Thursday, December 25, 2014

You Ain't My Baby Daddy

Amazing as it might seam, this is not a cake but a woman's stomach. God really does preform miracles, your looking at one!Josay also known as JoJo, was seven years older than Maryetta whom most people in their small knit community referred to as Emee, but he loved that girl for as long as he could remember.   He started to notice her when she was 14, not in a freaky, pedophilic kind of way, but she stood out from the other young girls her age by the way they talked and carried themselves.   It seemed that whenever she made up her mind to do something or she was given a task she may not have fully understood, she found a way to get the job done and on top of her creativity, resourcefulness, etc. she was pretty.   He tried to rationalize in his mind why a relationship with her wouldn’t work because of their age difference and did his best to ignore the feelings he had by dating other girls his age, but no one seemed to hold his interest.  The irony is that he and Emee had never engaged in any meaningful conversation so there was nothing to legitimately base his feelings on other than his heart. 

So why not just talk to her?  I know you may be thinking the obvious was the age difference, oddly though, that wasn’t the issue.  They lived by very strict customs and traditions that most of us would consider over-the-top, even as Believers.  For example:  the girls were trained to be domestics – cooking, cleaning, gardening, caring for children, etc.  This was not to diminish females it was just that the emphasis was on the males were the primary bread winners.  Ninety-five percent of the community were business owners; they grew their own livestock and agriculture; the children attended same gender schools throughout their educational training; young women were generally escorted by a chaperone or in the company of a group of others.  So as innocent as it may seem for us today, approaching a young woman alone was completely out of the question.   Prayer was incorporated in everything they did, whether it was at dinner time or at a town council meeting because they prided themselves on being God-fearing people that held the Holy Scriptures in high esteem and used these scriptures as the law of their community.   Obviously you could imagine that family values ranked in the top five of this community’s belief system which meant that there were no illegitimate pregnancies, single parenting (unless there was a death of a spouse), divorce as we know it was virtually nonexistent.

JoJo finally worked up the nerve to speak with his father about his feelings for Emee.  He was relieved when his father sat him down and talked to him about his experience with his wife, JoJo’s mother, thirty years ago.  This was new for JoJo because his father, Matt, rarely shared intimate things with him, which allowed JoJo to see a different side of his dad.  At the conclusion of their conversation, Matt agreed to help his son start the formal marriage process.  Wait a minute, hold up?  How do we even know that Emee is even interested in JoJo?  She’s just a young teenager with her entire life in front of her.   It’s a mute issue?  Why?  Did I mention that in addition to the customs referred to above that “arranged marriages” especially to younger teens were also a part of their customs, complete with dowries?  No?  Ok, well now I am.  I hear you, don’t judge, just listen a little more.    

Matt met with Samuel, Emee’s father.  They agreed it would be good for both families to join together from a political and economic standpoint and it would be good for business.  The next step was to agree on a price and they did.  Emee was fully aware of what was going on because she had been groomed for this day, she just wasn’t sure who her suitor was because she was kept isolated until the negotiations were completed.  She was then escorted to the meeting room where she saw JoJo and her knees buckled.  Her father felt her weight shift as he escorted her in and ever so gently tightened his grip to ensure she wouldn’t fall.  Samuel knew by his daughter’s body language and the five other daughters he had married off that this was a good sign.  After the pleasantries and they bid each other a good night and Emee and her mother Tabitha spent half the night planning the festivities which would be held in a few short weeks.

JoJo called on her quite often over the next few weeks all under the watchful eye of Tabitha or her chaperon Lizzy.  The more time they spent together (regardless of their chaperones) the harder it seemed to leave each other.  It seemed too good to be true, as if it was a fairytale, but this was real.  Everyone in their small community had heard about their engagement and there was definitely a love bug in the air.

