prided herself on being a great mom to their only child, Lil Pookie. She fantasized about private school, little
league and all the things the little suburb kids had. The only money she had from the time she was
16 was what Pookie gave her and when I tell you he had money, I’m not talking
about a few dollars and I’m not exaggerating.
Not long after Lil Pookie’s first birthday life started to change subtly
at first but the changes began to come in waves of mistrust of almost everyone
Big Pookie knew. He was always looking
over his shoulders, insisted that she stay away from the City (San Francisco)
even though that’s where the majority of her family and friends lived. He allowed certain people to visit at the
house but quickly cut that off because of his paranoia. He cut off the money he freely gave her
forcing her to ask for everything, he secretly activated the GPS on her phone
and beat the crap out of her one day when she turned it off. He accused her of cheating on him, stealing
his money, all kinds of crazy stuff. She
had no idea how much debt she had incurred with him over the past few years. She finally worked up enough nerve to leave
Pookie after much encouragement and support from her paternal auntie Theresa and
she relocated to Texarkana, Texas. Two
weeks after escaping from Pookie, the DEA raided their place and Pookie was now
serving a 20 year sentence.
had been given a second chance in Texas thanks to her Auntie but today was one
of the worst days of her life. She was
laid off after 13 years with the Texarkana Refinery but the severance package
and her savings had run out. She didn’t
care about the creditors that were blowing her phone up but if she didn’t come
up with the past due mortgage within the next two hours she would lose the home
she bought on her own. She was able to
scrape the money together with an exception of $100. Her mother promised to wire the money hours
ago and it still had not come. Desperate
she went through every purse she had and found $96.57! She checked her coat pockets and found her
gold hoop earring, sticky candy, lint and another $2.03. She rummaged through all of her jeans only to
acquire more lint under her fingernails but she found $100.40. She screamed Hallelujah, Thank You Jesus!!
and then had a meltdown right in the closet. She hated debt: it was sneaky,
conniving and manipulative. She felt
like its prisoner. The more she thought
about it the angrier she became and declared, no more, enough is enough.

was the envy at work, church and her neighborhood. She was absolutely gorgeous at 41 years old
with her perfect hourglass figure that still turned the eyes of men and women. She wasn’t conceited at all, in fact she
didn’t view herself as beautiful because she suffered from major self-esteem
issues that she learned to mask with things for the past 30 plus years. She was
the darkest, prettiest and thinnest in her family. She was teased and ridiculed constantly and
her parents didn’t have the capacity to show her the affection she needed. She turned her attention on academics and
sports to escape the constant taunting and soon learned that boys would give
her things if she would allow them to touch her in secret places. With the help of some older girls in the
neighborhood she learned how to refine her manipulative skills to get what she
wanted from people, search for and use resources to her advantage. For example: she couldn’t afford college but
she made good grades, learned about financial aid and received a few
scholarships, but she dropped out of college after completing her sophomore
year to take an intern position at
Google and quickly worked her way up the Google ladder to a management
position. How did she accomplish so much
so quickly? That’s a great question but
your virgin ears may not be ready for the answer.

debt wasn’t financial as Russia’s, it was spiritual. She felt like she had sold her soul to the
devil to climb the corporate latter but she also had an emotional debt because
she had sold her authenticity to the stockbroker and fire inspector for “things”. At 41 she was miserable, depressed and
finally realized she had no idea who she was or why she was here on earth. Martinque looked in the mirror and saw a mask
that she decided to remove and when she did she saw the chocolate little girl
that was still broken and confused. She
felt like humpty dumpty who had fallen off the wall but the glue from the tape
would no longer hold her together. She
fell to her knees, cried, snotted and screamed for God to free her because she
was tired from the debt she had incurred with no ability to pay.
to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will
give you rest. Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

Because of his underserving Favor
Tania Not Tanya