seven sons and three daughters and owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 teams of oxen, and 500 female donkeys. He also had many servants. He was, in fact, the most affluent and richest person in all of the east. (Job 1:2-3 NLT)  By today's standards he would have been classified as a billionaire, similar to a Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, etc.  Remember during that time period their wealth was measured in tangibles like livestock and/or agriculture versus stocks, bonds, etc. which can be here today and gone tomorrow.

Job just like many of us prayed for his adult children consistently.  Granted they should be in a position to pray for themselves, but because of lifestyle choices they are not so we stand in the gap for them.  It’s the least we can do especially since someone stood in the gap for us.  His sons used to take turns hosting parties in their homes, always inviting their three sisters to join them in their merrymaking. When the parties were over, Job would get up early in the morning and sacrifice a burnt offering for each of his children, thinking: “Maybe one of them sinned by defying God inwardly.” Job made a habit of this sacrificial atonement, just in case they’d sinned.  Job 1:3-4 (The Message)

One day when the angels came to report to God, Satan, who was the Designated Accuser, came along with them. God singled out Satan and said, “What have you been up to?” Satan answered God, “Going here and there, checking things out on earth.” God said to Satan, “Have you noticed my friend Job? There’s no one quite like him—honest and true to his word, totally devoted to God and hating evil.”  Satan retorted, “So do you think Job does all that out of the sheer goodness of his heart? Why, no one ever had it so good! You pamper him like a pet, make sure nothing bad ever happens to him or his family or his possessions, bless everything he does—he can’t lose!  “But what do you think would happen if you reached down and took away everything that is his? He’d curse you right to your face, that’s what.”  God replied, “We’ll see. Go ahead—do what you want with all that is his. Just don’t hurt him.” Then Satan left the presence of God.

I’m out of time, we’ll have to pick up tomorrow

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

New Beginnings Pt. 8 Naomi: Fairy Tale Wedding

Yesterday’s declaration (blog) spoke to possible thoughts Ruth may have had which seem natural.  Even though she loved Naomi and went along with her, she was still a human being with thoughts, desires and will of her own.  However, that doesn’t mean that she didn’t have an opinion, she just chose to listen to what she believed was good sound advice.  In fact it appears she mastered pressing mute on the Self-Talk committee, PP club (aka Pity Party) and the ShaCudWa organization (shudda, cudda, wudda).  We hear very little from Miss Ruth, but she’s got enough swag to fill an auditorium.

In my sanctified imagination Boaz on the other hand is “wiggin” everybody out.  The whole house is in an uproar with him moving from one task before completing the first, making statements that are either incomplete or don’t make sense (and then looking at his servants if they’re slow) and giving ridiculous orders.  For example: he never takes a hot bath with his favorite scented oils this early in the morning during harvesting season because he’s at the threshing floor all day and night until the work is completed; he’s changed his business robes six times already; ordered scented oils massaged in his skin when he already took a bath with scented oils; he always eats breakfast but today he has no appetite.  Finally Zorah (his long time servant and head of business affairs) pulled him into the kitchen, looked him in the eyes and said: “What on heavens is wrong with you!!!  You’re confusing everybody, barking orders and running around here like a young school boy with a crush!!!” and then it hit her when Boaz turned beet red and she said: “It’s that Moabite woman, Naomi’s pretty little daughter-in-law.  Did she submit to you last night at the threshing floor?”  He tried to deny it but he had never been able to lie to his ZeeZee, especially now since he turned an even deeper shade of red.  Tears welled up in Zorah’s eyes as she opened her arms while he simultaneously fell into her full bosom and wept as they both cried.  He didn’t sob he just released calm tears of relief which were almost as soothing as the herbal balms ZeeZee had applied to his many scrapes as a child.  He was in love and there was no denying it.  She allowed him to cry as long as he needed while she stroked the back of his head and sang softly in his ear which allowed him to release all of the years of disappointment that she had watched him experience over the years.  His behavior made complete sense now as chaotic as it was because it was very similar to her sons when they first fell in love and almost drove everybody crazy until they finally got married.  She told him to return to his bed chambers while she tended to the rest of the things that needed to be done.  He was going to need all of his wits today at the counsel to stake claim on his new bride to be.  And that’s where we will pick up the story at Ruth chapter 4 starting at verse 6.

