Thursday, December 4, 2014

Mean Ugly Shoes Pt. 2

Crazy, Unique High Heel Shoes (37 Pictures)Yesterday’s blog explored an area that isn’t a secret but is generally an unspoken topic in many communities: female abusers as it relates to domestic violence (DV).  We discovered that Joyetta “Joy” Smith was raised by her single mother, Gloria Jean (Glo) in an affluent neighborhood with her four brothers (two sets of twins).   Glo loved her children, she was a positive role model with good morals and values; she provided and sacrificed for them; she implemented accountability measures and to her knowledge there were not exposed to abuse of any kind other than the limited television she allowed them to watch and “normal” sibling rivalry.  However, Joy and her brother Coy were extremely aggressive as children and it escalated as they discovered the “power” it gave them and as they got older.   We ended the declaration yesterday with Joy whopping on her boyfriend, Reggie because she made the choice to believe he had disrespected her by ignoring her attempts to contact him while he was at work, I’m sorry, I mean while he was at work where he earns a living and the people watch him and everything.

Ethnic Armadillos, it took me about 3 seconds to figure out that this is a shoe and how the hell it works. I pity the fool.Tania Not Tanya moment:  Correct me if I’m wrong but, doesn’t that seem a little overboard. 
1.     It’s her boyfriend (and not that it makes that much of a difference, but) they are not married and have no legal binding commitment to each other as a husband and wife.  Am I saying it is acceptable for spouses to abuse each other?  NO, don’t twist my words;
2.     Reggie was at work.  Contrary to what people may think, an employer pays an employee for their time.  The contractual agreement is that you trade your time for their money which means they have the right to dictate what you can and cannot do (within legal reasoning) for the number of hours you are working up to and including mandatory overtime if that is a part of your job duties; and
3.     She never allowed him the opportunity to explain what happened, instead she went hard in the paint, ran out, acted a plum fool. 
There is absolutely nothing attractive about a woman acting like an absolute IDIOT by abusing another human being especially over matters that are as trivial as not returning a phone call while the victim is working.  She made a choice to work herself up because of her insecurities. 

That’s a good place to pick up our story about Joy. 

After Joy had worn herself out “whopping” Reggie’s bah’hind, he slumped down on the couch like a broken Ken doll.  He dare not cry because she would beat him again, but he was completely broken inside.  He wasn’t a punk, he could hold his own up against anybody but he used violence as a last resort.  He was a soft hearted passionate man that was raised NOT to hit women for any reason.  He knew it was ridiculous for him to allow his 5’1” voluptuous 165 lb girlfriend to whop on him like that, but he loved and hated her all at the same time.  He had completely run out of excuses about the black eyes and scratches to his neck and face that had become more frequent lately.  At 6’4” and 220 lbs he knew he could restrain her but he couldn’t bring himself to harm her, besides, the last time he attempted to do so Coy pistol whipped him and told him if he ever laid a hand on his sister again he would kill him and Reggie believed it.

Making clothes for Ken dolls As he sat their scratched, bruised and bleeding he listened to her blame him for having to get him together.  He listened just enough to pretend that he was listening while he thought about how he was going to get cleaned up in time to leave for his second shift without setting her off again.  Reasoning with her was pointless, that got him hit over the back with a broomstick; talking to her mother or other brothers got him a trip to the emergency room for the second time within three months with two cracked ribs and a threat that if he ever spoke to her family again about their “business” she would cut his tongue out.  He knew she didn’t really mean it when she exploded into her rages because they always had amazing make up sex.  It was like better than anything he had ever experienced with any woman, but there had to be a way to make love to her without having to make war first, he just hadn’t figured it out.

He had no idea what lie he would tell to explain the black eye to his supervisor and co-workers and then he decided he would tell them he got jumped.  At this point he was really cutting it close and if he didn’t leave within 20 minutes he was going to be late but he was afraid to move for fear she would attack him again.  Finally she said calmly, “Listen Babe, I love you so much that I go crazy when I don’t hear from you.  You’re going to have to figure out a way to respond when I reach out to you, OK?”  He nodded yes, obediently though he had no intention of trying to figure anything else out other than regaining control of his life.  She then kissed him and told him to come into the bathroom so she could help him get cleaned up for work. 

She agreed to him working the extra hours because they were going to move in together in about six weeks or so she thought.  Reggie was saving that money to move out of state.  He already had things lined up with his uncle (whom she knew nothing about) that was a successful business owner in Atlanta.  He was the only person who knew what was going on and rather than ridicule him like so many others would, he supported him without judging him.  Tonight was his last night at work.  As much as he wanted to inform his co-workers and employers (because it was the professional thing to do), he knew it would be far too dangerous.  He planned to leave two months’ rent with his roommate.  He made Joy think he sold his furniture so they could use the funds to furnish their alleged new place.  Leaving was going to be bitter-bitter-bitter sweet but enough was enough.  When she kissed him good night she had no idea it was actually a kiss goodbye. 

A passage from my favorite book says: Better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and angry woman.  Proverbs 21:19 (NLT)

The irony about Joy and Coy was that they were not raised in a violent family.  During his father’s lifetime Coy remembered him being a perfect gentlemen who loved Gloria-Jean to life.  He never saw his parents fight, they argued if you want to call it that, but it was nothing outrageous or over the top.  However, Coy was angry with the world, but especially his mother because he felt abandoned and didn’t really know how to deal with the loss he felt without his Dad.  As a kid he blamed his mom for his death for reasons he couldn’t even explain and to this day he continued to blame her. 

Joy on the other hand really had no excuse for her violent outbursts because it was learned behavior she modeled from her brother Coy whom she idolized.  The “respect, power and control” intrigued her and it was addictive.   

According to statistics, assaults on men represent more than 40% of domestic violence in the UK.  In the US, About two in five of all victims of domestic violence are men, contradicting the widespread impression that it is almost always women who are left battered and bruised, a new report claims.

edward norton in fight clubDoes it make it any less humane if a woman is the abuser?  Absolutely not, but it is real. If you are someone who is an abuser you can make a decision to stop today.  If you are a victim, you can make a decision to take your life back today.  Another passage from my favorite book says:  Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.  Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)  Don’t go to the left and blame God for your situation.  You are where you are because of choices you made, however, God is willing to help you no matter what side of the fence you’re on – abuser of victim.  So what’s next?  If you’re a victim or abuser you have the choice to seek God for direction, from professional help and if appropriate create an exit plan from the situation.  Or you can continue to do what you have always done and I guarantee you will get what you have always gotten. 

I’m out of time, that’s it for now.

In His New Excellence

Tania Not Tanya

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