Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Forgiveness Pt. 3: Everything Costs Something?

We have been talking about the dysfunction amongst Israel’s blended family, a direct descendant of Abraham and the current patriarch of his family.  While there were several issues with the family including: four babies momma’s living together -- two were his wives and full blooded sisters (Rachel and Leah) and two were his concubines Bilhah and Zilpah; his eldest son, Rueben, had sex with Bilhah; two sons (Simeon and Levi) killed all the men of an entire township because one of the townsmen raped their sister, Dinah.  Clearly these cats were nothing nice and were not to be played with.  Perhaps Israel favored Joseph so much because he realized how treacherous his other sons were and maybe he tried a different approach with raising Joseph than he had with the others.  Whatever the case, he openly favored Joseph which caused his 10 older brothers to be envious which turned to full blown hatred.
When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, 21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.  Galatians 5:19-21.

We discovered that there were seven things that Joseph’s brothers did to him::
  1. They hated him because their father favored him.  Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses. Proverbs 10:12 (NLT); Do not nurse hatred in your heart for any of your relatives. Confront people directly so you will not be held guilty for their sin. Leviticus 19:17 (NLT);
  2.  They envied him and the relationship Joseph had with their father.  It is possible that because Israel knew he blew it with the older sons, that in his old age he finally figured out what to do and he got it right with Joseph.  Most parents don’t learn the art of parenting until they have grandchildren;
  3.  They conspired against him to kill him;
  4.  They were going to kill him until Rueben, the oldest came up with an alternative;
  5. They stripped him of his covering (custom designed by their father) leaving him vulnerable to the elements but they also stripped him of what that coat represented to them, their father’s protection of Joseph;
  6. They threw him in a pit (empty well).  Again, these brothers were cold hearted, treacherous, heartless, calculating, murderers who would cut your throat without thinking twice.  It’s ironic that Joseph ended up related to these hard thugs?  He was an absolute square, the odd man out, who represented everything they were not.  The rivalry was generational because their mothers (Rachael and Leah blood sisters) were rivals possibly since childhood.  Israel (formerly known as Jacob) was tricked into marrying Leah who had weak eyes (Genesis 29:17 AMP). I’m thinking she may have had a lazy eye or was cross eyed.  Israel loved Rachael who was beautiful and shapely (Genesis 29:17 CEB).  To add insult to injury Joseph was very handsome.  None of  this is Joseph’s fault but the rage, anger, rejection, hurt, hostility, etc. his mean ugly brothers had towards their father was taken out on him.
  7. They sold him into slavery:  Saying this is a lot easier than comprehending it.  I absolutely abhor the thought of slavery.  I cannot imagine selling even my enemy into slavery but how in the world does one (or nine in this case) justify selling their own relative, never to be seen again.  There is no money back guarantee for slaves. If you’re dissatisfied, return for a full refund.  This is a great place to start:

Genesis 37:25-27 (paraphrased): It seems to me that this band of idiots was not going to be satisfied until Joseph was completely eliminated from their presence altogether.  Initially they wanted him dead but Judah came up with the idea of selling him as a slave when they spotted a group of merchants on their way to Egypt passing nearby.   It is possible that Judah initially went along with the thought of killing Joseph because of the peer pressure from the others, however, he is certainly not an advocate of Joseph’s because he comes up with another plan to get rid of him.  His justification is that Joseph is their brother and if they sell him into slavery his blood won’t be on their hands.  What an oxymoron!!!  At any rate he convinces the other idiots to go along with this cockamamie thoughtless idea. 

After all hope is lost Joseph who lay at the bottom of the pit, possibly asleep from utter exhaustion hears some noise above.  Not sure if he is dreaming or awake until he feels the rope they threw down tickle his face.  As he is aroused from his sleep and fully awake, he can hardly contain the excitement.  The naïve young 17 year old awakes first and thinks out loud "I knew this must have been a practical joke.  My brothers aren’t as bad as everyone says, they are pulling me out of the pit."  As the brothers pull and heave him out Joseph is ecstatic to see them but the strange eerie feeling he had before they threw him in the pit is still looming overhead.  The brothers blank faces are trying to tell him something but he cannot interpret it.  One of them tell him to wipe his face.  Another one gives him a cleaner set of clothing, but they offer him nothing to eat or drink though they clearly have enough food to share because he can see the food right in front of them all.  He sees Judah approaching with a strange man.  Judah gives the signal and two of his brothers grab him, bind his hands with rope and they push him towards the man.  Joseph knows these are Midianites because they have Arabic accents and to his horror he sees the sales transaction take place right in front of his eyes for a lousy 20 pieces of silver.  The look of terror in Joseph’s eyes screamed at them for mercy as it burned an unforgettable memory in his brothers’ minds that would haunt them for the rest of their lives.  Joseph was so shocked by all of the events that had transpired in less than 24 hours that he didn’t even bother using the little voice he had left to plead for them not to sell him off as a slave.  Instead, he straightened his back, stuffed the tears way down deep and walked to his destiny like a “growed” up man and he never looked back as he silently called on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (now called Israel)
the way his father had taught him.

When Rueben returned later that evening he went to check on Joseph but he was gone.  He had no idea that the other idiots had sold the boy off to the merchants.  He tore his clothes as a sign of mourning and he was beside himself with worry and despair has he returned to his brothers to tell them that Joseph was gone.  They took Joseph’s coat, butchered a goat and covered the coat with goat’s blood and then they took the lie to their father and told him that they found the coat and asked if he recognized it.  When he recognized it he tore his clothes and mourned for Joseph and really long time.  His sons and daughters tried to comfort him but he refused and said he would go to the grave mourning Joseph. 

The idiots didn’t calculate the cost of the scheme nor did they think it through completely, instead they
allowed their emotions to dictate their outcome much like we do today.

As I close I want to raise the following points:
  •  Rueben went along with the brothers to a certain degree, he never had any intentions of killing Joseph and he certainly wasn’t down with selling him, which leads me to believe he did care for Joseph;
  • The brothers didn’t actually “tell” the father that Joseph was murdered, but they led him to believe that he was.  Same difference.  They were all accessories, they knew the truth and withheld it;
    • I know we can all identify with that one.  Not really telling the lie but not really telling the truth
  •  They were not prepared for the father’s reaction which was to mourn for Joseph until he himself died; and
  • They thought by getting rid of Joseph that he would pay more attention to them but it created an even greater distance between them than was there before.

There’s a lot more to the story, we will pick it up tomorrow for sure.

In His Excellent Service

Tania not Tanya

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