Thursday, August 21, 2014

New Beginnings Pt. 8 Naomi: Fairy Tale Wedding

Yesterday’s declaration (blog) spoke to possible thoughts Ruth may have had which seem natural.  Even though she loved Naomi and went along with her, she was still a human being with thoughts, desires and will of her own.  However, that doesn’t mean that she didn’t have an opinion, she just chose to listen to what she believed was good sound advice.  In fact it appears she mastered pressing mute on the Self-Talk committee, PP club (aka Pity Party) and the ShaCudWa organization (shudda, cudda, wudda).  We hear very little from Miss Ruth, but she’s got enough swag to fill an auditorium.

In my sanctified imagination Boaz on the other hand is “wiggin” everybody out.  The whole house is in an uproar with him moving from one task before completing the first, making statements that are either incomplete or don’t make sense (and then looking at his servants if they’re slow) and giving ridiculous orders.  For example: he never takes a hot bath with his favorite scented oils this early in the morning during harvesting season because he’s at the threshing floor all day and night until the work is completed; he’s changed his business robes six times already; ordered scented oils massaged in his skin when he already took a bath with scented oils; he always eats breakfast but today he has no appetite.  Finally Zorah (his long time servant and head of business affairs) pulled him into the kitchen, looked him in the eyes and said: “What on heavens is wrong with you!!!  You’re confusing everybody, barking orders and running around here like a young school boy with a crush!!!” and then it hit her when Boaz turned beet red and she said: “It’s that Moabite woman, Naomi’s pretty little daughter-in-law.  Did she submit to you last night at the threshing floor?”  He tried to deny it but he had never been able to lie to his ZeeZee, especially now since he turned an even deeper shade of red.  Tears welled up in Zorah’s eyes as she opened her arms while he simultaneously fell into her full bosom and wept as they both cried.  He didn’t sob he just released calm tears of relief which were almost as soothing as the herbal balms ZeeZee had applied to his many scrapes as a child.  He was in love and there was no denying it.  She allowed him to cry as long as he needed while she stroked the back of his head and sang softly in his ear which allowed him to release all of the years of disappointment that she had watched him experience over the years.  His behavior made complete sense now as chaotic as it was because it was very similar to her sons when they first fell in love and almost drove everybody crazy until they finally got married.  She told him to return to his bed chambers while she tended to the rest of the things that needed to be done.  He was going to need all of his wits today at the counsel to stake claim on his new bride to be.  And that’s where we will pick up the story at Ruth chapter 4 starting at verse 6.

Idoncare felt it would be too much of a risk to take on the responsibility of Naomi and fathering children with Ruth so he freely gave up his right as the first family redeemer to Boaz.   As was the custom of that day, to make the contract legal and binding Idoncare took off his sandal and gave it to Boaz solidifying the transaction in front of the ten elders that witnessed the entire business deal.  Boaz then addressed the town and stated for clarification:  “You are witnesses today that I have bought from Naomi everything that belonged to Elimelech and Kilion and Mahlon, including responsibility for Ruth the foreigner, the widow of Mahlon—I’ll take her as my wife and keep the name of the deceased alive along with his inheritance. The memory and reputation of the deceased is not going to disappear out of this family or from his hometown. To all this you are witnesses this very day.  All the people in the town square that day, backing up the elders, said: “Yes, we are witnesses. May God make this woman who is coming into your household like Rachel and Leah, the two women who built the family of Israel. May God make you a pillar in Ephrathah and famous in Bethlehem! With the children God gives you from this young woman, may your family rival the family of Perez, the son Tamar bore to Judah.” Ruth 4:9-12. (The Message).”

After receiving the blessing of the townspeople Boaz quickly mounted his horse and bounced!   Like, all they could see was a cloud of dust, which is somewhat strange for Boaz who is an amazing networker, very hospitable and quite the professional.  He is usually the last to leave any of their local functions as he is always seeing to the needs of others.  When he got past the city limits he pulled his faithful stallion to a halt, dismounted and fell to his knees as he worshipped Jehovah-Jireh for answering his prayer for a successful meeting.  After he worshipped, he gathered 12 stones and created a memorial just off the side of the road so that he could remember this day every time he entered the City.  He got back on his horse and headed straight for his wife to be. 

Ruth was creating a dress design when she heard the knock at the door.  Naomi came to the room
to tell her that Boaz was there.  Her heart skipped a beat, actually she thought it was going to burst through her chest because it was beating so fast.  She got herself together and emerged from the room to see Boaz who appeared to look like a knight in shining armor.  He seemed to stand seven feet tall, everything about him looked absolutely perfect, even the slight salt and pepper hair around his temples and goatee.  When they made eye contact Ruth's knees almost buckled.  She quickly diverted her eyes because she felt herself getting flushed and she knew everyone was looking at the two of them.  When she finally approached Boaz he smiled that million dollar smile and she knew at the very moment that all was well.  He embraced her with his massive biceps and she melted in his well chiseled muscular chest which smelled of enticing masculine spices.  They held each other for what seemed like an eternity though it was only a few seconds.  Boaz released his grip, stepped back slightly and looked into Ruth's beautiful hazel eyes and asked her to be his wife.   Instantly tears of joy jumped out of her tear ducts and ran down her face like a dam bursting.  She tried to speak but no sound would leave her lips.   Boaz got a little nervous, he thought the tears were of joy but now that she wouldn't speak he started to wonder.  She saw the look of confusion on his face and since she could not speak she shook her head yes, reached for his hands and put them up to her face as a sign of affection and humility.

Naomi started crying, their housemates started crying, Boaz was crying, the dog was howling, everybody was in tears, but they were tears of joy.  Boaz wanted to get married the next day but the women managed to talk him into waiting until they could plan an appropriate wedding.  He finally consented but insisted they be married within four weeks no exceptions, he gave her enough money to get things started and told her to let him know when she needed more.  Four weeks later to the day they were married, Ruth conceived on their wedding night and nine months latter they had a beautiful baby boy.  They named him Obed which means servant, worshipper.  Everyone made a huge fuss over this beautiful little bundle of joy but no one loved him more than his grandmother Naomi.  She made such a fuss over him that the women started calling him "Naomi's baby boy".  While they gathered at Obed's "welcome to the world" celebration the women blessed Naomi as follows:  “Blessed be GOD! He didn’t leave you without family to carry on your life. May this baby grow up to be famous in Israel! He’ll make you young again! He’ll take care of you in old age. And this daughter-in-law who has brought him into the world and loves you so much, why, she’s worth more to you than seven sons!” (Ruth 4:14-15 MSG).

The women's prophecy came true because Obed was the father of Jesse, the father of David who became the King of Israel, hand selected by God.  He too was a worshipper after God's own heart.

God used what most people would have described as an insignificant foreigner to produce royalty and one of the wisest men in all of the world, King Solomon who was the son of King David.  God isn't looking for superstars who are all degreed or pedigreed up who come from old money, new money or young money.  He's just looking for ordinary people like you and I to accomplish his will.  He's gotta use people so why not let him use you and enjoy the benefits that come along with it.

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya 

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