Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Balance of the Mind Pt. 2

200 Gram Capacity Balance Scale
During yesterday’s declaration (blog) we began the discussion about balance using Ecclesiastes 1:1-8 as our foundation text and we discovered that “time” is interwoven with balance.  Simply put, an equal distribution of time creates balance. 

It goes without saying that we live in a fast paced society complete with various types of technology that can add to or take away from our quality of life depending on how or whether we use it or not.   For example:

·       Social media can be a great way to keep in touch with friends and loved ones; advertise your business at little or no cost; promote “causes”, etc.  However, if I use it for purposes to de-edify others, trash talking and/or if I spend excessive amounts of time on it to the point where I cannot perform my daily tasks, that’s problem.  I am living out of balance;
·       Instant Messaging/Texting:  It’s a great way to send “short” messages to recipients for a variety of reasons:  e.g.: love text to your spouse/children; notify others of your whereabouts; request for information, etc. However, if I use this medium practically “all” the time: during meal time, at work, at the theater, during church service, doctor’s office, bank, in the store, engaged in a face to face conversation, driving, etc.  I am living out of balance;
·       Obviously we need to need to eat to live.  Given that so many of us are on the go from sunrise to sunset, there are occasions when we may not have time to cook so we grab some Fast Food – sometimes.  But if we eat fast food every day, we are living out of balance, teaching our children unhealthy eating habits and we are slowly killing ourselves and them;
·       Most of us have some sort of monthly income or at least we are working towards it.  If we spend our paychecks before we get paid (Pay Day Loans, borrowing from others, living on credit cards, etc.) on “things” (e.g. nails, hair, eyelashes, clothes/shoes we don’t need, entertainment, etc.).  We are living out of balance and above our means;
·       If you are always late, people cannot depend on you to be punctual or to arrive at all, you are living out of balance and there is more than likely a much deeper cause;
·       If you commit to work on a project, help someone with something, meet someone somewhere, etc. and you rarely follow through you are living out of balance and you are a liar.  If you don’t mean it, don’t say it; If you don’t think you can follow through, don’t commit and if by all means you blow it, call the person and repent, turn from your reckless behavior and ask God to help you manage your time better.
o   Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Anything beyond this is from the evil one. Matthew 5:37 (NLT)

Tania Not Tanya:  Have you ever heard the saying: “Time is money?”  Do you believe you can put a dollar value on your time?  I don’t know about you, but my time is valuable, especially as I become more seasoned in life.  I don’t want my time wasted by people who tell me they are going to do this, that and the other but don’t and then you can’t find them with a flashlight until they need something from you.  Uh, excuse me?  When we commit to do something or meet somewhere, you never know how much trouble the other party(ies) went through to keep their meeting with you (e.g. babysitter, coming even though they aren't feeling well, rearranging their schedules, etc.)  People who are late ALL the time don’t respect time, yours or theirs.

There are so many other examples I could give about living our lives out of balance from a natural aspect but I will stop at those above because I think by now you have an understanding of what I mean.  But before I cut it off, let’s look at a different set of examples:

·       It is important for us to share our faith with others, but if the only subject I can talk about is God to my non-believing friends, family members, co-workers, etc.  I am living out of balance.  It’s a turn off and eventually people will start to avoid me and I will probably be a challenge for me to win anyone to Christ because their idea of a Christian is someone who pesters people and runs their friends away and that’s probably not going to be very appealing;
·       It is important to read and study the word of God, but if I spend the majority of my time studying to the degree that I neglect my household chores, hygienic needs, my family and/or my job, I am living out of balance.  I am causing division and strife in my house, on my job and I may very well find myself reading by candle light because I didn’t pay the utilities, catch a CPS case for neglect, on Divorce Court because my spouse left me or on unemployment because my boss is sick of me and Jesus;
·       It is important to fast, but if you are fasting “all the time” with no clear direction from the Holy Spirit to the point where you are losing excessive weight and experiencing health challenges you are out of balance;
·       It is absolutely vital that we pray, but if your prayer interferes with your ability to carry out your household chores, meet your family’s needs, you are hollering and screaming to the top of your lungs early in the morning or late at night waking your neighbors, children or spouse and one or all of them bring it to your attention but you continue because you think you’re gonna win them to Christ through the prayer or you’re prayer time is causing you to be late for work, school or other important appointments, you are living out of balance, you are out of order and it is a poor representation as an Ambassador for Christ;
·       It is important that we communicate with others, but if when someone asks you a simple question about how you’re doing, if you had a good weekend, etc. and you start speaking in your religious tongue:
o   Oh bless the Lord, the Holy Ghost came in like a rushing mighty wind and Bishop preached under the anointing, people were slain in the spirit, knocked out under the power of the Holy Spirit and we "churched" it until we worked up an appetite.  Now that would be fine if I didn’t want to be bothered with that person again and I was trying to scare them.  But if my intention was to use that as a tool to invite them to church it most likely ain't gone happen. 
§  Why? I gave them a drink of water with a fire hose and my non-believing friend who has no knowledge of the Holy Ghost, rushing might wind, etc. might think I was talking about a ghost who was in a storm that put some kind of ointment on people who got killed at my church because someone knocked them out and then we sat around and ate chicken while the people died.       

I’m way out of time but I don’t wanna keep you hanging, so make sure you’re on the call tomorrow so we can go deeper

In His New Excellence,

Tania Not Tanya

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