Not Tanya moment: My mother is not now
nor has she ever been a child abuser.
She disciplined her children in love, at least she said it was love but
as a child I didn’t see her choice of discipline as loving at all because it
hurt (my pride and/or my backside).
However, as I got older and started my own family, I clearly understood
what she meant by disciplining me in love.
to say, I complied even if I told her off in my mind or complained to my
friends about the chores I was assigned.
I’m sure Mom knew I had an attitude sometimes, not necessarily about
ironing, but as an adolescent in general trying to figure out who I was,
display what I believed to be my independence.
As I think back over my adolescent years I had an attitude most of the
time about … up to and including my chores, but it didn’t matter I was a
walking hormone at the time like every other adolescent and I didn’t need a
reason. But my Mom used wisdom, she
rewarded me with payment for certain tasks like ironing and dusting, but when
“cat faces” showed up in my Dad’s handkerchiefs or shirts and/or if the legs of
the dining room furniture were covered with dust after I had dusted, she
brought it to my attention. “Half-cleaning”,
“half-ironing” or half anything wasn’t acceptable, it was all or nothing and
there wasn’t gonna be a nothing.
focus a little more on the reward portion of this blog. I looked forward to the rewards because it
meant I was going to be able to spend my hard earned cash on something I wanted
without having to ask my parents for permission
(within reason as a minor). My parents weren’t
stingy at all but there were times when they (primarily my Mom) didn’t think I
needed the item I so desperately wanted or I could get it but I would have to
wait. Wait for what I would think in my
kid’s mind? I didn’t take into consideration
the family budget because I wasn’t aware of one. My focus was what I wanted right then,
however, there were life lessons in the scenarios above that I have
shared. For example:
received hands-on training and mentoring for a multiplicity of tasks and I
learned: 1) valuable skills that I use
to this day; 2) responsibility; 3) how to create and customize processes that
work for me; 4) how to implement hands-on training and mentoring with my
children and their children; 5) to take pride in my work; 6) to do my best;
mom delegated chores that freed her to do other things;
rewards come after we do the work
you will recall in Permanent Press Pt. 2 I connected our spiritual lives to
feeling like God has turned the iron to its highest setting, laid us on the
ironing board of life, applied the hot iron to our lives and left it there so
that it could seemingly scorch us thus making the trials of life feel like we
are permanently pressed, perpetually stuck in the throes of life, but that is
not true my brothers and sisters.
I cannot compare my Mom to God, I do want to use her in this analogy to bring
home a point. Just as my mom delegated
assignments to me, so does God to us as his children. He knows our capacity and only allows
assignments he knows in advance we can handle.
Why? I don’t have the time to
break it down but I can give you two points: 1) we are God’s Ambassadors
(representatives) and he uses our hands, feet even resources to bless others;
2) you can’t have a testimony without a test and God needs some witnesses out
here to testify of his goodness, miraculous power, etc. The cool thing is that just as my mom rewarded
me when I followed her Instructions, our God rewards us. My Favorite Book says: And it
is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must
believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. Hebrews 11:6 (NLT) I’m not making this up.
I found a gift card to my favorite store
in a very heavily travelled public area.
I wanted to overlook it but something said: “see if there’s a balance”
and when I did, I was presently surprised, but I gave God thanks
immediately. He knew I had a need and
was able to meet it with the reward he surprised me with. Wow, thank you Father
My brand new fully loaded fully paid for
car that God rewarded me with for my faithfulness got sick after three years of
heavy use. I didn’t have the money to
have it repaired. I reminded God it was
his car and trusted he would provide. I
suggested warranty coverage but hey, I’m flexible he can hook it up however he
wants to. Two days later the dealership
called to say the car was fully covered under warranty. God rewarded me for my faithfulness to him
and Jesus dropped the charges. And this same God who takes care of me will
supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in
Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 (NLT)
doesn’t always reward us in tangible things that we can put our hands on but he
rewards us no doubt. Good health,
peaceful night’s sleep, parking space in the front, a friend inviting you to go
on a trip, out to dinner to an entertainment venue, etc. completely out of the
uses people to accomplish his will, even rewarding us for withstanding what we
may have thought was a permanent press.
of his unending faithfulness
Not Tanya
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