Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Stuck on the side of the Road

Tuesday, February 3, 2015, I was running a tad bit late so I contacted my 10:30 am appointment and rescheduled to 10:45am.  I jumped in my 2012 VW Bug, strapped myself in, my plugged my earbuds in case I got a call and I was set. 

As I pulled out of the driveway (of my unique home) I noticed that it was an unusually warm and sunny day for February.  Traffic was just right.  I calculated arriving at Purpose by 10:35 am at the latest.  Just as I merged onto Highway 80 west bound to begin my journey I received a call from my husband, Carl.  We giggled a bit as the conversation shifted to plans for the day.  My goal was to complete my appointment, head to San Francisco to visit with my mom and show her the generational pictures we took in December 2014 that were finally available for purchase.  I had everything mapped out in my head so that I could leave her home before the evening commute traffic set it. 

As I continued my journey, in the fast lane, something got my attention, I looked down for a second or two but when I looked up I saw something black in the road.  Based on my speed and position of the object in my lane I had to make a split decision as to whether I was going to swerve or run over the object.  If I swerved too hard I might hit the cement divider so I took my chances and ran over the object hoping it was hard plastic.  I eased off the gas but I didn't break as I felt and heard the impact and prayed silently that I hadn't ruined my tire or worse my rims.  Carl was still talking but it was hard to hear him over the voice in my head screaming: "OH NO, JESUS, JESUS!!!!  And then it happened....  I felt the weight of the vehicle shift and I heard a funny noise.  As Panic showed up unannounced, I immediately began to talk myself into calm.

Before you lose your cool, use one of these 20 simple techniques to avoid yelling at your kids and keep peace in your home.I put on my hazard lights and aggressively started to merge, right, so I could pull off on the shoulder.  But out of nowhere, Acusaci'on started to yell at me like I was a little kid or something: 
·       "You shudda done your exercise right after your declaration like you normally do, but instead you started piddling around; and if you wudda told Tee (my eldest son) that you couldn't rescue Terry (my eldest grandson) from school because he just beat somebody down at school who pulled a gun on him, you cudda had all the time in the world for more piddling.  But no, you think you're a Power Ranger, GI Jane or Every Woman (thank you Chaka and Whitney).  Why didn’t you let Carl's phone call roll over to voicemail, you are driving you know".  For real, are you kidding me? 
·       I was like: “hol-on, hol-on, hol-on, Acusaci'on, I just got rid of panic, how you just gone pop up in my head unannounced too.  I got something for you though, hol-on”. 

Meanwhile Carl is clueless as to what has happened and he is still talking to me on the phone; I'm trying to safely merge right.  It seemed as if I went from the fast lane to the slow lane seamlessly (thank God there wasn't any heavy traffic and the other motorists were cooperative); as I simultaneously listened to see if my tire was blown out, all while trying to remain calm.  Once I made it to the slow lane I finally told Carl I had to hang up because I ran over something but I would call him once I got off the road safely.  Just as Acusaci'on was about to open his mouth to start in on me again, I yielded myself to my Daddy and said: “Father help me”.  A ministering angel was dispatched instantaneously and snatched Acusaci’on out of space so quickly it was as if he was never even there.  I have no idea what happened after that all I know is that I didn’t hear him in my ear anymore. 
So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  James 4:7 (NLT)
For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him.  Psalm 34:7 (NLT)

