Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I Believed I Could So I Did

Shortly after separating from my children's father, my favorite uncle, Ruben, moved in with my children and I.  He was an absolute God-send, especially for my sons, Te'Mon and Lonny (aka, Lonny-baby) who were in grade school -- please don't tell Lonny I shared his childhood nick name). While he couldn't and didn't try to take the place of their dad, it was awesome to have a male figure in the house.  

Reading was a big deal in our house I guess because my Dad made it a big deal when my siblings and I were growing up.  My children had their own books and a schedule for reading each day.  I'll never forget one of the teachable moments Uncle Ruben shared with the boys:  "Te'Mon and Lonny-baby if you can read, you can do anything."  After pondering his words of wisdom, I realized he was right to a certain degree.  Think about it; 
  • If you want to obtain your driver's license (legally), you have to read the driver's manual of the state you reside in AND pass the "written" test before they will even allow you behind the wheel to take the practical test;
  • Following the recipe for a new culinary dish requires that you read and follow the instructions to the letter in order for the dish to come out perfectly;
  • Instructions to assemble an item (bookshelf, bicycle, etc.) require reading
    • I love to read books but not assembly instructions so I end up with extra parts quite often
  • Furthering your education -- requires lots and lots of reading and lots more
  • You get the meaning, right?  Read On ...
Vimeo and similar platforms are quickly becoming alternatives, but even with them, reading is involved in many of the do-it-yourself projects available to consumers.

There are hundreds of thousands of authors today, some successful, some not so successful, but they have at least put pen to pad and have left their mark in the world.  Those people are no different from me so I figured I would join the ranks and become a writer too.  Ok, ok, I year you, I know blogging is a form of writing and I've been doing it for a while, but I decided to step it up a notch and write an entire manuscript with a few instructions.  Yes, ma'am, yes sir, I sure did and "it ain't too bad", if I must say so myself".  My first published work is:  The Fire Didn't Burn Us.   Here's a little peak:
July 2006, the embers that settled internally in my youngest son Lonny were red hot, ready to combust into flames but they were different: they took on the form of: fatigue, swelling, fever, fainting, weight loss, etc.  Samantha, his aunt was the only one brave enough to tell him to go to the doctor.  
August 2006, was the first time I saw some of those symptoms firsthand but when I asked him about his health he became defensive.  I urged him to go to the doctor.  He finally did a few weeks later. 
October 18, 2006 at 10:30pm my sister called to tell me Lonny had been hospitalized for kidney failure!! I didn’t want to let her words in.  The smoke of denial filled my brain with thoughts that jumped all over like sparks trying to catch fire.  I knew something was burning, I just didn't realize it was Lonny.  I jumped in the car and rushed to the hospital praying the entire 35 mile drive.  I tried to cry because it seemed appropriate, but no tears came; I tried to worry, though none of the thoughts would stick, and then it happened …

If you want to hear the rest of the story, join me Saturday, November 21, 2015 (read details below) :)

Hope to see you there 

Because HE Lives

Tania not Tanya

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