He’s making a list, he’s
checking it twice, he’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice, Simon says, you
better not piss him off.
By now we’re well
acquainted with Simon and his Help and Offense lists. I’ve given you my opinion based on passages
from my favorite book about: the gift of helping others; love in its
purest form – unconditional, nonjudgemental and completely authentic; and the
fact that it really is more blessed to give than receive. I bet some of yawl thought that was a cliché and
I floored you when you heard it was a passage from my Favorite Book. It’s OK, this is Victory and we won’t judge
you or creep you out. None of my
observations mean a hill of beans if Simon doesn’t have a truth teller to love
him enough to help him reconsider his position.
After high school
graduation Marvin accepted a scholarship at the University of Chicago aka Chicago
Booth and was afforded a unique opportunity to continue his studies at their
Hong Kong branch where he ultimately lived until about six months ago. He and Simon always kept in touch using
social media platforms but they hadn’t seen each other for several years. They had aged but they seemed to pick up
right where they left off. However, Marvin
thought he detected a bit of cynicism in his friend’s character. He had always been a people watcher, but he
had developed his craft over the past few decades and something about Simon was
off, he just didn’t know exactly what.
When Marvin first arrived,
he invited Simon to his hotel for dinner and though he didn’t think anything of
it, now that he reflected on the evening, he recalled that Simon insisted on
paying for dinner. That Saturday they
met up at the neighborhood barbershop but before entering, Simon told Marvin
the “cuts” would be on him because he had a hook up. “A hook up” Marvin thought to himself, “how
is it possible to have a barbershop hook up, but whatever?” After they got out of the chair, he overheard
Simon remind the young barber, Rob, about helping him previously. There was an exchange of words, it didn’t get
heated or loud, but the atmosphere changed immediately. Their body language said it even if they didn’t. There was a problem. Marvin had become an expert at diffusing
situations and he could tell that his skills were needed. As they were about to leave the shop, he
doubled back, pulled out two crisp $20 bills from his front left pocket, placed
it in Rob’s hand, thanked him and gave him a man hug. As soon as he released Rob from the man hug,
he heard Simon suck his teeth like an eleven year old kid. Something he always did whenever he felt like
he had been “one-upped’. Marvin couldn’t
believe what he was hearing and experiencing.
Simon is 35 years old and still pouts like a spoiled brat. Unbelievable.
The more he thought about the last 30 days of being home the more he
realized that Simon was an immature, egotistical, manipulative, control creep
that he absolutely loved as a brother and refused to allow him to grow old,
cynical, misunderstood, bitter and alone.
Something happened to his friend while he was away and he was going to
find out what.
He continued to watch
Simon’s behavior and the more he did, the sadder he became because he had become
the person he swore he never would. Simon’s
family seemed even needier now than when they were teenagers; but rather than
call on their parents (his grandparents now deceased) they called on Simon who
had subscribed to their dysfunctional needy behaviors on purpose. He remembered Daddy Saes, Simon’s grandfather
being a short stout gentle man, but Momma Saes was navy blue, 4’10” and full of
fight. She didn’t take nothing off anybody
and she ran her house like a drill sergeant with an insatiable need to be in
control of everything, do you hear me.
Everything was regimented, even her sex life. Yup, you heard me. Her and Daddy Saes would go to their room
every Sunday at 5:00pm and for exactly 5 minutes you heard nothing but squeaky
floor boards and then like clockwork Daddy Saes came downstairs, winked at
Marvin and Simon (if they were in his pathway), got his dessert and went back
up to Momma where they stayed for the rest of the evening. But the control she had over her adult
children was mesmerizing and they were crazy enough to let her control them. Well maybe that’s a strong word. Crazy is normal to you until you step outside
your familiar surroundings and take a close look at them through a different
pair of lenses. Marvin learned to love
Momma Saes but she was a cold piece of work.
The obvious signs of a narcissist
that he saw live and in living color had been hidden for all the years they
communicated. Marvin was deeply saddened
to see that Simon had adopted many of the negative characteristics that they
both witnessed in Momma Saes. The older
she got the meaner she became as the bitterness oozed from her pores to the
point it became a challenge to find people to assist with her care as she
became terminally ill. He loved his
brother-friend too much to see that happen to him, besides, if he kept this
nonsense up he was never gonna find a woman.
He decided he had assessed his friend long enough, it was time for a
truth telling session. He had no idea
what the outcome would be, but he refused to accept defeat or offense. He prayed and asked God for help, not
something that he did often enough, but he was getting better.
I’m out of time for now.
Because of His Favor
Tania Not Tanya
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