Idoncare felt it would be too much of a risk to take on the responsibility of Naomi and fathering children with Ruth so he freely gave up his right as the first family redeemer to Boaz.   As was the custom of that day, to make the contract legal and binding Idoncare took off his sandal and gave it to Boaz solidifying the transaction in front of the ten elders that witnessed the entire business deal.  Boaz then addressed the town and stated for clarification:  “You are witnesses today that I have bought from Naomi everything that belonged to Elimelech and Kilion and Mahlon, including responsibility for Ruth the foreigner, the widow of Mahlon—I’ll take her as my wife and keep the name of the deceased alive along with his inheritance. The memory and reputation of the deceased is not going to disappear out of this family or from his hometown. To all this you are witnesses this very day.  All the people in the town square that day, backing up the elders, said: “Yes, we are witnesses. May God make this woman who is coming into your household like Rachel and Leah, the two women who built the family of Israel. May God make you a pillar in Ephrathah and famous in Bethlehem! With the children God gives you from this young woman, may your family rival the family of Perez, the son Tamar bore to Judah.” Ruth 4:9-12. (The Message).”

After receiving the blessing of the townspeople Boaz quickly mounted his horse and bounced!   Like, all they could see was a cloud of dust, which is somewhat strange for Boaz who is an amazing networker, very hospitable and quite the professional.  He is usually the last to leave any of their local functions as he is always seeing to the needs of others.  When he got past the city limits he pulled his faithful stallion to a halt, dismounted and fell to his knees as he worshipped Jehovah-Jireh for answering his prayer for a successful meeting.  After he worshipped, he gathered 12 stones and created a memorial just off the side of the road so that he could remember this day every time he entered the City.  He got back on his horse and headed straight for his wife to be. 

Ruth was creating a dress design when she heard the knock at the door.  Naomi came to the room
to tell her that Boaz was there.  Her heart skipped a beat, actually she thought it was going to burst through her chest because it was beating so fast.  She got herself together and emerged from the room to see Boaz who appeared to look like a knight in shining armor.  He seemed to stand seven feet tall, everything about him looked absolutely perfect, even the slight salt and pepper hair around his temples and goatee.  When they made eye contact Ruth's knees almost buckled.  She quickly diverted her eyes because she felt herself getting flushed and she knew everyone was looking at the two of them.  When she finally approached Boaz he smiled that million dollar smile and she knew at the very moment that all was well.  He embraced her with his massive biceps and she melted in his well chiseled muscular chest which smelled of enticing masculine spices.  They held each other for what seemed like an eternity though it was only a few seconds.  Boaz released his grip, stepped back slightly and looked into Ruth's beautiful hazel eyes and asked her to be his wife.   Instantly tears of joy jumped out of her tear ducts and ran down her face like a dam bursting.  She tried to speak but no sound would leave her lips.   Boaz got a little nervous, he thought the tears were of joy but now that she wouldn't speak he started to wonder.  She saw the look of confusion on his face and since she could not speak she shook her head yes, reached for his hands and put them up to her face as a sign of affection and humility.

Naomi started crying, their housemates started crying, Boaz was crying, the dog was howling, everybody was in tears, but they were tears of joy.  Boaz wanted to get married the next day but the women managed to talk him into waiting until they could plan an appropriate wedding.  He finally consented but insisted they be married within four weeks no exceptions, he gave her enough money to get things started and told her to let him know when she needed more.  Four weeks later to the day they were married, Ruth conceived on their wedding night and nine months latter they had a beautiful baby boy.  They named him Obed which means servant, worshipper.  Everyone made a huge fuss over this beautiful little bundle of joy but no one loved him more than his grandmother Naomi.  She made such a fuss over him that the women started calling him "Naomi's baby boy".  While they gathered at Obed's "welcome to the world" celebration the women blessed Naomi as follows:  “Blessed be GOD! He didn’t leave you without family to carry on your life. May this baby grow up to be famous in Israel! He’ll make you young again! He’ll take care of you in old age. And this daughter-in-law who has brought him into the world and loves you so much, why, she’s worth more to you than seven sons!” (Ruth 4:14-15 MSG).

The women's prophecy came true because Obed was the father of Jesse, the father of David who became the King of Israel, hand selected by God.  He too was a worshipper after God's own heart.