i should have had someone take a picture of me pregnant like this.A few weeks later early one morning while Emee lay in bed praying and thanking God for her soon to be husband she heard a man call her name.  Surely it wasn’t Jojo sneaking around this early in the morning but to be certain she went to her bedroom window but didn’t see anything so she dismissed the sound and got back in bed.  She closed her eyes and just as she began to pray again, she heard the same voice say:  Good morning! You’re beautiful with God’s beauty,
Beautiful inside and out! God be with you.  Emee Shocked, scared and confused the Messenger, Gabriel, continued to speak prophetically over her life and by the time he completed the conversation she knew her life would never be the same.  She couldn’t wait to tell JoJo.  She was scheduled to travel to see her older cousin Betty to assist her during the latter part of her pregnancy but she decided she would take a detour so she could give Joseph the exciting news but when she told him she was pregnant and that he wasn’t her baby’s daddy the look of disappointment on his face and the sadness in his eyes were unexplainable.   

He was clearly angry but he didn’t raise his voice.  He sat for a long while without saying anything.  His silence was deafening but the tears that rushed down his face stinging like acid were more than she could take.  She began to weep and pray as she sat in silence for him to say something, anything.  Neither of them cared that they were breaking custom of being together without a chaperone.  After what seemed like an eternity he finally spoke just above a whisper and told her he would think of something and suggested that she leave before people began to talk.  “Leave, think of something” she thought to herself as she walked out of the door.  As she continued on her journey she couldn’t understand why he wasn’t as excited as she was and then it hit her like a ton of bricks.  He must think that I have been unfaithful to him, but that’s not true.  I am still a virgin, I know what God’s messenger said to me.  I’m going to have a baby that JoJo and I will raise together even though he is not my baby’s daddy.  She prayed this prayer:  “God, I don’t know why you chose me but I am willing to be a vessel for you.  I pray that you will comfort JoJo in what must be a very confusing time for him, Amen.”

JoJo was so upset that he left work.  He dare not tell anyone for fear of bringing shame on Emee and her family.  Regardless of what she had done, he still loved her but this was unthinkable.  He had been faithful to God, his family and to Emee, how could this happen?  The only logical thing to do was to call off the engagement privately and advise her to stay with Betty and Zach until she had the baby.  He would provide the support she needed up until she had the baby and after that he would be done with her.  It was the middle of the night be then, his brain was mush and he was physically beat so he decided to go to bed and while he slept he had a dream he will never forget.  The very same Messenger appeared to him and told him not to change his plans about marriage because his fiancé was telling the truth in that her pregnancy was ordained by God to give birth to a son which they are to call Jesus interpreted ‘God saves’—because he will save his people from their sins.”  When he woke up, he did exactly as the Messenger instructed and never again cared that he wasn’t Mary’s baby’s daddy – at least biologically.  He loved that baby like he was his own.

There’s a saying: “Momma’s baby; daddy’s maybe.”   This was the case thousands of years ago but it is even more prevalent today.  I shared with some friends yesterday a true story about my eldest son discovering that his youngest child was not his biological son and that when baby’s mother voluntarily told me in humility that her son (Emmanuel) was not my son’s son.  It was disappointing but not devastating to the point that I wanted to take it out on the child and I told her that Emmanuel would always be my grandson.  In fact, unbeknownst to me, my ex-husband had the same reaction as I did.  We both said that Emmanuel is still my grandson. 

He is included in family functions, everyone embraces him and Emmanuel runs my son like a vacuum:  “Daddy, do this; give me that; come play spider man with me; etc. you would never know the difference.  I realize that my son’s love for Emmanuel may not be comparable to that of Joseph and Jesus, but every cotton picking time I see the two of them interact, the way he tenderly and selflessly cares for Emmanuel with all sincerity, it gives me a glimpse into the past of what it must have been like for Joseph to teach Jesus about life, respecting his mother, carpentry skills, etc.

I know this doesn’t come as a surprise, but “baby-daddy” drama and/or relationships aren’t anything new.   However, you may not be aware that they date back thousands of years and contrary to popular opinion, it is possible to have good healthy father-son relationships with men and boys that are not biologically related.  It’s also possible to co-parent children though you are no longer in a relationship with the parent, it’s a matter of choice and selflessness.

I’m out of time

In His New Excellence

Tania Not Tanya

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