Aberdeen held
her ground (or should I say kept her seat) when the high yellow girls in her
classroom tried to give her “shade” because of her seating choice BUT she told
them what they could do with their “shade” without saying a word. Her body language said that and some. Lastly she would never have a challenge with
being late BUT she had a terrible habit of piddling around the house, tending
to items that weren't a priority. The
bottom line is that she is habitually late no matter how she tries to excuse

Tabitha missed
Sunday morning worship and the church functions far more than she would admit
BUT the church hurt she experienced got the best of her at just the right
time. She realized she overreacted BUT
pride stood between her and going back to the church or any church for that
matter. She is like many people, always
casting blame on others as the excuse rather than taking ownership of the role they
play(ed). Three years is a long time to
blame others and never once turn the search light inward. BUT God has a way of send the help we need
(even when we don’t verbally ask for it).
Alice was Tabitha’s life raft and she recognized it not long after Alice
showed up. She knew almost instantly
that there was something different about Alice, not by her clothes or speech
but the confidence that seemed to ooze from her pores. Tabitha had shut down spiritually BUT Alice
brought out the best in her and she was willing to let her guards down, but
only with Alice. Quiet as is kept,
Tabitha’s issue was the religiousity she subjected herself to and she began to
adopt. She was so religious she got on
her own nerves, BUT it is what was expected in her religious circles. If you didn’t use the religious vernacular you
were judged as carnal, worldly, half-saved, etc. That lifestyle was the exact opposite of who
she was as a person and when she tried to express those feelings she was
ignored, criticized, etc. so out of frustration she left the church vowing
never to return because she felt like a hypocrite. Tabitha tried to blame others for her
spiritual instability, BUT the bottom line was that she needed to own it hook,
line and anchor.
Tania Not Tanya
Nugget: Listen to me, we all play a role
in the drama that surfaces in our lives, for example: how we handle the drama,
if we play into it, ignore it, address it head on, etc. Some people use the
drama to their advantage, by taking on the role of victim to the 10th
power while others use the drama as the fuel needed to propel them past the

So here’s the
question again: What do the examples all
have in common. Before you state the
obvious, that each example used the phrase: ”Move Your But Out The Way”,
you’re correct BUT that’s not the answer.
The commonality that you probably overlooked is really quite simple,
they all showed their “buts”. I know you’re probably thinking I should’ve posed
the question more tactfully but I beg to differ because you may have
misunderstood the heart of my question. Look
at the commonality in the characters again:
- Aberdeen is consistently late not because of her inability to wake up on time, her issues are much deeper than that, one of which is that she doesn’t respect time;
- Shelby is terrified of commitment based on past experiences but what’s sad is that she realizes she could lose the love of her life if she doesn’t get her mind right;
- Tabitha wants to rekindle her relationship with God but she’s afraid of becoming something she isn’t – a religious prude; and
- Todd is in denial

A passage from my favorite book talks about "buts" too, listen to this: You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to
keep you from obeying the truth? Galatians
5:7 (NLT)
So here’s the
question, are you ready? You sure? What does your “but” look like? Here’s another one: When are you going to move your “but” out the
I can't end this blog without mentioning the "buts" that we're not responsible for: For we wanted to come to you—certainly I, Paul, did, again and again—but Satan blocked our way. 1 Thessalonians 2:18 (NLT). There are absolutely times when our "buts" are not our fault, they are divinely allowed to grow us up, teach us a lesson or simply so that God can be glorified in bring us through and out of the "but".
I would continue, BUT I'm all out of time.
Because of his
promised Favor
Tania Not Tanya
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