God used what most people would have described as an insignificant foreigner to produce royalty and one of the wisest men in all of the world, King Solomon who was the son of King David.  God isn't looking for superstars who are all degreed or pedigreed up who come from old money, new money or young money.  He's just looking for ordinary people like you and I to accomplish his will.  He's gotta use people so why not let him use you and enjoy the benefits that come along with it.

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Beginnings Pt. 7 Naomi: A Fool’s Kind of Love

It amazes me how often younger generations discount the knowledge and experience of those older than them (I did it too).  There is a common theme amongst younger generations that their elders (whether it’s by a few years or several decades) are completely out of touch; that they (the elders) don’t understand because things have changed, blah blah blah.  Granted technology changes all the time, the numerical year changes, styles of clothing may appear to be different, but I can almost guarantee you that the fads of today are repeats of yesterday.  The old school game that worked back in the day, still pretty much works today as long as you update the slang.  But human nature remains the same.  We could avoid head and heart ache if we would just listen more, me included.

Yesterday Naomi laid out a game plan that was pretty much fail proof and because Ruth listened she got a positive reaction from Boaz.  Did she manipulate him?  I don’t believe she did at all, she simply let him “find her” by positioning herself according to the customs and culture of that time period.  Let’s moonwalk back to New Beginnings Pt. 3 ( which talks about Naomi’s husband, Elimelech’s untimely death and the premature death of her sons, one of which was Ruth’s husband.  Those deaths resulted in both women being widows, childless and destitute and though their experiences were similar, Naomi chose to be bitter while Ruth chose to be better.  You can have one or the other, not both.  The irony is that Naomi served the living Invisible God and Ruth worshipped a false god which she could see.  Did Ruth’s god have power over the one true God?  No, Naomi chose to put her light out and give up on God, because she felt she was being punished, so she moved in and settled on Bitter Street assuming nothing else would change for her.  Ruth on the other hand was optimistic and somehow found the courage to look for new beginnings which may have been in part one of the reasons she was so driven to leave Moab.  Ruth’s obedience, humility and selflessness are what really got her the results she and Naomi were looking for but those results also reignited something in Naomi slowly removing the bitterness with better-ness.  For the first time in months Naomi worshipped the Invisible God that Ruth had voluntarily begun to worship.

Tania not Tanya Nugget:  Naomi was bitter, angry at God as many of us have been, but God still blesses her?  Why is that?  Does God bless people that are disrespectful and selfish?  Is he a pushover who can be punked out of doing things for us like a genie in a bottle?  If you don’t listen to anything else I say, please listen to this.  God is sovereign, merciful and compassionate, he knew Naomi’s heart and the ultimate outcome.  He knows all and is everywhere all at the same time.  He knows our thoughts before we think them; see’s our heart (intentions, motive).  So before you think you can “manip” God, you might want to go have several stadium seats cause you’ll get punked long before you even have the sense enough to come up with a scheme to try to punk him.  Don’t believe me?  Ask the Pharaoh who found himself belly up in the Red Sea for defying God; King Saul was rejected by God for his disobedience, impatience and arrogance; King David’s household was cursed for his disobedience; King Nebuchadnezzar literally lost his mind and lived as a wild animal for several years for his arrogance towards God; the prophet Jonah thought he could disobey and run from God and found himself in the belly of a whale; Lucifer aka Satan aka the Devil was thrown out, evicted from heaven along with a third of the angels because of his pride and intent to overthrow heaven.  Now if he will “get a king together” or high ranking angel imagine what he will do to us?  I’m Just Sayin’.    

Please also consider this, the level of trust Ruth had in Naomi is almost kind of scary.  To some it may seem like she was naive times ten or that she was a little “special”.  Well we know she isn’t “special” because she:
·       Makes a conscious decision to leave her biological family life, culture and country to accompany Naomi on an unknown adventure; 
·       She contemplates her work options and decides on what will be the most profitable even though it is only seasonal.  There is no time to create a business plan, seek funding (loan, capital investor, credit) for her dream because they need to eat today;
·       She “discovers” a place to harvest that she believes will be in her best interest;
·       She starts her business in the black – no start-up cost everything she collected would be profit!!!  Who goes into business and has a profit on the first day?
·       Though Naomi gave her the “old school game” Ruth had to put on her best swag, use the perfect voice, pitch, say just the right words and be convincing enough for Boaz to hear her swagger. 
I wouldn’t call her naïve just yet.

