Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I Have A Dream Too

For some reason I was really excited to get to "Purpose" yesterday, like I mean I could hardly wait for 9:30 am to arrive so I could leave my home and head to "Purpose".  It also happened to be Make It Happen Monday. I thought about what I would do to make Monday happen for someone but wasn't quite sure when or how, especially since I knew it would be pretty quiet at "Purpose" until the end of the month.  I didn't want to do the standard Starbucks or bridge toll, I wanted to do something I had never done before.  As I began to meditate, I started to imagine the ways I want to bless others especially since this is the month of New Beginnings.

The more I thought about it the more excited I became.  I started to day dream about the possibilities.  I have in my lifetime with the leading of the Holy Spirit given away: clothes, shoes, furniture, and vehicles (three to be exact) so this isn't something new to me, but I want to make an even larger impact.  I have had this dream of giving brand new vehicles away; purchasing groceries and/or items of the people in the same checkout lane as me; or picking up the tab for the entire restaurant and/or leaving a $200 tip for my server.  Obviously I would bless the body of Christ, but I also want to bless those that do not have a relationship with Christ.  Am I worried about being taken advantage of?  Absolutely not.  I have one of the most incredible security teams on the planet, the Angles of the Lord.  I'm not playing. Psalms 34:7 (NLT) says: For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him.  The word "fear" in this text means to reverence or respect (the Lord) and I do both.

How is this possible?  Certainly not because of my own desires, but because God gave me that dream.  I believe in my heart that I am a Lender not a Borrower ok, let me be transparent, I believe I am going to have millions of dollars at my disposal, not to squander on me and my family.  Of course I will be a blessing to them, that would be selfish not to take care of my family, but I believe I will also have resources to advance the Kingdom of God.  Let's be straight about something, the bible is full of scriptures about money.  At least two people come to mind that were flat out wealthy:  Job and Abraham (read about them):
  • Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner's wealth passes to the godly, Proverbs 13:22 (NLT);
  • Beloved, I would that you would prosper in ALL things AND be in good health even as thy soul prospers.  3 John 2 (NKJV)
  • .... But money answers all things.  Ecclesiastes 10:19 (NKJV),

The more I thought about it the more excited I became about the possibilities of anonymously passing the keys of a brand new car to the recipient God designates; or blessing several children from an urban community with the items they need for the upcoming school year; etc.

One of my tasks for "Purpose" yesterday was to do some research at Ikea.  Obviously I could look on line, which I did, and I could look at the free catalog I received in the mail, which I did, but I needed to see, touch, sit on and feel the items I was thinking of purchasing for "Purpose" as a prudent stewart over the funds entrusted in me.  I quickly developed a plan and decided I would leave by 1:00 pm to allow enough time for my research and everything went according to plan.  However, I still had not found a Make It Happen prospect.  Wait, do you know what Make It Happen Monday is?  You don't?  Are you sure?  You've gotta get out more,  Make it Happen Monday is on fire right now.  Practically all the people I hang out with in the morning know about it.  Hold on, I'll tell you in just a sec.

So, I find a couple of items at Ikea that I need for my home, make my way through the maze and head for check out.  I look for the shortest fastest moving line and spot one.  I place my items on the moving counter and notice a gentlemen in my peripheral vision and then I hear him speaking to a little girl.  Then I looked at the items he put on the counter.  I quickly calculated what the cost might be and I turned and struck up a conversation about the craft items.  He was all smiles which meant he had an open heart.  I then focused on the pretty little girl with him.  I asked her a question about the items which I learned were for her and she very cautiously answered me.  That didn't bother me at all, I know how to warm up to people and when I need to back off.  I heard the Lord say this is it, so I turn to the man and say:

  • Me:  Did you know today is Make It Happen Monday?  
  • Man:  "No, what's that?
  • Me:  "Are you kidding me, you haven't heard about it?"
  • Man: He chuckles and says: "no", with lot's of curiosity.
  • Me:  MIHM as a new movement that's changing the way people think and operate, we find someone we want to be a blessing to and smile, speak or purchase something for the person we are assigned to.  May I purchase your items?
  • Man:  Are you serious?
  • Me: Yes, may I?
  • Man:  "Sure, wow" and then he says to his daughter:  "What do you say?"
  • Daughter:  She looks at me kind of confused (like why are you buying my stuff?) and then says: "Thank you."  
  • Man:  He then says to his daughter:  "Now we have to find someone to be nice to" and then he says: How can I find out more?
  • Me:  "I have a card I can give you" and I give him an invite card to the Victory Call.
  • Me:  I look at the little girl in her big curious brown eyes and say: "What's your name?
  • Girl:  "Ariel".
  • Me:  "It's so nice to meet you.  I hope your project comes out just the way you want it.  Have a blessed day.  

Tania Not Tanya Nugget:  "Purpose" is my assignment with the ministry that God has linked me with for this season.  I am assigned to this ministry to do what I do best, HELP.  It's not a job because I am my own boss.  I do not work for anyone other than God, I am a consultant and I am assigned to HELP the body of Christ with some of my talents, which are administration, structure and organization.  Initially I took this "talent" for granted because it is so natural that I literally do it without thinking and I enjoy it so much that I lose track of time.  So when I refer to "Purpose" I am talking about one of the God-inspired gifts or talents I was blessed with by God.

As I conclude for the night, I have a couple of questions for you.  Are you working on your dream(s) or are you gonna wake up one day when life is almost over and say:  I wish I cudda, wudda, shudda?

It's not too late.

In His New Excellence

Tania Not Tanya

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