used Beatty’s smartphone almost as well as she did but to ensure she didn't run
up her data plan or access her social media apps again, she turned on parental
controls as a precaution. Vada started
recognizing words at 3-1/2 and now she could text pictures; simple phrases and
emoticons to Grammy Freda and Grappy Owen and a few other select friends and family.
She couldn't read everyone's name yet but
she did recognize the pictures associated with their names so it made it easier
for her.

no mistake, teaching Nevada balance was important but it wasn’t OK to crush her
spirit with negative words. Freda's mother wit was amazing. Her suggestion when Vada was about two years old to set a regular consistent 8:00 pm bed time freed extra study and/or chill
time for Beatty but it also gave Nevada the extra time for rest which was one
of the reasons she was probably so bright and cheery in the morning.
following Monday morning, Beatty woke her little sunshine up with a kiss on the
forehead as she gently caressed her navy blue face and gently told her it was
time to wake up. She opened her eyes and
was pleasantly surprised to see Beatty smiling, which reminded her she needed
to go and brush her teeth and wash her face before speaking a word (thank you
Grammy). But as soon as she finished she
made a bee-line for the kitchen, breakfast and morning conversation or a
minimum of 12 questions. By the time she
was done with breakfast she was up to at least 25 questions. Just as she was about to tell her to “Hush”,
she remembered Grammy’s advice and said: “Nevada, go find quiet”. She looked at her as if she had thrown a
bucket of ice water in her face. She was
completely stumped and after about 10 seconds she said: “Mommy, where do I find quiet?” To which Beatty responded, “use your
imagination, now go on, go find it.” Nevada
got up from the table and commenced to look for quiet with as much tenacity and
enthusiasm as she asked her questions. From that point forward anytime Beatty felt overwhelmed or needed a break, she would gently tell her sunshine to go find quiet.
Let's take a closer look at those three short words:

Find: to come upon by
chance; meet with: to locate, attain, or obtain by search or effort; to locate
or recover (something lost or misplaced); to discover or perceive after
consideration: to gain or regain the use of
Quiet: making no noise or sound, especially no
disturbing sound; free, or comparatively free, from noise; silent; restrained
in speech, manner, etc.; saying little; free from disturbance or tumult;
tranquil; peaceful; being at rest; refraining or free from activity, especially
busy or vigorous activity; making no disturbance or trouble; not turbulent;
you considered Grammy’s advice – go find quiet?
Let’s examine the quiet types:
- God, do not be silent! Do not be deaf. Do not be quiet, O God. (Psalms 83:1 NLT)
- God, whom I praise, don’t stand silent and aloof (Psalms 109:1 NLT)
- Who can argue with me over this? And if you prove me wrong, I will remain silent and die. (Job 13:19 NLT)
Awe and Respect
- But the LORD is in his holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before him.” (Habakkuk 2:20 NLT)
- Be silent before the LORD, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling.” (Zechariah 2:13 NLT)
- From heaven you sentenced your enemies; the earth trembled and stood silent before you. (Psalms 76:8 NLT)
- But the people were silent and did not utter a word because Hezekiah had commanded them, “Do not answer him.” (2 Kings 18:36 NLT)
(takes discipline, will power):
- Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 (NLT) (KJV says: And that ye study to be quiet) It is an act of discipline to live a quiet life, mind your business and work. Which leads me to believe it takes not thought to be loud, boisterous, noisy, insensitive, eager to hear the dirt on someone’s life, lazy, etc. You really don’t even have to come up with a plan for any of the later
- Don’t sin by letting anger control you. Think about it overnight and remain silent. (Psalms 4:4 NLT). To hold your tongue when you could otherwise go off takes a lot of self-restraint but it becomes easier as you practice the art of quiet (silence)
- But Jesus was silent and made no reply. Then the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” (Mark 14:61 NLT)
- Jesus prepared himself prior to his appearance before the High Priest by finding quiet in the Garden of Gethsemane. I realize it may not seem that way because he prayed alone with such fervor that his sweat was mixed with blood. That alone time prepared him for the act of being purposefully quiet before his enemies when the time presented itself.
way over my time, Go Find Quiet, or don't, it's left up to you
of his undeserving favor,
not Tanya
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