It was the perfect
opportunity for me to accuse God of abandonment or being unfair, ultimately turning
my back on him, but that would have been stupid because he didn’t make me “feel”
what I was experiencing, however, he allowed it – there is a huge difference. When I asked him why this was happening he
whispered “it had to be this way” in such a calm loving voice that it was
unmistakable. I heard him clearly, there
is no doubt about it, but I didn’t want that to be the answer because it hurt
so badly. I knew I was going places and
would attain success but I believed people, places and things could remain the
same as he elevated me. Can you say
insanity? I mourned and grieved my
losses as I simultaneously tended my wounds by applying excessive doses of the
spoken Word and prayer. I cannot explain
why, but doses of the spoken Word seemed to work best at night although the random
doses that came by surprise were just as potent. What do I mean? Great question. Rather than fall asleep while watching an
empty pointless movie, I would tune into one of the specialists assigned to me,
knowing I would fall asleep but as I slept my subconscious could still feast
off the spoken Word.
And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy
Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own,
guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30 (NLT).
So the suffering, un-inflicted
drama and all it entailed was offered back to God in the form of worship. How in the world did I do that? That’s a great question too. I made the decision to go through the drama
without complaining, blaming and asking “why”?
I made the decision to combat the desire to: complain, blame and question
God by changing the channel to other thoughts based on a passage from my
favorite book:
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one
final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and
pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and
worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8 (NLT)
Tania Not Tanya
nugget: It wasn’t always easy, I didn’t
always want to and sometimes I blew it but once I gained my footing (and it
took me a minute) I found enough space to intentionally gain some
stability. Did you hear what I just
said? I found it. Found what?
Stability. How? I found it
because I was LOOKING for it; it didn’t just show up automatically! Secondly my actions, my search, was
intentional. Failing this test was not
an option and I had no plans of blowing it only to cause me to repeat the
lesson. No ma’am, no sir, I was gonna
get this joker right because baaaaby, listen here, it hurt too much where I was
to get comfortable, move in, construct a whole entire neighborhood on the
bridge (thank you Tim) and pass it on to my children’s children. NO, not on my watch! I could have waited for someone else to do it
but I kept hearing:
God blesses those who work for peace, for
they will be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9 (NLT)
I didn’t work for peace
for other people, I worked at peace because I want to be identified as a child
of God. Anybody can act a fool, cuss
people out, etc. and waste time scheming on ways to hurt others but it takes a
real man or woman to put on some big girl panties or “draws” (underwear), man
up and/or roll up their sleeves to “work for peace”. Do you hear what I’m saying to you? Stop waiting for somebody else, you are the
Once I made my mind up and
went to work everywhere I turned I received doses of the Word from the
Specialists assigned to my healing, be it: John Gray, Joel Osteen, Bishop Jakes,
Joyce Meyers, my accountability partner, I’ll just call her “Mrs.” or my SiSee. Shoot, even Charles Stanley helped me out, a
lot!!! Warning: consuming too much Word and Prayer may cause
an overdose which may result in over-religiosity; high mindedness; delusion
and/or an inability to separate the spiritual from the natural realm. Balance is always necessary, always, yah
My story isn’t yours but
there are some similarities. How do I
know? Am I a prophet? Yes I do have the gift of prophecy. Now hold on, a minute. Don’t trip out. I don’t see or talk to dead people; I can’t
read palms; tea leaves or playing cards, but God spoken to me many times about
specific things affecting people presently or to things come. However, this is not that. This is pure logic and commonalities. There are some basic components to spiritual
warfare: hurt, accusation, blame, perplexity,
uncertainty, anxiety, choices, etc. But
when it’s all said and done, What’s next?
How? Drop it; change the channel; sing a song;
laugh out loud; exercise; say the alphabet backwards with your eyes open,
etc. It doesn’t matter just don’t dwell
on the drama. The simple definition of
insanity is to: keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a
different result. Here’s a
clue. Stop the insanity and change some
things. Like what? You sure ask a lot of questions!! Seriously, it’s your life, you can decide to
custom design it to your specifications.
Here’s an exercise for
1) Look in the mirror, go ahead, I’ll wait ……… Now say:
“Self, (your name) change is here like it or not;
2) To remind
yourself of change, put some coins in your pocket and periodically put your
hands in your pocket to “feel the change”
I’m out of time; catch you
In His New Excellence
Tania Not Tanya
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