But the question still lingers, why would she go along with absolutely everything Naomi suggests?  What does she have to lose?  Well, OK, maybe her dignity, respect, reputation.  But she’s in a foreign country, no one knows her, she could completely reinvent herself without missing a beat.  Here’s the conversation I imagine could have happened after the excitement wore off.

“OMIG (oh my invisible God), what was I thinking.  I let Naomi talk me into getting all dressed up to lay down at Boaz’ feet.  But he’s older than me and may not even be able to have children.  I guess that wouldn’t be the end of the world since I didn’t have any children with Mahlon and I was still able to make him happy.  I don’t know if I’m ready to be a wife.  I don’t know if I want to give up my plans to open my dress shop with the money I’ve been saving from harvesting.   He seems nice enough and he has more than enough to take care of me and Naomi.   Even though he is older he’s kind of cute and his voice sends chills up my spine.  I thought I was gonna pass out from the way he looked at me when we first met and this morning, OMIG, my heart was beating so loud I wonder if he could hear it.  I know I turned red but he couldn’t see me because the sun wasn’t up.  What am I saying?  I have never felt this way about anyone, not even Mahlon.  I need to get a hold of myself.  Ruth, stop this foolishness, this is just a business transaction to help preserve the family line.  He may not even go to town with all of the work he still has to do.  I won’t get my hopes up, I’ll just keep going.”

Meanwhile Boaz got up feeling more alive and rejuvenated than he had in a long time. He took a
bath, shaved, put on his best scented oils, his business robes, sandals and headed for the public square.  He rode his best horse to the town square where he intended to wait for his relative (we’ll call him Idoncare).  During his ride he reflected about how guarded he had lived his life because the women of Bethlehem were only interested in his money and he had been burned one too many times, but this was different.  He knew he was in love with Ruth and she was his soul mate sent from heaven by Jehovah-Jireh.  When Idoncare showed up Boaz invited him to have a seat so they could discuss some business.  As was their custom, Boaz called for ten of the town’s elders so they could witness the business at hand.  Boaz proceeded to tell the counsel that Elimelech’s wife, Naomi, was ready to sell the family’s property but he wanted Idoncare to have the first option since he was the first family redeemer in line with Boaz being next in line.  Idoncare agreed to buy it immediately, but there was one more twist.  He would also get Ruth the Moabite and widow of their dead relative (Mahlon) which meant meeting the redeemer responsibility of having children with Ruth to maintain the family line.  Idoncare said “I don’t think so, because if I do, I’ll jeopardize my own family’s inheritance.  You marry her!”

I'm out of time, but meet me back here tomorrow for the rest of the story.

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New Beginnings Pt. 6 Naomi: Old School Game

Yesterday we learned that Ruth took the initiative to find work and decided on harvesting grain since that work was plenteous given it was harvesting season.  She “happened” to select the property of an older well established man named Boaz which means strength, a man of strength and wealth.  What was it about her that caught his attention as she worked?  Was it her rhythm, the perception that she was working with them but not really because of the distance she maintained, her beauty or all three things? Whatever the case he asked his foreman who she was.  Boaz awkwardly approached her, advised that she not go to any other properties and told her she could drink freely at their water dispensaries.  Ruth was overwhelmed with this stranger’s kindness and she demonstrated great humility when she worshipped at his feet admitting that she was unworthy.  This had to be humbling for Boaz.  It’s clear that Boaz was observant, structured and hospitable.  

Can you imagine how Ruth must have been feeling by now?  Her emotions must have been like a roller coaster: rising as she decided on a work plan and received Naomi’s blessing; DOWN when she tried to figure out where she would look for work; UP when she woke up and got dressed; DOWN when she realized her clothes were different from the township; UP when she found the right spot; RISING when she approached the foreman; RISING when he granted permission to work there for the day; DOWN when Boaz summoned her; UP when he gave her permission to work throughout the entire season; HIGHER when he invited her to have lunch with them; OFF THE GRID when she showed Naomi how much she collected that day AND brought food home from her lunch.  What really sent her over the edge was Naomi’s reaction after she told her about Mr. Boaz.  You would have thought that Naomi just found out they hit the Hebrew lotto the way she reacted.  Her weathered brown skin turned pale and then red as she said:  Praise our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!!!  Jehovah Jireh hasn’t forgotten about us!!!  He still loves us in bad and good times!!!  God I bless you!!!  I thank you!!!!  You are faithful!!!  It kind of spooked Ruth for a minute because she’d never seen Naomi react like this before, but something inside wouldn’t allow her to be afraid even though this was out of Naomi’s character. 

