Thursday, July 10, 2014

Forgiveness Pt. 8: The [Light] Sound at the End of the Tunnel

I have read the story of Joseph several times during my lifetime but I admitted in yesterday’s declaration (BLOG) Even I Can See That: Forgiveness Pt. 7 that I discovered a new truth.  Joseph forgave his brothers without knowing if he would ever see them again.  He didn’t forgive with his mind or lips, this is only possible by forgiving with one’s heart.  It didn’t matter that his brothers were in a different country.  Joseph’s heart was with him (literally in his body) and he went through whatever process to make a decision to forgive them which is evident by his language.  So far we have not referenced any scriptures which quote Joseph as identifying himself as a slave, he refused to allow the sound of those words leave his mouth, instead he tells the cupbearer and baker that he was “stolen” or “kidnapped” – depending on what version of the bible you read.  How is it that Joseph who has no Pastor, Teacher, Apostle, Bishop, Bible, Bible App, family, mentors, Victory Room, 6:00 am prayer call, etc. There is no one to speak into or over his life to help him with what was the most devastatingly difficult process he had or would ever face, family, hurt?  If anybody had a justification for holding on to un-forgiveness Joseph would get my vote.  He didn’t use the excuse of needing to face his accusers he simply let it go.  Making the choice to “simply” let go doesn’t mean it was easy.  At the end of the day God is our source for EVERYTHING, including the ability to forgive those who hate us, even if you are your hater. 

Tania Not Tanya Nugget:  True forgiveness can only come from the heart, everything else is lip service which is a step below a lie.  Naw, I’m kiddin’ it’s a lie posing as 1/8th of the truth.  Well not really, it’s a lie, even if the lie you tell is to yourself.  I know you probably want it to be a gray, white or “ernge” lie, but it’s a real one, for real, I’m not making this up.  Guard your heart from being a pretender; guard your heart from abuse, further hurt, lies, things that are negative that may cause you to become ill—physically, mentally and/or spiritually.  Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.  Proverbs 4:23 (AMP)    

Genesis 41:  The empty sound of no one coming to his rescue had been ringing in his ears for two full whole years since the cupbearer was released from Pharaoh’s dungeon and the head baker was beheaded (no pun intended).  Joseph continued to serve in excellence as he waited and believed God for release.  In my mind I tried to imagine which situation was better: a slave hounded by an OG snap (aka Cougar, aka older woman that likes much younger men) or being a slave-prisoner.  As much as I hate to admit it, at least he was able to move more freely, sleep in a comfortable bed, take care of his hygienic needs, eat better food, etc. but that kitty cat “on his line had to be the business”.  And then it happened.  Pharaoh had a dream two years later that disturbed him enough to wake him from his sleep but when he went back to sleep he dreamed a dream even more troubling than the first.  When morning came he was irritated, angry, confused and perplexed so he called for all of his top magicians but none of them could interpret the dream.  I want to say that the cupbearer remembered Joseph miraculously, but I have a feeling he remembered how much he disliked being imprisoned and how much he liked his head so he probably thought of Joseph at that point.

In ancient times when things didn’t go the way the Pharaoh (or a King) wanted he could order that the offender be tortured, imprisoned and/or killed on the spot he didn’t have to really have a reason.  Needless to say, upsetting him made for a highly stressful situation for every and anyone.  At any rate the cupbearer falls over his words apologizing for not alerting Pharaoh about Joseph sooner and that Joseph interpreted a dream for he and the baker that was 100% accurate.  I can just hear the sound from Pharaoh as he roared: "WHAT, YOU KNEW OF AN INTERPRETER AND YOU SAID NOTHING?!!!!!!!!! BRING HIM TO ME AT ONCE.”  Given that Joseph’s whereabouts Pharaoh knew that it would take a while for them to present him properly because of the conditions of the dungeons.    

Tania Not Tanya Nugget:  Can we have a Selah moment right here (press pause)?  You know what it feels like when you’re funky and can’t wait to get in the tub or hot shower right?  That’s probably how Joseph felt magnified except his funky anxiety was probably multiplied by 178,000.  I realize that God’s favor was over Joseph but there were certain amenities that were not available during that time period as they are now for county and state prisoners. 

