Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Double For Your Trouble Pt. 2

Four characters from the film dancing on top of a logo "THE WIZ". A city skyline just after dusk is behind them, and the entire scene is mirrored in water before them. The people are Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Lion.Before we dive into today’s declaration (blog) let’s recap a little of our discussion yesterday.  You should know by now how well I love to tell stories, not lies, fabrications, falsehoods, stories, the kind you make up with fictitious characters like:  Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Wiz, etc.  This declaration is a story to, except its part of my journey for real.

Yesterday I shared that prior to Carl (my husband) and I being laid off, we felt a shift in the atmosphere, something was off balance at work but we weren’t certain what.  As the weeks passed, it became clear to us that it was related to our positions but we weren’t exactly sure what.   Carl was ultimately laid off in June 2010, he picked up some contractual work and started receiving unemployment benefits but it wasn’t close to his net income.  I was selected to play the game of employer v. employee chess, without being asked, and let me tell you, they didn’t play fair at all.  It became frustrating to see people lie right in front of me.  So many times I had to hold my tongue when I wanted to say: “Girl, quit playin’ you know you lyin’.  You can’t even look me in my eyes.”  But it would have been a waste.  Thirteen months after Carl was laid off, I was too.  I never in a million years would have imagined that we would both be collecting EDD benefits at the same time.  The lay-off was humiliating because I allowed it to be, but it was ugly because they made it ugly, more like, we’ve restructured your position and it has been dissolved, so pack your stuff and get out.  We have an escort for you, Loss Prevent, that will keep a watchful eye on you as you pack your stuff and then they will escort you out of the building, so don’t let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha; oh and one mo’ thang, you are under Goodwill’s gag order so you bet not say nuthin’ about us layin’ you off to your co-workers, the community, the media, or anybody you can think of.  Can you say blank stare?  Can I tell you that I was so angry that my entire body was shaking to maintain my control, composure and my good Christian walk?  

Be careful what you pray for:  I don’t mean this in a negative way, I really mean you need to give
thought to what you pray for because if you believe it you will get it, just probably not the way you expected it to come.  That is if you gave any thought to how it (your request) would occur.  I don’t know about you but sometimes I like to fantasize about how God is going to bless me and every cotton pickin’ time I do His plan is nothing like what I imagined.  I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing but I can tell you this.  It can be dangerous because if we decide how we want God to bless us and we are not flexible, the blessing may come but we completely miss it because we had expectations of how God was going to show up for us. 

Tania Not Tanya nugget:  I hear you, but what about the scripture that says: Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  Matthew 7:7 (NLT).   This scripture gives us the right to make our requests known to God, it does not tell us that we get to tell God how or even when to answer our prayers.  I have said this before and I will say it again, our primary job is to obey, plain and simple; it is not to tell God how to do anything.  Why would he listen to us anyway especially since he knows our past, present and future and he knows everything and is everywhere all at the same time.  Listen, I don’t know about you, but left up to my own devices I am guaranteed to make a mess of things even when I mean well.  I need God’s direction, his guidance and his favor in my life.  I don’t ever want to have to depend solely on me.  Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.  I’m not ashamed to say: “God, I need you; help me make the right choice(s), help me not to miss your timing, help God help.  We can barely see our hands in front of our face and that’s on a good day. We have gotten ourselves to our existing predicament, why in the world would we want to listen to ourselves,  I guess I do it to entertain myself, because there is no way that I can dictate to God how he should or should not do something, when, or whom he should involve. 

Approximately one year after praying and asking God to bless us with the resources to start our own nonprofit right down to the paperclips we needed, God answered our prayer, he just answered in a completely different way than I imagined.  My thought was that he would bless us to get funding, secure a building, staff and start to build the program, but that’s not quite what he had in mind.  Carl and I considered ourselves matured Christians but there was some very necessary pruning that needed to take place before he could release this assignment to us.

·       Pruning:  to cut or lop off (twigs, branches, or roots); to rid or clear of (anything superfluous or undesirable); to remove (anything considered superfluous or undesirable).
o   Superfluous:  Excessive, unnecessary, needless

If I take those two words: Pruning and Superfluous to describe part of our preparation for promise (aka the process) it would sound something like this:

·       Carl and I went through a process that cut back, cleared, got rid of and removed excessive unnecessary needless things and people in our lives in order to make room for the new people that had been waiting all of their lives for us to come along.  When we arrived they were able to exhale.

The first thing God did was allowed us to be off at the same time, which was odd for us because the majority of our marriage with an exception of the last 10 years Carl worked graveyard and he had a rotating shift which also caused him to work weekends.  Working with your spouse is not as easy as it may seem and everyone is not cut out for it.  It takes a special couple to be able to work together and live together.  You have to establish clear boundaries about when you’re going to talk about work; whether you answer phone calls and/or emails during dinner, movie night, your “vacation”, etc.; agreeing on a maximum amount of your personal funds you will spend on the business.  If you’re in a board meeting and you have to cast a vote, do you vote in favor of your spouse’s idea or your heart; do you like each other well enough to leave your home together, commute to work, work all day, commute home, share your meal, and your bed only to do the same thing the next morning?  What happens when you have a spat, do you carry it into the office?

I love my husband, but I cannot spend every day, night, weekend, holiday and over time with him because I have to have time to myself even if it is only to watch Judge Judy, Survivor or a girl movie or let the TV watch me fall asleep.  Or I may want to bake, write or read, get my nails done or just think by myself.  Sometimes I need to come home to an empty house so I can transition to my role as the woman of my house.

Time got away from us again, we’ll have to pick it up tomorrow.

In His New Excellence

Tania Not Tanya

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