We’ll pick up at Ruth Chapter 3.  Ruth has been working at Boaz’ property the entire harvest season which is coming to an end.  However, Naomi has been thinking about a husband for Ruth since they left Moab.   After Ruth gets home, eats dinner and gets settled Naomi says: “Dear Heart you’re still a beautiful young woman have you thought about marriage?”  Ruth says: “Mother, I’m content helping you but if you think it’s time, I’m willing”.  Naomi replied: “Let me share the Hebrew Law of family redeemers.   If two brothers are living together on the same property and one of them dies without a son, his widow may not be married to anyone from outside the family. Instead, her husband’s brother should marry her and have intercourse with her to fulfill the duties of a brother-in-law.  The first son she bears to him will be considered the son of the dead brother, so that his name will not be forgotten in Israel.  Dueteronomy 25:5-6 (NLT).”  Naomi continues: “Boaz is our family redeemer and the time is right so I need you to do exactly as I say:  “Take a bath. Put on some perfume. Get all dressed up and go to the threshing floor. But don’t let him know you’re there until the party is well under way and he’s had plenty of food and drink. When you see him slipping off to sleep, watch where he lies down and then go there. Lie at his feet to let him know that you are available to him for marriage. Then wait and see what he says. He’ll tell you what to do.  Ruth 3:3-4 (The Message).  This is definitely some “old school game” that Naomi is throwing down but Ruth didn’t give it a second thought because she trusted Naomi without question and did exactly as she was instructed. 

Tania not Tanya nugget:  The custom in this time period dictated that marriage was more of a business transaction for futuristic needs, family lineage, strategic purposes, keeping the peace, etc.  It was rare for two people to meet, fall in love and then marry.  I realize this may sound contradictory to what we discussed yesterday, but this is not that as it involves the Mosaic Law for family redeemers.  Secondly the Hebrews/Jews were bound by the Law because they lived in that dispensation (or time period).  We are not Jews/Hebrews bound by Jewish culture and we are not bound by the Mosaic Law because Jesus is our Redeemer and we live under the dispensation (or time period) of Grace. 

Back to the story:  I know some people may have assumed that Naomi was instructing Ruth to “give up the goods” so Boaz would be whupped and make him her “shugga Daddy”, but that wasn’t it at all.  Even though Boaz was an older established man, Ruth was really acting quite strictly in accord with the law of Israel.  She had a role to play in her rescue and after a long day at work, she didn’t hesitate to get herself together and then head to Boaz’ place.  She watched and waited just as Naomi instructed and just when Boaz started to snore lightly she snuck over to him and lies down at his feet. At some point he woke up, felt someone’s presence and said:  “Who’s there?” Instinctively and using the perfect tone and pitch she humbly identifies herself and then he says:  The Lord bless you, my daughter!” (Boaz exclaimed.) “You are showing even more family loyalty now than you did before, for you have not gone after a younger man, whether rich or poor. Ruth 3:10 (NLT).  What was the significance of this act by Ruth?  This was her way of staking claim to his right to redeem her according to the Mosaic Law.  

I realize this may seem like a stretch for many people so let’s address it.  Why didn’t she just tell dude she wanted to get at him?  That would have been too forward.  Oh, so getting dressed up and laying at his feet wasn’t?  No, not in that era.  She wasn’t in his bedroom she was at the threshing floor and while you can have sex anywhere, that wasn’t on their minds.  Yeah right?  Contrary to what you may or may not believe, there are still honorable men and women who love God enough that they will not disrespect him by engaging in any type of sexual activity unless they are married, regardless of the circumstances.  The opportunity was ripe for both of them to run out but they made a choice not to and that’s what it boils down to I don’t care who it is or how you slice it up.  If you wanna hump, you’re gonna hump.  If you respect yourself and your future spouse, YOU WON’T period end of story put an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence and start a new paragraph.  So this is what he says in his sexy Barry White voice:  “Don’t worry about a thing, Lil’ Momma, Big Daddy’s gonna take care of everything.  I am your family redeemer but there’s another cat that’s closer than me but Imma handle my business.    Stay here tonight, and in the morning I will talk to him. If he is willing to redeem you, it’s all good, if not then I swear to God I will redeem you for myself! Now lie down here until morning.

