Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Freshly Squeezed Pt. 1

Flavored Lemonades: Peach Rosemary Cherry Blueberry Lavender Coconut Rose (use Coconut Water for some of the water, add a little Rosewater) Mango Mint (with a little Lime Juice added) Pineapple Cilantro (good with some Jalapeno for a spicy kick) Strawberry Basil Raspberry Cranberry Cucumber-Melon with Mint

Ray made the best lemonade in a 50 mile radius of his hometown.   What started out as a hobby/favor for people (e.g. weddings, showers, birthday celebrations, church functions, etc.) was starting to flourish.   He had so many customers from referrals that he turned his garage into a mini manufacturing unit.  He refined the recipe down to a science and incorporated his family’s help.  People drove from miles around to purchase this addictive beverage by the gallons which was served best slightly frozen.    He paid his family a wage but invested his earnings back into the business, purchasing equipment that allowed them to work smarter not harder and once he had all of the equipment he needed he began to pay down some debt (e.g. credit card; revolving accounts and he even started to make extra mortgage payments).   After working the business on a part-time basis for about six years, they were debt free and the mortgage was nearly paid off!!

10 Benefits of Juicing LemonsIt couldn’t have happened at a better time because as life would have it Ray was notified his entire department was being phased out which meant that 300 employees would be jobless just before the Christmas Holidays, many of whom had been there for over 15 years.  He himself had worked for his employer, Just Juice a beverage company, for the past 22 years; he was literally three years shy of retiring.  They offered a decent severance package (including dental, vision and medical), but it that was only going to last for about 12 months.  He didn’t know how he was going to break the news to his wife, Sharon, so he decided he would wait until the weekend.   Over the next four days he worried about what she was going to say, think and how she would react.  She wasn’t money driven but she had been on worker’s compensation from a work related injury two years ago, her employer was playing hardball and it was becoming quite stressful for her which often triggered her injury.  It was a vicious cycle so Ray did his best to avoid stressful conversations but this was something that he couldn’t avoid or sweep under the rug.   All of their retirement plans had been altered when she went out on leave which was one of the reasons he placed more energy on the lemonade once he saw that they were making a profit from it.  Now that he was being laid off those plans were probably gonna go right out the window.

He knew the manufacturing business inside out but where was he going to start all over again at the age of 55? He had kids that were still in school:  Rayna was still in braces; Raymond, II aka Ray-2 was a sophomore in college; Ricky was a junior in college and Rita was graduating from high school in June of the following year.   They made good grades, they were focused and there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for them, but there was no way he was going to steal their dreams from them and deprive them of the things he and Sharon committed to, he just didn’t know how he was going to do it.   It was devastating news to the family. 

Homemade Strawberry Lemonade Recipe | The Old Hen Bed & Breakfast and BlogSaturday afternoon he decided to make some ribs to go with the “leftover” potato salad and greens Sharon had made the day before.  There wasn’t any more cornbread so he made a fresh batch of hot water cornbread which was a real treat for them.   They washed the leftovers down with some ice cold mint strawberry lemonade, a new recipe Ray had been experimenting with and they went bananas over it.  He then braced himself and broke the news to the family.  There was complete silence for about two minutes.  He dare not say a word, he just stared into his glass of lemonade and watched as the condensation formed and dripped down the glass onto his coaster which Sharon insisted they used to prevent water rings from forming on the dining room table.

Finally Sharon broke the silence and asked the question, what do you do when life throws you a bunch of lemons?  Rayna and Rita looked at their mother like she was crazy; Ray-2 shrugged his shoulders but Ricky and Ray got it almost immediately but they didn’t say anything.  Finally Sharon answered her own question, she said:  “you make lemonade.”  At that she turned to Ray and said:  “Look Babe, we are practically debt free from the lemonade business we have been playing at, can you imagine what would happen if we really focused our energies into making it profitable?  You’ve been in manufacturing for your entire adult life; you know lots of caterers, you love interacting with people and we have enough talent within our family to make this a legitimate business.  We’ve talked about starting our own business after retirement and though it hasn’t worked out the way we thought it would, we can still make it work.” 

Ray couldn’t believe how calm Sharon was.  She didn’t seemed stressed at all and the mere fact that the kids hadn’t gotten up from the table to move on to more things of interest had him absolutely stunned.   At that very moment it seemed like something had awakened inside him or like something had been ignited and the ideas started to flood his mind so quickly it was almost scary.  He looked at Rita who was a great note taker, administrator and loved to organize things and asked her to start taking notes for him and then he asked each of them what they believed their area of strength was.  Ricky was an amazing artist; Reyna could sell sand on the beach; Ray-2 was a social media guru and his wife, Sharon, kept everyone on task and of course he had the manufacturing experience and contacts.”  At that they all started to chime in about the possibilities and they began to dream as a family as they spoke life in to their father and husband.  They made a commitment to each other that night that they were going to give it “the lemonade business” 110% because failing wasn’t an option.  Ricky committed to creating a logo; Reyna committed to research labels and bottles that were a bit more professional and unique, Ray-2 committed to create the social media avenues and Reyna had already started to think about marketing strategies and Sharon gave everyone timelines for their projects. 

Peach lemonade slush Recips at  Allergic to peaches yet I can't resist this shit.They were planted at the dinner table over the next several hours eating the last of the leftovers and chasing it with mint cherry lemonade as they discussed their future as a family.  They ended the evening with warmed walnut brownies ala mode and this prayer which was led by Rayna, the youngest:  “Father, thank you for our Dad and Mom.  Thank you that we have everything we need, each other.  We’re gonna give this lemonade business our very best and we’ll leave the rest up to you.  In Jesus Name, Amen.”  It was late and everyone else went to bed, except Ray, who decided he wanted to stay up a while longer.  He felt a pulling on his heart and knew he needed to spend some time with his Father.  After the room had been emptied, he went into the family room, stoked the fireplace, sat before it and allowed the heat to penetrate his body.  He listened as the wood crackled and popped and he watched the flames as they seemed to dance rapidly over the charring wood. 

It wasn’t long before his eyes began to sting from the tears that were forming and quickly began to stream down his cheeks.  He had held it together as long as he could but now the emotion came raging like a bull in a china cabinet.  The more he thought about what had just transpired the faster the tears filled his eyes.  And then it happened, he felt the overwhelming presence of his Father fill the room, the gentle soothing hands of his Son, Jesus on his shoulders as the Holy Spirit reminded him of the dream he had years ago about leaving Corporate America and following his dream to start a family business and here it was right before him.  Who would have thought that the lemon trees he planted, pruned and harvested with his children when they first purchased their home would have yielded such success? 

Just like Ray and his family you can chose to turn tragedy(ies) into triumph, it’s a simple matter of choice.   Genesis 20:50 (NLT): You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.  Nothing just happens, it all has meaning, you have to be willing to look for it, shoot, some times you have to dig for it.

I’m out of time, that’s it for now.

In His New Excellence

Tania Not Tanya

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