Thursday, July 17, 2014

Forgiveness Pt. 13: Just Can't Keep It To Myself

Who remembers the old school jam I just can't keep it to myself?"  We're gonna pick up today's blog with Joseph's "I just can't keep it to myself "experience but before we do I want to recap some high points from yesterday’s blog:
·       The 11 brothers arrive to purchase more food;
·       Joseph still has not revealed his identity to them;
·       They are clueless as to why they are directed to Joseph’s palace but assume it’s because of the money they discovered in their food sacks after they left so they confess to the Palace Manager; however, the manager assures them there is no money problem and reunites them with their brother Simeon who remained in jail until his brothers returned
o   All of the sons of Jacob (aka Israel) have now spent time in jail except Benjamin.  Nine brothers had their charges dropped and were released after three days; Simeon spent at a little less than a year locked up and Joseph did a 13 year run.  Can you imagine the gossip about the First Family?
·       When Joseph returns to his Palace they bow to him in reverence, fulfilling his second childhood dream.  He asks about their father, Jacob (aka Israel), confirms that Benjamin is the younger brother.  The emotion is almost overwhelming so he leaves the room abruptly to release what he has suppressed since he saw them a few months ago;
·       They have a great meal together and enjoy each other’s company without them ever knowing who he was. 
We will continue Joseph’s journey at Chapter 44.
Joseph ordered his Palace Manager to fill the brothers’ sacks with more than enough food; load their
donkeys; return all of their money again and to place his personal silver cup in Benjamin’s food sack without the brothers knowing.  After the donkeys were loaded the brothers left at dawn.  I can imagine them high fiving and dapping each other because it didn’t turn out to be not as bad as they assumed.  Meanwhile back at the Palace, Joseph (also known as Zaphenath-Paneah (“Za-fe-naph-Pa-knee-ya”, Joseph’s Egyptian name which means God Speaks and He Lives) decided to work from home that day.  About an hour after the brothers left he instructed his Palace Manager to go after them and when he catches them to say:  “When you catch up with them, say, ‘Why did you pay me back evil for good? This is the chalice my master drinks from; he also uses it for divination. This is outrageous!’ Genesis 44:5 (The Message).  Here’s how I imagine the chain of events:  For some odd reason Rueben gets the sense that someone is following them, he turns around and sees a cloud of dirt and he tells his brothers.  Soon they realize the dust is chariots approaching rather quickly and the closer they get they can tell those are the chariots from the Palace of Zaphenath-Paneah.  They couldn’t out run them on these slow pack donkeys and besides there was no reason to run, they had done nothing wrong, had they?  The Palace guards roll up 20 deep and they surround them like flies on watermelon.  The brothers are moving extra cautiously because they don’t want any of the guards to get “sword happy” and cut off somebody’s ear or some other body part that they need.

The Palace Manager dismounted his chariot, walked over to them aggressively and sternly repeated exactly what his master Zaphenath-Paneah told him to say. They looked at him, each other and back at him dumbfounded and all at once they started to answer him.  Judah finally calmed everyone down and spoke on their behalf: “What is my master talking about? We would never do anything like that! Why, the money we found in our bags earlier, we brought back all the way from Canaan—do you think we’d turn right around and steal it back from your master? If that chalice [silver cup] is found on any of us, he’ll die; and the rest of us will be your master’s slaves.” The steward [Palace Manager] said, “Very well then, but we won’t go that far. Whoever is found with the chalice will be my slave; the rest of you can go free.  They outdid each other in putting their bags on the ground and opening them up for inspection.  The steward searched their bags, going from oldest to youngest. The chalice showed up in Benjamin’s bag. Genesis 44:7-12 (The Message)

The ripped their clothes as a sign of grief and despair, loaded their donkeys in silence and followed the chariots back to the palace of Zaphenath-Paneah in complete and utter silence.  When they arrived at the palace they threw themselves at the feet of Zaphenath-Paneah.  He accused them of being thieves and said:  “How can you have done this? You have to know that a man in my position would have discovered this.” Genesis 44:15 (The Message).  It is odd, but Judah rather than Rueben (the eldest) asks respectfully to address Zaphenath-Paneah and begins to remind him of their initial encounter, the accusation of being spies, asking about their family in Canaan, inquiring about their father, holding Simeon hostage until they brought the young brother back.  As he spoke the other brothers remained in a prostrate position and didn’t move, hoping and praying that Zaphenath-Paneah would be merciful.  Judah continued to plead their case, speaking of how much the father favors Benjamin because he is the son of his old age by the wife he favored the most as well has his brother Joseph, who went missing and the father believes he was ripped to shreds by wild animals. 

As Judah spoke Joseph realized that Judah was not as hard and cynical as he once was, something happened to change him perhaps he has feelings after all.  Whatever the case he is different and seems sincere which pleases Joseph.  Judah continues to plead their case:  “If you keep the boy our father, a white haired old man will die from grief, he knows and we know it.  I beg you, let me become your prisoner instead of the boy.” 

Joseph sat in silence as Judah went on and on pleading for his brother.  When he heard the lie they told their father about an animal ripping him to shreds he became enraged and for a quick moment an accusatory thoughts snuck into his brain: “how could you lie to our father like that?” “Judah, why didn’t you advocate for me the way you’re advocating for the boy?  Why did you hate me so much?”  He quickly dismissed the thought but as he did the dam of emotions began to crack.  His throat was on fire trying to suppress the shout that was about to erupt from the pit of his stomach.  He couldn’t take it any longer and there was no way he was going to let the Egyptians see him cry, so he said:  “Leave!!!  Everyone get out now!!!!!!!!  There was no one left in the room except Joseph and his brothers.

The brothers jumped to their feet when they heard Zaphenath-Paneah shouting frozen with fear and believing
the worse.  Poor Benjamin didn’t know what was going on.  He thought to himself “this dude must be tweakin’ on some Opium or something; he was just laughing and drinking with them a few hours ago and now he’s accusing him of stealing a silver cup he never even saw!  I wish I would have stayed home with Daddy”.  Right in the middle of his thoughts he heard an earth chilling cry that he will never forget.  It sounded like a severely wounded animal but when he looked up, it was Zaphenath-Paneah.  He thought to himself: “Oh My God, this man needs some serious herbs he has lost it and they left us in here with him alone; we have no witnesses.  God help us.” He must have hollered, snotted and cried for about 12 minutes.  He was so loud that the Egyptians heard him, but Joseph didn’t care.  News got back to Pharaoh’s Palace that there was major drama going on at Zaphenath-Paneah’s palace.

To be continued

In His Excellent Service

Tania Not Tanya

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