Friday, December 19, 2014

My Epiphany Experience Pt. 1

Yesterday, December 18, 2014 I had an Epiphany experience that was absolutely “Omazing” (as my Sister, DeDe Felder says).  Here are the highlights:

The Journey:

After my morning prayer – yes seven (7) days a week and that includes “Satidays” and “Sundees” at 6 o’clock in the “morn’ting” – where I am joined by an average of 100+ men, women and even children, I did my workout, ate a healthy breakfast, got dressed and hooked up with my SiSee at our spot; picked up my Clear-Sister and headed to San Francisco (the City).   Thank God I gave myself ample commute time because we encountered traffic from the time we hit the Hwy 80/580 merge until we made it to our first destination.  Just before approaching the Powell Street exit I considered merging to the left to take advantage of the carpool lane but I hesitated for two reasons: 1) I was in the far right lane, traffic was quite heavy and I didn’t know if I would have enough time to maneuver my way over to the lane without getting caught in traffic that may have forced me to take Hwy 580 or 880 causing huge delays to our destinations; and 2) the carpool hours were over and I didn’t think it was worth the risk.  I had to make that calculation in a matter of seconds but because of my delayed response, I missed the opportunity to take the exit.

Out of the blue my co-pilot (SiSee) said: “you should have taken the carpool lane” to which I responded: “Yeah, I thought about it but it was too late to get over.”  My Clear-Sister says – in her authentic voice: “You could have saved about 30 minutes on our commute.”  OK well duh, but whatcha wanna sistah to do?  As we inched along in the traffic there was another opportunity for me to take a different carpool lane.  I hesitated again because there was a possibility that I could get a violation (at least that’s what I thought for some reason).  My sisters strongly encouraged me to take the lane, I considered the possible outcomes (a moving violation complete with an excessive fine, further delays OR saving about 30 minutes on our travel time) and decided to take the risk because logic said I wouldn’t get a ticket.  As I waited for the cars in the “lane” to zip by so I could zip in I said to my Clear-Sister who was giving directions from the backseat of my Bug: “If I get a ticket, I’m gonna tell them I’m your driver and you ordered me to take this lane”, at which we all fell out.  Once we took the exit I realized several cars were also taking this route so I felt a sense of relief, especially when I didn’t see a Highway Patrol person’s vehicle waiting to catch someone.

First Destination: 

The Bay Bridge had very little traffic once we crossed the toll plaza, but when we exited for the first destination, we were met with stop and go traffic again.  I was taken aback because traffic isn’t usually that heavy at 11:00 am, but I quickly discovered that one of the two available lanes was closed ahead.  Once we got past that hiccup we made it to the actual destination within about 7 minutes of exiting the freeway.  Nene, my ex-husband’s young adult cousin who calls me “Auntie” (primarily out of respect since my children, her 2nd cousins, are her age) came out to meet me just as I pulled up.  I eagerly introduced her to my SiSee and my Clear-Sister; gave her the two autographed books she wanted, encouraged her to join us for the breakfast of champions or at least listen to the playback calls, especially the Declaration that we heard earlier that morning from DeDe Felder on “Soul Ties” (559-726-1300; 731222# -- seven days a week at 6am and/or 7am for Love Life and Victory-- 

Second Destination:

As we got closer to our final destination on Masonic Avenue, the neighborhood looked familiar.  I saw an elementary school that I seemed to recognize, but not really, if that makes sense.  I softly said out loud, “I think that’s my former school, Anza Elementary”, but my sisters didn’t respond.  I don’t think they were ignoring me, I think I said it so low they didn’t hear me.  We pulled into a narrow parking lot of a red brick building with no address and took a chance that we were at the right location.  Well not really, my Google-girl said I was at the right location but sometimes I don’t trust her especially if I don’t see the actual physical number.  I don’t know, call me special.  There was a parking space waiting there just for my Bug right in front of the door.  My Clear-Sister wasn’t sure if I should park there because she thought it was a loading zone.  I looked at it again and said: “No, I think we’re good, I’m gonna park here”.  After parking I approached the gated door but didn’t see a doorbell or intercom so I called the host of the event, Deborah the preaching-machine Hodges, to let her know we had arrived but the call went straight to voicemail.   The sign on the door directed visitors around the corner to the main entry.  I rolled my eyes and said to myself: “we already got on our “cute” shoes, we not walking all the way around the corner.”  Just as I walked back to the car, a woman pulled up and I asked the driver if this was the correct destination to which she responded: “Yes, you’re in the right place, I’ll let you in with my badge.”  Won’t He Will!!!  You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. Yes.  Philippians 4:19 (The Message)

I began to assist with unloading the car because it’s the natural thing to do and my SiSee almost bit my head off reminding me that my job was to “Talk”, not to unload the car.  I looked at her, rolled my eyes and said – under my breath: ‘you ain’t the boss of me lady’ as I walked away toward the front of my car.  (Don't tell her I said that)  Then she ordered our Clear-Sister to get off the phone and come and help her.  As I stood by the car, I sarcastically asked if it was ok to carry my purse and she granted permission. 

Once inside we started to set up, at least they did, because my SiSee gave me the evil eye as I subconsciously started to help until I felt her eyes on me.  You know the look I’m talking about, when yo’ momma looks atcha and speaks with her eyes:  “try it if you won’t to and see what happens”; you know that look I’m talking about, don’t try to act like my mother is the only one that ever did that!!! LOL.   Chile, I found a chair, sat down and watched the dust as it fell from the ceiling.  Thankfully my Chocolate-Sister called before I got too bored from my activities to tell me she had arrived.  I directed her to our location and then asked her to create a book display but before doing so she fussed at me for not telling her to bring the items to make the setting “pretty”.  I was like: “well, man, all you gotta do is put the books on the table” and she was like, “I could have brought the stand from the book signing and this and that ….”.  Who do these “Chicks” think they are ordering me around!!!

Oh No!!  I’m about to lose battery power, I’m gonna have to stop for now, I’ll pick it up tomorrow.

In His New Excellence

Tania Not Tanya

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