they had planned, Josie stuffed her clothes with materials to make it look like
she was still pregnant and got back in bed just before they heard banging on
the door. When Ram opened the door he
was surprised to see Mahli, the officer that had purchased several of Josie’s
pottery pieces. Mahli told the
accompanying officer to leave their presence.
Just then Josie emerged. Seeing her big round belly he didn’t bother to
ask if there were any newborn male children in the house. Ram asked what was going on and to his
horror, learned that orders had been passed down to kill[i]
any male-child that was an infant for reasons he himself was unsure of but it
was not his job to question his superiors.
He ended their conversation abruptly, marked their door with his seal
and told them their house would be safe for the rest of the night but warned
that there would be another raid in the upcoming weeks. He left their home and proceeded to raid
other houses as he continued his assignment of carrying out the self-serving
wishes of the powers that be. When Ram
felt it was safe he entered the safe room to discover the children sleeping
peacefully, so he left them there as he and Josie prayed and created a plan to
save their Lil Mo.
fast forward about 1400 years[ii]. Joe and Mary have a beautiful rambunctious
toddler who is curious about everything and the talk of the town. Even as a toddler Little BJ has an “old soul”
and charismatic personality which captivates those who come in contact with him. As Mary and Joe prepared for bed they were
both still blown away about the surprise baby shower that was hosted by men of all
people, there wasn’t one woman in sight.
But the gifts they received seemed to be out of this world, fit for a
king. Let’s put it this way, pampers,
clothes, college or trade school would not be an issue ever. When Joe finally did fall asleep he had
another one of his troubling dreams. It
was so bad that he woke up in a cold sweat but he was very clear on what needed
to be done. He was careful not to wake
Mary and BJ as he went outside and got their transportation ready. When he returned he told Mary to get up, pack
only enough food for their trip and to leave everything else behind. Half sleep she thought she was dreaming and
attempted to lay back down but when Joe grabbed her gently, held her by her
shoulders, looked in her eyes and sternly said her name, “Mary”, she felt what seemed
like a jolt of lightening pulsate through her body. She got herself together, packed a travel bag
and food while Joe grabbed BJ in his big muscular arms and off they went in the
middle of the night. They travelled[iii]
for what seemed like an eternity but finally arrived at their destination,
Egypt of all places.
after arriving news travelled from their hometown that male babies two and
under had been slaughtered mercilessly for no apparent reason other than a
perceived threat against the powers that be. It was as if history was repeating itself with
the deafening cries from women wailing at the top of their lungs with sounds
that were piercing, deafening and heart wrenching all at the same time as
mothers tried to make sense out of what made no sense at all.
As I wrap it up I want to leave you with this thought. My Favorite Book says: what has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Because of his unending faithfulness. Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV). The powers that be (aka the devil, Satan, Lucifer) have been trying to kill off man (the head of the family according to God's plan) for centuries. Why? I don't have all the answers but I can share this, if the head is removed, there is no covering and we get chaos instead.
God's Joy is my Strength
Not Tanya
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