Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lint and Duct Tape

Need a fun #summer project? Love duct tape crafts? Check out these 25 #free duct tape #craftsLucy was a 12 year old techie nerd who was about as domestic as her goldfish Byron that just died two weeks ago.  Her second love was repairing things.  She could repair almost anything with glue and duct tape at least that was the running joke with family members and close friends.  Seriously though her favorite past time when she wasnt in front of smart device was helping Daddy Sam (her paternal grandfather) in his mechanic shop which was the garage to the family home where she and her brother, Roman lived.

Roman on the other hand loved the outdoors no matter the weather, especially the rainy season.  During the spring he loved the way the earth felt under his bare feet and hands.  More than anything he loved to eat, not greasy hamburgers, French fries, hot chips and Pepsi like most adolescents.  He loved vegetables of all kinds, except okra, it was too slimy for him.  His love for food increased his desire to learn how to prepare his favorite dishes like Daddy Sams BBQ ribs, chicken and potato salad. 

Gram as they affectionately called Rosalie, Daddy Sams wife of over 45 years, was the best cook in the neighborhood and though they lived in the city, she created a garden in the backyard and planted herbs in the huge bay window of her kitchen.   She insisted that Lucy and Roman learn to garden but Lucy just about ruined her snap peas and greens one year so she evicted her, wouldnt even let her near the garden unless someone with a green thumb accompanied her.  She always had a suspicion Lucy sabotaged her peas and greens on purpose because she hated dirt but didnt mind getting car grease under her fingernails.  Go figure.  Gram believed Lucy didnt like being in the garden because she was afraid she would get a tan.  But chile, Lucy was navy blue, she wasnt gonna get any darker, poor thing, she couldnt help it, but Gram loved her some Lucy.  Roman on the other hand took to gardening almost as if he had been doing so all his life.  The combination of fresh food from Grams garden, his love for it and interest in cooking were a perfect match. 

A couple of years ago Gram taught them how to fold and put their clothes away.  They both did well, but Lucy could care less about domestic chores, she was always in a hurry to run off and fix something or get on the line as Gram called it.  Now at the age of 12 and 13, Gram felt they were both old enough to begin doing their own laundry.  She instructed them on the art of sorting whites and colored clothes, heavy duty items, delicates, etc.  She reminded them both to empty their pockets and turn them inside out to ensure they didnt leave candy, napkins or other items that could damage the dryer or clothing and to avoid the accumulation of lint which she hated.  Gram also instructed them on the importance of NOT washing towels with items like sweaters or linen to avoid lint from forming on the laundered items and to clean the lint screen after each wash to ensure the dryer operated correctly.  Lucy now realized part of her hatred of lint (in her pockets) was genetic or at least subliminally influenced by Gram hatred of lint too.

One Saturday while doing the laundry, Lucy wasnt paying attention and she washed Romans favorite hoodie with a load of towels.  After drying the items, she realized her mistake after discovering that the towels had lint bunnies all over them and Romans sweatshirt was no longer smooth and fluffy, it now looked like it had acne all over it.  How she missed that black hoodie amongst all those towels she had no idea, but it didnt change the fact that she had.  She knew he was gonna be ticked off when he saw it so she tried desperately to mitigate the damage by using a lint roller and was able to lift about 45% of the lint from the hoodie but it was still noticeable.  She ran to the garage and got her trusted duct tape hoping it would do the trick of removing the rest of the lint but it didnt.  She decided to hide the hoodie hoping he would soon forget about it, besides, he was always losing something, maybe he would assume he left it at school and surprisingly it worked.

The following weekend Gram asked Lucy to wash the bathroom towels.  Even though they didnt live in a hotel, Gram only purchased white towels which she washed daily.  In a hurry, Lucy grabbed the basket of towels, put them in the wash, added the detergent, Clorox, fabric softener and set the washer for whites.  An hour later Gram asked Lucy to remove Daddy Sams dress socks from the dryer, place the wet towels in the dryer and set it for 60 minutes on the heavy cycle.   Not paying attention (as usual) Lucy placed the towels in the dryer but completely forgot to remove the black dress socks.  A couple of hours later, Gram asked Lucy about the socks but she said she never saw them.  Perplexed, Gram went to the laundry room and discovered that Daddy Sam's black dress socks were now polka dots, fully covered with lint bunnies from top to bottom.  When Gram called for Lucy to meet her in the laundry room she could tell by the sound in her voice that she was in for a tongue lashing.

How to make fleece look like new.Gram said: Lucy, I'm confused; I washed Daddy Sam's black pimp socks but you're right, I don't see them."   Relieved, Lucy replied Yes maam, Gram, I told you they werent in there.  Gram replied: What I did find was these black polka dolt socks.  At that point Lucy remembered that she had not looked as Gram instructed, at least not closely.  Realizing her mistake, she opted for silence as she stared wide eyed at the floor, as guilt and embarrassment oozed from her pores.  Any idea how these socks were transformed from black to polka dot?"  Lucy continued to stare out the floor.  Gram spoke again: "Lucy not wanting to perform a task doesn't give us permission to half do it.  I need you to figure out how are you going to get this lint off Daddy Sams socks in time for church tomorrow?  Lucy perked up and said:  I have the perfect idea.  At that she ran to the garage, retrieved her Zebra print duct tape, returned to the laundry room and told Gram she could almost guarantee she could remove the lint in plenty of time for church.  Gram chuckled and said:  Do you mean the way you removed the lint from Romans hoodie?  Lucy looked at Gram like a dear in headlights.

Lucy spent the next 60 minutes trying desperately to remove the lint only to become frustrated until she came up with the idea to put the socks on to offer more stability as she continued the painstaking process of removing the lint, similar to waxing ones legs like she saw on You Tube.  The idea probably would have worked except Daddy Sams pimp socks were super thin.  She executed her method and ruined four pairs of socks by ripping holes in them with the dense duct tape.  Frustrated she sat on her bedroom floor and became more and more irritated as she thought about the amount of time she had wasted on something as stupid as lint.  What was the point?  She imagined that someone somewhere was making a killing on selling anti-lint products on this stupid stuff.  She concluded that lint serves no purpose other than to irritate people and ruin their lives.  And how did Gram know she tried to use duct tape to remove the lint from Romans hoodie?  She wasnt even home that day.  I swear sometimes I think that woman has eyes in the back of her head or cameras throughout the house that we dont know about Lucy thought to herself.  She took a few deep breaths and decided she would not cry over something so stupid, but she felt helpless.  How did she end up in this position in the first place?  Twice, well actually four times as she recalled: she left Kleenex in her black Dockers resulting in lint in both pockets and another time she washed her favorite red sweater with something that created lint all over it and on top of that the sweater shrank.  She decided from that point on to be an enemy of lint.  The best way to combat an enemy is to learn about them/it and thats what she did. 

Listen, things are not always as they appear.  This is the makings of a great blog but you will never hear the end of it if you dont read part 2 back.  I can promise you this, it will be worth your time and it will not end the way you anticipated.   Im out of time.

Because of his un-derserving Favor

Tania Not Tanya

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