Ruth had the best night’s sleep ever but just before dawn they both woke up.  Boaz didn’t want her reputation to be ruined and he didn’t want her to leave empty handed so poured a bunch of grain into her shawl and sent her on her way in the event that someone spotted her they would assume she had been working.

Naomi barely slept a wink, she spotted Ruth coming down the road and could barely wait until she got in the house.  They quietly went into their room and Naomi asked for all of the details which Ruth eagerly shared and then showed her all of the grain that Boaz gave her.  Naomi smiled at Ruth, touched her beautiful face and said:  “It’s a wrap now sweetie, all we have to do is sit and wait.”  They giggled and whispered for the rest of the morning.

I’ve gotta go, but we’ll pick it up tomorrow.

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya 

Monday, August 18, 2014

New Beginnings Pt. 5: I Married You, Not Yo' Momma

We ended the last blog with Naomi insisting that her daughter-in-laws return to their families; Orpah protested slightly but ultimately returned to her family but Ruth refused to leave Naomi and literally begged her to stay through passionate tears of sincerity.  Naomi conceited; the duet team continued their journey to Bethlehem; they arrived safely; friends celebrate Naomi’s return but she stops them advising there is nothing to celebrate as she has lost everything.  Though Naomi’s name means my delight (as we learned in New Beginnings Pt. 3 -- she of her own free will changes her name to Mara which means bitter.

We also learned that the relationship between Naomi, Orpah and Ruth dispels the notion that ALL mother-in-laws are released from the pit of hell to make life a living hell for daughter-in-laws.  For that statement to be true you would have to interview every married couple in the world to arrive at that conclusion.  Since you haven’t (don’t even play because you have not) that’s an unfair biased statement against mother-in-laws.  I can testify of at least two great mother-in-laws:  Naomi from Bethlehem-Moab and Lillian Davis (my mother-in-law) from West Oakland by the way of the State of Georgia.  When we recall the emotional interaction that took place when Naomi came to the realization that “she” had nothing to offer her “Daughters” I realized their bond wasn’t superficial but when we see the reaction of the young women, Orpah and Ruth, its abundantly clear that they had a healthy vibrant mother-daughter relationship, closer than some actual biological mother and daughter relationships.  Clearly this is an example of a bond which God created, they cultivated and maintained.  It almost makes me think that the sons were around long enough for Naomi to have “daughters” she could pour into (and possibly vice versa).  I can imagine her talking about the God of the Hebrews; teaching them the Hebrew tongue first with words, phrases and over their 10 year stay in Moab I imagine that they became fluent in the Hebrew language; teaching them about their customs; holidays; Hebrew meal preparation, etc.  It goes without saying that when you spend enough time with someone (voluntarily or involuntarily) you will eventually take on some of their characteristics and belief system – good or bad.  What type of “in-law” are you?  Are you a pleasant daughter-in-law, can your in-laws get along with you? Would someone fight to stay with you?  Would they advocate on your behalf?  If not, there’s time to change who you are.  Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life.  Galatians 6:7-8 (The Message).

Let’s pick the story up from Ruth the second chapter.  Though neither Ruth nor Naomi want to be viewed as charity cases they accept the invitation of friends to reside with them until they get settled.  Ruth has been strategizing in her mind about the most effective way to generate cash flow in the least amount of time.  She is a resourceful young woman, a fast learner, she can cook Hebrew food, spin wool, sew, make pottery, plant/harvest crop, etc. but her advantage is that she learned from a Hebrew woman, Naomi.  She considers the skills she has and though she may like to do what she is most passionate about, the timing isn’t right, however, it is right for harvesting and that’s what she decides to do.  She discusses it with Naomi and with her blessing, sets off for work. 

