Thursday, July 9, 2015


It was approximately 5:35 am, I was running a tad late for my morning shift which started at 6:00 am.  We lived in San Francisco at the time, but as I navigated my way through Bayview Hunter’s Point on what were usually empty streets during that time of the morning (Pookie ‘nem had probably just gone to bed as I was heading to work) I noticed bright lights in my rear view mirror that seemed to be right on my tail.  I sped up and so did they.  This went on for several blocks. I didn’t know what to think and then ALL OF A SUDDEN I saw even more lights except these seemed to appear in mid-air and they were red.  Is it the rapture?  Awe man, it was Po-Po (aka the police).  Panic struck me like the force of a baby momma slamming the door in the face of her baby daddy because “he’s tripping” and that’s her way of getting the last word.  I didn’t panic because of the open container which held the contents of my drink; or because the officer would get contact as soon as I opened my window, but I panicked because I was being pulled over.  I wondered if I was going to get a moving violation which would be an automatic point on my driver’s license that would increase in my car insurance.  I would have to pay a costly fine and on top of that I was going to be even later for work than when I started out.  God are you serious right now?  God was like, I didn’t have anything to do with that, don’t blame me.  Can you say blank stare.
10 Ways to Beat Speeding TicketsThe officer approached my vehicle cautiously and our exchange went something like this:  Po-po: “License and registration please.”  Me (irritated): “Here”; Po-po: do you realize you ran a stop sign?” Me: “No I don’t recall running a stop sign but if I did it’s because I saw headlights on my tail and I was nervous, you know there was a recent shooting on the hill.”  Po-po:  “Why are you in such a hurry this early in the morning?”  Me:  “I’m on my way to work”. Po-po:  “Oh, well I will get you processed in a few minutes.  Me:  “No words to describe my frustration with myself.  Why isn’t he out fighting crime or harassing Pookie-Nem?”  This small still voice said: Take a breath and accept the fact that you broke the law Tania.   
Today I want to talk to you about the law, but first I had to decide which law I wanted to discuss:
  • The Old Testament of the Bible which is referred to by scholars, preachers, deacons, etc. as the dispensation (or time period) of the law when blood sacrifices were required and the Israelites governed their lives by the 10 commandments.  Um, nope.
  • The law of the “streets”?  But one of the laws is that you don’t talk about it openly with strangers, sooooooo I don’t think so.
  • I thought about a discussion centered on the law of the land (our city, state, federal laws) that affect us individually and as a class of people all at the same time.  However, in my humble opinion the laws of the land can be changed at any time as long as they go through the law-making process. Just because something is voted into law or the “supreme court” justices slam down the gavel and “put their decision” into law doesn’t make it right.  The majority might rule, but they are not always right.  Paul from my Favorite Book says it best:  You say, “I am allowed to do anything” —but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.  1 Corinthians 10:23 (NLT)
Tania Not Tanya moment:  Here’s an example of a “majority gone wrong”:  In 1619 a Dutch businessman imported the first Africans to the U.S. and sold them privately in Jamestown, VA.  Slavery entered into law in 1654 by the “high court” of Virginia in Johnson v. Castor, ironically both of whom were black.  That law stayed in effect until the Emancipation Proclamation of 1865, only 150 years ago.  It was enacted because it was what the “people” wanted, not because it was right.  Those freedom fighters that came along to challenge the injustices of deeply imbedded racism fought for a worthwhile cause, to abolish the law that said my forefathers were only 3/5s of a human being and now everybody and their cause wants to jump on the band wagon of “we shall overcome”.  What’s my point?  A self-serving law was passed in an attempt to satisfy the insatiable appetites of a minority though it devastated a majority, many of whom continue to suffer from that selfish demonically inspired law.
Enough said, let’s get back on the road so we can get to the destination (the basis of my declaration) before I run out of time.  The law I want to focus on is the law of reciprocation aka sowing and reaping which is a biblical law, principal, rule.  Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop.  2 Corinthians 9:6 (NLT) The King James Version captures the essence of my BLOG:  But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 
This law literally affects everyone: Believer, Agnostic, Atheist, Muslim, etc.?  What I sow (plant, invest, spend time in/with) is what is what I will get.  It’s like a boomerang, you throw it out there but it will come back.  This is not one of those conditional promises which the bible is full of e.g. But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from everything we’ve done wrong. 1 John 1:9 (CEB) -- if you do this, God will do that.  This law of sowing and reaping is a fact.   I know you’ve heard people say “Payback is a mother of sex” or “what goes around comes around” or some people call it karma because they don’t know it’s a biblical as stated above.  This law applies to both negative and positive sowing. You’ll receive the same judgment you give. Whatever you deal out will be dealt out to you.  Matthew 7:2 (CEB).  Sounds like what goes around comes around to me.
Don’t believe me.  Ok, if I eat supersize meals at McDonald’s 5 days per week over a period of time, let’s say four to six months whether I supersize them or not, I can guarantee you that I am going to gain weight and create unnecessary health challenges for myself, PERIOD, pass me the recycle bin, I’m done.  But you don’t have to take my word for it.  Let’s look at my Favorite Book:
Free Printable Random Acts of Kindness Quote and the 100 Acts of Kindness Week #1 Challenge!Giving:  Give, and it will be given to you. A good portion—packed down, firmly shaken, and overflowing—will fall into your lap. The portion you give will determine the portion you receive in return.” Luke 6:38 (CEB).  We are encouraged to give (release) our resources (time, money, talent, etc.) so that God can blow our minds with some above and beyond type of blessings, not because he needs the little money he blessed you with in the first place.  However, if you’re stingy, you steal from God regularly because you can “bless” yourself, meet your own needs, the joke is on you, boo.
Friendship:  A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly:  Proverbs 18:24a (KJV).  If the majority of your communication is to criticize and/or complain, you’re nice nasty or mean as the devil, controlling, inflexible, opinionated, full of yourself, always right even when you’re wrong you probably spend a lot of time alone.  Like no one wants to kick it and you can pretend you’re “a loner” all you want sweet cakes but that thang is by default, not by choice.  You’re not being friendly FIRST so you’re not attracting friends.  It’s a law, read the Proverbs text above again, you get what you give.  However, if you’re friendly, bubbly, positive, kind, open you’re going to attract people with kindred spirits.
Peace:  A sensitive answer turns back wrath, but an offensive word stirs up anger.  Proverbs 15:1 (CEB) If you meet “drama” with a soft answer it is disarming to the culprit 99% of the time.  For example:  you can chose not to respond physically or verbally and it will confuse the hell they are spewing out of them.  You missed it, let me give it to you again, you can confuse the hell out of people who are ranting and raving simply by shutting up your mouth, “Hon’tee, just shut up” (in my DD Sharice voice).  However, in your silence pray and ask God for his help, but don’t close your eyes, sweetie, you look them straight in the eyes peering into their spirit with your poker face on.
As I prepare to close I want to leave you with my final thoughts:  The laws I referenced are not commandments, you can opt in or out but ignorance of the law doesn’t exempt you because regardless of whether the law is manmade or a spiritual you cannot escape the consequences.  You may get by for a while, but you will always pay the debt of consequence.  You know what I mean?  Of course you do, it’s the thesis of my blog.  We cannot escape cause and effect, sowing and reaping, payback, because what goes around comes around every cotton picking time.    
I’m out of time, but remember this, if you want something, give it.  If you want more of something, give more of it and you’ll receive it.  It may not be tomorrow or the next day but its coming hon’tee, it’s the law.
Because of his unending faithfulness
Tania Not Tanya

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