Directing your attention back to Genesis 41:9-14.  This is what I imagine took place:  The guards rush in and practically yank him from the dungeon, scaring the living daylights out of him.  He has no idea what is happening because the guards are practically carrying him somewhere but where?  His mind is racing and the sound of his heart is pounding so loudly he wonders if the guards can hear it.   The palace was massive, he tried to take it in but they were moving too fast and his mind was full of so many possibilities that he really couldn’t take it in.  He wasn’t sure but it seemed as if they were going deeper into the palace which was a good sign because he didn’t imagine executions took place in this immaculate edifice.  Besides, that couldn’t be a possible outcome, he knew God had better for him.  They reach what he thinks is their destination a bathhouse!!!  He stands there in confusion because he doesn’t know if this is where he will now be serving.  They order him to disrobe and bathe.  He looks dumbfounded and this time the guards bark orders at him to bathe.  In about 1.5 seconds he is naked and in a tub that’s so large 20 overweight people could fit in it and there would still be room.  He submerges himself completely under water and begins to pray: Father, what’s happening? The sound of the father’s silence is deafening. Am I to be executed?  More silence.  Has my family finally come for me?  Louder silence, and then he hears the sound of a still small voice:  For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men 1 Peter 2:15 (NLT).   The tears rush out and mix with the bath water that is quickly turning a murky gray from all of the residue of the pit (mistreatment, hurt, envy, jealousy, hatred, slavery, loneliness, false accusations and Pharaoh’s grimy dungeon).  He’s down there so long that the eunuchs panic and splash the water to get his attention.  He surfaces to the top with the force of an athletic swimmer.  They give him scented soap to wash his body, hair and beard which he gladly does as he praises God inwardly for what is about to happen.  Though he is absolutely clueless of what’s next he has learned to trust God and go with the flow.   

The eunuchs hurry him out of the pool and give him a large towel spun with fine Egyptian cotton (the finest in all of the world even in the 21st century).  They hurry him off to another room full of oils which overwhelmed his senses, he had never smelled anything so beautiful.  They tell him to quickly pick one and he selects one that is slightly earthy with a hint of sweetness.  As he oils his body he can barely contain the joy that is bubbling up in his spirit.  They hurry him to yet another room where a eunuch was on standby to cut his hair, shape and trip the beard he wanted to keep.  From there he was escorted to a dressing room where a set of garments were neatly folded on an exquisitely designed oak table along with a pair of new leather bound sandals!!!!  These new garments replaced the raggedy ones that were weighted with mourning, disappointment, dirt, etc.  He quickly dressed himself, slips his feet in the sandals and after he fastens the strap on his left foot he stands up and sees a glimpse of himself in the full length beaten brass mirror for the first time in his life.  He is stunned at the reflection of the grown man in the mirror.  He can’t believe how much he looks like his father, it’s amazing.  He sees the eunuch approaching him from behind with a beautiful garment in his hands and without missing a beat the eunuch raises the garment to Joseph’s shoulders and guides his arms in each arm hole of the robe made of Egyptian silk and many colors as it falls freely over his body like the righteousness of God falls over us.  To console those who mourn in Zion to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. Isaiah 61:3 (NLT) Joseph can no longer contain his emotion.  He knows from having served with Potiphar that these are garments for officials. The eunuch keeps his hand on Joseph’s shoulder and says: it’s ok, it’s ok but we have to hurry or Pharaoh will be highly upset.  

He wipes his face with his towel, takes another look in the mirror, pops his collar (though the others have no
idea what he’s doing) and quickly follows the eunuch to wear the guards are pacing with impatience.  They walk hurriedly to another location, but Joseph’s steps are different this time because ALL of the uncertainty is gone.  He immediately finds his rhythm for his new found swag and as he follows the rhythm of his own drum playing audibly only to him.  With every destined step he takes he feels his calling come alive and as he continues to walk it out he steps back into dignity, purpose, passion and self-respect as every step shoots confidence up his spine and settles in his scarred heart.  They finally arrive at these massive double doors with pure gold handles and hinges that were elegantly but oddly decorated.  One door had an engraving of one large bundle of wheat surrounded by 11 smaller bundles and to his astonishment the other door was decorated with a large sun and moon surrounded by 11 stars.  Joseph’s knees buckled at what was before him, his dream coming to life in more ways than one.  Thankfully the guards were there to catch him.  He could hardly believe what he saw.  He heard the trumpet blast on The Other Side the sound was deafening, and then it happened  ….

To be continued ....

In His Excellent Servcie

Tania Not Tanya

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