I made it off the highway onto the shoulder safely.  I sat there for a few minutes to collect my
thoughts, thank God for guiding me safely to the shoulder and decided on a plan of action.  I got out of the vehicle, went to the front of the passenger’s side of the car and to my surprise there was no damage but when I walked to the rear passenger’s side, my tire was sitting flat as a pancake on the asphalt and my heart sank.  We just bought those tires about 45 days ago and I didn’t want to spin $200 on a new tire.  I called Carl to update him and he reminded me the tires are under warranty just call AAA and have them put the spare on and drive to the dealership so they could repair or replace it.  Um, we don't have AAA, oh snap we have roadside service through our insurance company.  As the cars are whisking by at 70 plus miles an hour my car was shaking and though the wind was really high, the weather was amazing, it had to be in the 70s.  Carl heard the hesitancy in my voice and offered to make the call for me, thank God for my Boaz.  The challenge?  Of all days, I didn't charge my phone after the Victory Call as I normally do, so I had very little battery; my Bug doesn't charge unless the engine is on and I was in a crappy signal area.  Bless God we get through but we were on hold for a while listening to boring elevator music when finally the music stops and a Customer Service Agent asks how he can assist.  Carl tells him that I'm stranded on the highway and the Agent says:  "Due to the weather conditions we're not making roadside calls, hold on, I'm going to transfer you back to your insurance company" and instantly the boring elevator music started where it left off.  I was looking at the phone like, are you kidding me.  Carl and I were both stunned and I'm sure his mouth was as wide open as mines, except mines was full of words ready to pounce on that idiot who was either lying through his teeth or lived in another state.  Over the music Carl said, "How’s the weather where you are?" I replied:  "It's gorgeous".   It seemed like we were on hold forever so I told him to hang up because I remembered a free roadside service offered by Cal-Trans (California Department of Transportation).  I told him where to find the brochure at the house and he made contact with them but my signal kept failing.  Finally after three - four attempts he was able to connect me with them but the wait would be 30-45 minutes.  It would have been great to pass the time with Carl but my low battery said no.  I had my iPad and laptop to occupy my time. 

I was starting to feel a little uneasy about being in the car because again, every time a car, truck or tractor trailer passed by, my entire car shook.  All of a sudden I looked up and saw what looked like two figures walking towards me from a distance.  “Lord, are you sending more angels?”  “Uh, nope.”  “Is that a man and a woman?”  “Yup.”  “Well that can't be possible, this isn't a public street and I don't see any other stopped vehicles”.  Sure enough there was a Caucasian couple walking towards my vehicle.  The guy was at least 6’ and 200 plus pounds.  I locked the car door; decided that I was going to pretend that I was talking on the phone and not make eye contact, because I was not for any drama.  Whatever they were doing on the highway was off, I could feel it.   This was not a “do you know Jesus?” moment and I didn’t have the capacity for a sob story because I was dealing with my own journey challenges.  As they got closer, yet still far enough away to see them through my sunglasses I watched them trying to read their body language.  They passed right by as if I wasn't there.  I watched them in my rear view mirror until they were out of sight.  How?  Well, I was about a quarter of a mile from an on ramp which they took as an exit.  I got out of the car to stretch my legs and to soak up some of the beautiful sun but I didn't feel comfortable being outside either so I got back in the car. 

Undercover CHP Officer pulls Gun on Protestors after they catch him inciting LootingTen minutes later a Highway Patrol Officer pulled up.  I was so relieved that I hopped out of my Bug with an ink pen in my hand.  He started walking towards me with that authoritative stride he stopped before reaching me, spoke into his shoulder two-way radio, unclipped his holster (not sure if it was the mace or his side arm).  But as he was approaching I realized I had a possible weapon in my hand, my ink pen; hopping out of the car could have been misread as an act of aggression and my absolute joy to see him wasn't mutual.  It was then that I realized I better switch gears and watch as well as pray because depending on how this guy is feeling today things could go differently.  He gave his 10-4 and continued his approach and said:  "How ya doin' ma'am, what's the problem?"  My Holy Ghost stood up and took control from that point on. 

    When you are arrested, dont worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time. For it is not you who will be speaking—it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. (Matthew 10:19-20 NLT)

Wouldn't you know it, just as I was getting warmed up, I've gotta stop because I'm out of time.  We'll pick it up tomorrow

Because of his underserving Favor

Tania Not Tanya

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