Tania Not Tanya Moment:  Ruth is cut from a different cloth, she doesn’t use the death of her husband, relocating to a different country, fully embracing a new culture and language as an excuse for laziness.  She was exposed to the language and culture over the past ten years or so by living with Naomi and her family, but there was still an adjustment period nonetheless.  Bethlehem could have been the perfect place to “use her femininity” as a way to manipulate men out of money but that’s not in her make up.  She wanted to do something that was decent and honorable because she didn’t want to bring shame on herself, but above all she didn’t want to embarrass Naomi.   Her wise decision to focus on harvesting was the most logical because that work was plentiful due to the harvesting season.  It doesn’t mean she threw her dreams away and decided she would work in agriculture for the rest of her life she decided to use it as a means to a beginning, the beginning of her New Life.  Everybody has to start somewhere.

Ruth dressed for work and set out early in the morning.  The wise business woman that she is she finds a field that seems perfect for her needs, she asks the foreman’s permission to glean after the harvesters (hired help) by picking up the grain that they left behind.  No harm in that because either birds would eat it or it would dry up in the hot sun and turn to waste.  The foreman agrees and she ensures that she stays a safe distance from the harvesters so as not to be seen as taking advantage of the foreman’s kindness by gathering the best of the grain.  The owner of the field arrives around mid-day, notices Ruth and asks the foreman who she is.  The foreman is surprised that his boss doesn’t know that she is the Moabite that recently arrived with Naomi.  He went on to say that Ruth arrived early in the morning and hasn’t even taken a break from the time she started.  The town was already a buzz about this foreigner that arrived with Naomi, but he had the privilege of seeing her in the flesh.  Not only was she a pretty young thing, she had an incredible work ethic, which really impressed the owner. 

The owner then decided to introduce himself to Ruth as Boaz and they began to engage in very respectful small talk after which he instructed her as follows:  don’t worry about a thing; glean only at this field; stay close to the other young women, follow them and harvest where they harvest; when you get thirsty feel free to drink from the servant’s buckets.  In other words, make yourself right at home.  She was so humbled by his kindness that she fell to her knees and worshipped him and asked why he was extending such favor to her?  Boaz replied: “I heard that you were the foreigner that left your family and homeland to accompany Naomi to Bethlehem, a country you know nothing about.  Your selflessness impressed me and though I can’t really explain it I felt it only appropriate to show kindness to one that has shown as much kindness as you have to Naomi.”  Ruth was so overwhelmed that her first instinct was to do what many of us do she started talking about how unworthy she was.  They ended their conversation and Ruth returned to work though her stomach was growling and her throat was parched from the lack of water.

Tania Not Tanya nugget:  If you're like me, born and raised in the city, you have no idea what harvesting and gleaning is but thank God for technology.  Check out the 1.5 minute clip.

When the alarm sounded Boaz invited her to lunch.  She sat among the other harvesters and ate until she was full and still had food on her plate.  When they all finished their meals the harvesters returned to the fields and Boaz  took the opportunity to instruct his servants to give Ruth special treatment, to treat her with kindness and respect and to leave extra grain for her to glean so she would have more than enough.  Ruth worked well over into the evening and by the time she finished she had nearly a full sack of barley.  She gathered everything up, returned to the temporary home where she was staying and was greeted by Naomi.  She was shocked at Ruth’s progress and the extra food she had left from lunch which naturally prompted Naomi to ask Ruth where she worked that day.  Ruth responded that she worked in the field owned by a man named Boaz.  Naomi could hardly believe her eyes, nor ears for that matter but she was thankful.  Ruth went on to say that Boaz insisted that she return and glean in his field only for her protection.  Naomi was floored and gave praise to God saying: God hasn’t quite walked out on us after all! He still loves us, in bad times as well as good!  Ruth 2:20 (The Message)

Naomi then explained that Boaz was a distant relative of her late husband Elimelech, almost as though it was an afterthought.  She advised Ruth to continue to work on Boaz’ property for as long as the invitation was open and that’s exactly what she did for both the barley and wheat harvesting season.
Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. Titus 2:3-5 (NLT)
In other words, the older, seasoned women need to be in a position to give these younger women some solid "game" "advice", whatever you wanna call it, but that's some real talk right there.  For clarity, you want to seek, look for wise women who know how to hold your business to themselves.  Run away from the fools, cause it ain't nothing worse than an "old fool".  IJS :)  

I’ve gotta go, but we’ll pick it up tomorrow.

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya