Thursday, February 5, 2015

It's a simple matter of choice -- Walking in Integrity Pt. 3

During yesterday declaration we discovered that Orin, Shelby’s father, was raised in a structured environment, adopted those morals and values, implemented most of them, added some of his own had done a fairly decent job with parenting.  He didn’t raise an angel but he raised a respectful young man who was college bound, respected authority figures, etc. 

8 Questions We Ask Our Kids Which Always Result in a Blank StareC2 on the other hand, was beginning to experience some challenges with his son, Currant, that he had not anticipated.  He felt like an idiot for robbing Currant of the privilege of growing up in a godly home, especially now since his son revealed that he didn’t believe in heaven, hell or God.  It crushed him, he couldn’t breathe, eat or sleep.  Out of frustration one night he cried out and said: “God, why did you let this happen to me.”  God said absolutely nothing, he just sat back on his throne, crossed his legs and folded his arms over his chest and sent a “blank stare”.  If I was God, I wudda said, “Niggah please, go find quiet.” Just kidding, but not really (do I sound double minded :)) … 

Tania not Tanya Nugget:  Yeah, he was worried about his son and rightly so but to blame God was an absolute cop out, immature, irresponsible and unacceptable.  It always amazes me how quick we are to blame God for the things that “go wrong” in our life.  Like really, did God make you lay down with that woman or man, make a bab(ies), let them raise themselves and then get mad at him?  Really?  Especially when he NEVER told you to “hook up” with them in the first place.  Forget marriage that’s becoming more of a thing of the past, especially with the Mosaic generation that believes they should do what feels good, don’t consider the consequences.  If it doesn’t turn out right blame the God that you say doesn’t exist, demand his help and if he doesn’t answer within 3.5 seconds accuse him of being unfair.  What an oxymoron.  

Embedded image permalinkThe more C2 thought about his son the more he felt “some kind of way”.  He was beginning to feel guilty, but not your normal guilty, the kind of guilt he was feeling was like overdosing on warm glazed donuts with an ice cold glass of milk kind of guilt it was hard to not to indulge.  The more he thought about he realized he couldn’t pray the word over his son like his mother had done him, not because he didn’t know how, but because of his self-imposed restrictions.  He remembered hearing his mother humming throughout the day, no particular tune, just that recognizable yet unrecognizable tune; she was up early every morning praying and interceding for others; she prayed with him and his siblings before bed until they were old enough to do it on their own; as they got older it was common for her to come in their rooms, anoint them with blessed oil and pray over them while they were sleeping (many times he was awake and as she prayed he played possum as stinging tears of rebellion rolled over the bridge of his nose into the other eye, slightly down his check until they met the pillow and formed a huge wet circle).  He loved and hated her doing that to him both at the same time because he would be “toe” up for the rest of the night Hon’Tee, you hear me.  Sleep would absolutely escape him as he thought about his mother whom he adored and his raggedy father whom he had grown to hate and God whom he was growing to resent.  He didn’t understand why such a loving mother, devoted wife, lover of people, committed woman of God could be with such a raggedy, hypocritical jerk and God be OK with it.  He and his siblings got beatings that were completely unnecessary (e.g. they didn’t quote a scripture correctly at church, mo the lawn when he said to, believing an adult’s accusation without even bothering to at least listen to their side of the story, etc.).  

At 17 he was taller than his father and though he wasn’t as heavy, he had learned the skill and discipline of wrestling, intentionally asked to be matched with opponents twice his size and sweetie-pie, he was ready for him the next time he raised a belt to him.   
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.  Ephesians 6:4 (NLT)
As far as C2 was concerned his father had no integrity as a husband, father or a preacher and he refused to spend another minute under Rev. Currant Tymes, I roof once he turned 18. 
The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him. Proverbs 20:7 (NKJV)
It broke his heart to leave his mom, but if he stayed around any longer he knew he would end up doing something to his father that he would regret.
Foolish children bring grief to their father and bitterness to the one who gave them birth.  Proverbs 17:25 (NLT)

skipping stonesThe Holy Spirit tugged at his heart, he wanted to listen but he felt embarrassed and he didn’t want to be one of those people who just went to God because he was having problems.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

The primary difference in the results of these two fathers was that Orin found a church for he and Shelby to attend based upon the need he had for Shelby to be exposed to maternal nurturing in the absence of his biological mother.  The motive was right but the outcome was completely opposite of what he expected.  He clearly made a choice to take his son to church as opposed to sending him but the results were well worth it, a personal relationship with Christ, the perfect fiancé for him and a healthy relationship with his son. 

In closing I believe it is absolutely “spe-sha” (not special; “spe-sha”) for people to deny, ask and blame God for decisions we make (without consulting him) and become angry because he doesn’t respond when we want Him to, if at all.  Doesn’t that sound like somebody that has multiple personality disorder?  Make up “yo” mind Hon’Tee, do you want God's help or not?  If you do, there are expectations that must be met, primarily a relationship with Him before you start making demands or should I say asking.  Would you fulfill requests of people you have no relationship with whenever they asked no matter what it was?  Don’t lie, you know you wouldn’t, well I know I wouldn't.  Then why would we assume God will?  Come on, it’s not even logical, practical or in good form.  So what are you saying Tania?  The message is simple, God wants to help us in every aspect of our lives, however there are conditions (just like there are with getting a loan, applying for government assisted programs, etc.); in return he just asks that you are in an authentic relationship him and you remain true to him.  That’s it; that’s all, plain and simple, a lot more simple than you may realize.  It all comes down to choice.

I’m out of time …

Because of his undeserving favor

Tania not Tanya

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