Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Stuck by the side of the Road - Pt. 2

I know some of you may have felt like I left you hanging after yesterday’s blog and I did (LOL) not because I’m mean but we can only take so much Tania Not Tanya in one setting.   Rather a re-cap, I’m going to invite you to read yesterday’s blog at entitled Stuck on the Side of the Road”.  I need to use my time to fill in some blanks that I didn’t share yesterday.  Buckle your seatbelt because this journey includes windy roads.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015, started off fine.  I woke up at 4:45am and laid in my bed meditating about who I should intercede for that day and no sooner than I posed the question, God said your grandchildren.  No problem, God, there are 14 of them (and a few of them have additional siblings that are not my biological grands, but I am still Mema to them) so that gives me the entire day to remember all of their names in order by birth.  I started with Terry, the eldest and stayed on him a while and then moved onto Steffenaye, Khaylum, Tay, Ariyana, Be-mon (Te’Mon, II), Duh (Lonnell, Jr.) Teric, Ethan, Jr., Monica, April, Terri, Marquez, Eric, Caira, Emmanuel (and Journey just in case – that’s another declaration). 

During the morning Victory Call, my Victor, DeDe Felder, shared that several parents had contacted her requesting prayer for their young people some of which have been victimized for crazy things (e.g. excelling in sports or academia, being a college student, etc.) and she requested that we include the youth/young adults in our morning prayer.  Oh My God!! It hit me like a ton of bricks and prior to my declaration Raising Little Frankensteins – ( I shared what God said to me before the Call which confirmed his instruction to me.  We prayed heaven down for our babies that morning which led to an “Omazing” discussion afterwards.  I hit the treadmill and literally five minutes after I completed my workout I got a panicked call from my eldest son, Tee that my eldest grandson was in a fight at school and he “told me to go and get him.”  Now, I don’t usually jump when my kids make requests but I heard the panic in his voice and he said he was on his way to Vallejo as we spoke.  Long story short, I stopped in my tracks before I did anything and I gave God praise for what could have been a story gone badly ending with devastation and grief for yet another young man, contributing to the diabolical plan of genocide on our black and brown men.  God I praise you that you said:  I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! (Isaiah 65:24 (NLT).  There are some unresolved challenges that need to be addressed, but my grandson is alive, ya heard me!!

I decided that it was going to be a good day, so I changed my Mema hat to my Purpose hat as I started my journey to Purpose though ended up on the Side of the Road because of an intentional distraction that was designed to change my journey.  Keep reading, it will make sense.

Let’s fast forward to where I left off yesterday. Officer B _ _ _ _ zzo, ended his two-way radio conversation, unclipped something on his side (mace or his side arm) -- and I promise I am not using my imagination, -- and walked sternly towards me to ask what the problem was.  There was no reason for me to be curt, flippant or indignant because I chose not to.  I could have easily said, “oh I didn’t have anything better to do on this beautiful Tuesday morning so I decided to get dressed up and pull off on the side of the road just for the heck of it”; OR “are you an idiot, can’t you see my hazards flashing and that flat tire, you knuckle head, go fight crime”, but I didn’t, it wasn’t necessary.  It was however, necessary for me to remain calm, act professional and ensure he saw that my pen was exactly that, an ink pen I was using before he pulled up.  This is what I recollect from our conversation:

Officer B:  What seems to be the problem?  Me: I couldn’t avoid a metal object in the road; ran over it and flattened my tire.  See my tire is flat (as I slowly raised my right hand and pointed to it)
Officer B: How long have you been here?  Me:  About 30 minutes or so
Officer B:  Did you happen to see anyone on the shoulder?  Me:  Yes, I saw a Caucasian male and female
Officer B:  Do you remember what they looked like?  Me: The man could have been in his late 20s or early 30s, he was taller than you, blonde crew cut.  The woman was about my height and weight, blonde, her hair was pulled back.  They both had on dark clothes, she was carrying a light colored handbag.
Officer B: Did you see where they came from?  Me:  It seemed like they came from nowhere, but I guess they walked from over the ridge ahead.  I didn’t see a vehicle, I didn’t make I contact and I probably wouldn’t recognize them again if they walked up on me.  They didn’t say anything to me and I didn’t see anything to them.
Officer B:  Did you see where they went?  Me:  I assume they exited at the on ramp because I watched them until I didn’t see them anymore beyond the curve.
Officer B: Do you have any ID?  Me:  Yes, here it is
Officer B: he runs my driver’s license and plates.  Me:  Thinking to myself, “thank God my tags are up to date and I don’t have any tickets. 
Officer B:  He leaves me and walks around to the driver’s side and then to the hood of the car and touches it (trying to determine if the engine was hot – hmmmm – wassup with that)  Me: So, what’s going on?
Officer B:  Well, we have the two people you described detained not far from hear.  They said they had to leave their vehicle, a Silver PT Cruiser, because they had car trouble, in the very location you’re in.  Me: Thinking to myself:  “Oh my God, they probably robbed somebody or something, I’m not testifying to nothin’ so don’t even think about asking me.”  But I say: Oh, no, I don’t know them and my car is a 2012 VW Bug as you can see.
Officer B: Yeah, well we’re just trying to figure out where they came from.  Me:  Well, I don’t know, like I said they seemed to appear from out of no where
Officer B:  OK, mam well is someone coming to help you?  Me:  Yes, roadside service
Officer B:  So you’re ok?  Me:  Ummm, well I’m a little uncomfortable.  What are you gonna do with those two people.
Officer B: Oh, they won’t be coming back this way, we have them detained.  Me:  OK
Officer B:  As a precaution, it’s best that you stay outside of the vehicle, but if you absolutely have to get back, sit on the passenger side.  Me:  Oh, Ok, are you leaving me here?
Officer B:  Ummmmmmmmmmm, yeah.  Me:  Oh
Officer B:  I hope you don’t feel like I harassed you or anything, I just needed to check out their story.  Me:  No problem, Have a Terrific Day Officer (under my breath:  even though you’re leaving me hear stranded by the side of the road, you better hope nothing happens to me – just kidding)

As Officer B _ _ _ _ zzo left me in the dust, I retrieved my thin jacket from my Bug and stood outside
as he advised.  Though the wind was whipping through my hair like someone was blow drying it I was compelled to stand in and enjoy the Son as I enjoyed the sun and watched the vehicles whisk by as they journeyed to their destinations.  I put on my headphones but there was purposely no sound.  I wanted to worship, right there on Highway 80 W without drawing any more attention or giving motorists the impression that I was a crazy woman talking to myself on the side of the road.  So there I stood on the unlevelled shoulder as I prayed; thanked God for sparing my grandson’s life; and asked Him what in the world this was all about.  God what is the lesson if there is one?  He didn’t speak or if he did, I didn’t hear him.  All I could assume at that point was that there was a delay on my Journey to Purpose for a reason and that I should trust the process.  I understand Him well enough to know that He may or may not reveal it to me, it didn’t matter because I trust Him with my whole heart and my entire life.  Uh oh, gotta go, Cal-Trans Roadside service just pulled up and I am “Rhett tah go, Hon’Tee.”

We'll pick it up tomorrow

Because of his undeserving Favor

Tania Not Tanya

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