Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Love, What Is Your Motive?

Love to and of both God and man is fundamental to true religion, whether as expressed in the Old Testament or the New Testament.  Apostle Paul, a former terrorist of Christians, was transformed by God’s unconditional love and repositioned to his rightful place as a scholar, teacher, evangelist and prolific writer.  In his letter of correction (inspired by God) to the Corinthian Church, the entire 13th chapter is devoted to love.  He says love is the greatest of the graces of the Christian life, greater than speaking with tongues, the gift of prophecy or the possession of a faith of superior excellence; for without love all these gifts and graces, desirable and useful as they are in themselves, are as nothing, certainly of no permanent value in the sight of God. Jesus said:  In Mark 12:29-31 Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  No other commandment is greater than these. (NLT).   Neither Paul nor Jesus underestimates the faith from which all the graces proceed, for this grace is recognized as fundamental in all God's dealings with man and man's dealings with God but both alike count that faith as but idle and worthless belief that does not manifest itself in love to both God and man. As love is the highest expression of God and His relation to mankind, so it must be the highest expression of man's relation to his Maker and to his fellow-man

Most people know there are 10 commandments, but Jesus clearly states the most important commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.  The second bombshell is that he ranks the commandments and says No other commandment is greater than these.  That’s a very radical statement to make to Jewish scholars and people who had practiced the Law all of their lives.  In fact for them, it sounds like an insult because they had never heard anyone rank the commandments because they were supposed to keep them all.  But it dawned on me that if we love God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength, we won’t:
·       Worship other gods; bow down to any god other than God the Father; use his name in vain, etc.
And, if you love your neighbor as yourself, we won’t:
·       Dishonor your parents, steal, kill, lie, covet (yearn, desire, crave, insatiably wish for) your neighbors wife, property, salary, lifestyle, etc.; or commit adultery (filthy nasty sex outside of marriage with someone else’s spouse)
Victory Nugget:  If you have done any of the above, God has forgiven you, so release, let it go and forgive yourself.  If you are still doing any of the above, you can decide today to stop, but not by yourself, God will help you if you just take the initial step of asking Him to forgive you.

OK, Tania, but I don’t even know my neighbors, I rarely see them.  Sweetie, I am not just talking about the person who lives in your building, next door or across the street.  Your neighbor is:

(Webster) a person who lives near another; a person or thing that is near another (not just near your residence); one's fellow human being; a person who shows kindliness or helpfulness toward his or her fellow humans -- to be a neighbor to someone in distress; used as a term of address, especially as a friendly greeting to a stranger.

Our fundamental challenge is a completely distorted understanding of love and/or lack of love altogether, in and out of the church.  It is extremely disheartening to see the discord, division, jealousy, envy, sabotage, downright hatred among people that profess to be saved and spirit filled.  People who carry big bibles, wear Jesus ties, scarves, earrings, necklaces and t-shirts who proudly display Jesus bumper stickers.  The folks who can cut you so quickly with their words that you won’t realize you’re bleeding until someone points it out to you.  I have often wondered what in the world are they thinking.  What is the point faithfully attending worship services, bible class, committee meetings, etc. with that type of venom in their heart?  What is their motive? 

When you help a friend or total stranger, what is your motive?
When you visit someone who is ill, what is your motive?
When you volunteer to help with a project (in or out of church), what is your motive?
When you give money or things to someone in need, what is your motive?
When you listen to a friend pour out their heart to you, what is your motive?
When you give someone a gift, what is your motive?
When you give yourself away, what is your motive?
When you give someone a ride, what is your motive?
When you pay for someone’s meal, what is your motive?
When you volunteer to pray, what is your motive?
When you volunteer to lead a bible study, support group, etc. what is your motive?

If you’re not sure, now is a good time to get an examination.  Stand in front of the mirror, turn the search light on by looking straight into your eyes and ask yourself why you do what you do?  If your answer is because of fear, validation, self-approval, attention, obligation, jealousy, you’re not sure, it’s time to dig deeper, ask God for forgiveness (if applicable) and tell him you need His help to do what’s right, which is to “serve with love”.  Anything else is cute, but it’s a waste of time.

Let’s look at Mark 12:31 again:Love your neighbor as yourself There is an exception to this rule, and this is coming from me, it’s not in the scriptures.  Some people “hate” themselves and it is a very very strong possibility that you are who I am talking about.  Please hear my heart when I say that I Love You.  Whoever you are, whatever you have done, I love you.  You are exempt from this commandment until you can be loved back to wholeness, restoration and balance.  It may not be easy and it’s going to take a lot of work on your part, but when you come out of it and learn to love yourself in a “balanced way” you will be a whole person who can reach back and show others how to love themselves.  You cannot give up now.  You are worth the fight, yes you are, do you know why?  Because you were created by God in his image no matter what the circumstances of your birth or childhood.  Every single thing that you have been through can be turned around so that God receives the glory and honor because he kept you, gave you the will to put one foot in front of the other in spite of all of the things you have faced.  It may not feel like it right now, but you’re a survivor and there are people waiting to hear how you made it through because it will give them hope they can only get from someone who has walked in their shoes.  They are waiting with baited breath to hear your story and to be loved out of the self-hatred by someone just like you.  

I’m out of time, we’ll pick it up tomorrow

In His Endless Love


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

God’s Love -- How Much Does It Cost Pt. 2

Way and Jordan sat on the bench in front of the theatre sipping their chocolate shakes completely oblivious to the time as they lost themselves in their conversation.  Way continued: “Son, I can’t say it enough, everything costs something.  It costs to live for and love God with all of your heart.  The price we pay is dying to our own selfish desires, understanding and motives daily.  It may not sound like a lot but it is.  Do you remember the story of the rich man from the bible?”  Jordan vaguely remembered so Way re-captured it:

“Jesus and the disciples arrived in Judea and as usual they drew a huge crowd.  As he was starting out on a trip, a man came running to him and knelt down and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to get to heaven?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good!  But as for your question—you know the commandments: don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, respect your father and mother.”  “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve never once broken a single one of those laws.”  Jesus felt genuine love for this man as he looked at him. “You lack only one thing,” he told him; “go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor—and you shall have treasure in heaven—and come, follow me.” Then the man’s face fell, and he went sadly away, for he was very rich.  Jesus watched him go, then turned around and said to his disciples, “It’s almost impossible for the rich to get into the Kingdom of God!”  This amazed them. So Jesus said it again: “Dear children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the Kingdom of God.  It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.”  The disciples were incredulous! “Then who in the world can be saved, if not a rich man?” they asked.  Jesus looked at them intently, then said, “Without God, it is utterly impossible. But with God everything is possible.”  Then Peter began to mention all that he and the other disciples had left behind. “We’ve given up everything to follow you,” he said.  And Jesus replied, “Let me assure you that no one has ever given up anything—home, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, or property—for love of me and to tell others the Good News, who won’t be given back, a hundred times over, homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and land—with persecutions! Mark 10:17-31 (NLT).

Let me clear something up.  1): many people take verses 23-25 out of context and use it as ammunition
to build a case that wealthy/rich can’t be saved to justify their inability to believe God for more.  That’s not what the text says and frankly it’s a lie straight from hell.  3 John 2; Ephesians 3:20 and my favorite, Proverbs 10:22 (NLT): The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it say the opposite. 2) You know your mother and I are wealthy, not because I’m the greatest business man in the world, but because we’ve been obedient to God, we give our time and resources to help build the kingdom but mainly because of God’s favor in and over our lives.

There are countless people that choose their lifestyles over God every day, some of them are fully aware of the huge consequences (cost) to be willfully disobedient, and as much as God loves them, he respects their free will to disobey.  God still loves those people but he CANNOT have a relationship with them until they meet him on his terms which includes a complete surrender of everything mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically that will hinder them from serving God in their full capacity.  The bottom line is that anything that prevents us from completely surrendering our lives to God becomes our god and it doesn’t matter whether it is people (including ourselves), places and/or things.  Love is an action word and God’s word on this subject is plain and simple:  If you love me, obey my commandments. John 14:15 (NLT).  Anything outside of that means you don’t completely love God and you’re an idol worshipper.  It’s very cut and dry, there are no gray areas on loving God because he loves completely, withholding nothing, not even his son, Jesus Christ.”

Way looked at his watch and realized the movie was about to start.  Jordan said “Dad, I know we already have movie passes, but can we give them to someone and talk instead, I have some questions?”  Way could hardly believe his ears.  He wanted to jump up, click his heels three times before landing and do backflips but instead he looked his son in the eyes and said “Sure, son; why don’t you pick someone to bless.”  Jordan scanned the crowd for a few minutes (as Way prayed for the right choice).  He spotted a woman and a boy who looked to be around 6 and discretely pointed them out to his Dad.  Way gave the pre-paid movie passes to Jordan and said, since this is your idea, I’ll let you do the honors.  They walked towards the woman and the boy with her.  Jordan said, “Excuse me Miss, my dad and I decided not to go to the movies and rather than throw our passes away, would you mind if we give them to you?”  The woman was absolutely dumbfounded.  She looked at her son, he returned the gaze and she just stared at Jordan.  He felt a little awkward and repeated the question.  She started to cry which was freaking Jordan out and through tears she said:  “I don’t even know why we’re here.  I don’t have a dime to my name but I just wanted to get my son out of the shelter and pretend that things are normal.  I lost my job, my husband left and I spent the last money I had on a happy meal for him.  He’s been on his head to see to Rio 2 but I figured if we walked over here so he could see the posters and promise him I would bring him back later that would satisfy him.  I am speechless. 

Way introduced himself and asked her name and she replied Grace.  Her son’s name is Berakhah (Hebrew for Blessing).  Way asked if he could pray for them and she said yes.  When they ended the prayer it was his intention to give her the cash he had on him, about $200.00 but Jordan reached in his pocket, gave the Grace the passes as well as a Visa gift card they could use to get something to eat.  Way saw what it was and he was blown away.  It was the $500 gift card that his mother gave him for making the honor roll. 

As little “Blessing” jumped up and down with excitement Grace grabbed Jordan and gave him a big bear hug and shook Way’s hand.  They scurried off to the theatre and Jordan and Way headed for the parking lot in complete silence.  Just as they reached the car, Jordan said “Dad, do you think that was an example of God using us to show His love?” Way replied, “Without a doubt.”  He reached for his son who fell in his arms and this time they both cried silently without a care in the world.”  When they released their embrace, Jordan asked his dad if he thought Grace would spend the money on the wrong thing.  Way replied, “She would be a fool to do so after that prayer I prayed to only multiply the money if she does the right thing with it.”  They rode home in silence, both soaking up the love of the Father.

In His Humble Love


Monday, April 28, 2014

Gods Love -- How Much Does It Cost? Pt. 1

Jordan hated shopping but there was no way he was going to let his dad, Wayland, shop for him.  Wayland couldn’t believe Jordan had literally outgrown out of all of the clothes and shoes they just bought a few months ago.  The boy is 6’2”, wears a size 14 shoe and he just turned 14 years old.  As Jordan picked up the latest Air Jordans and asked for a size 14, Wayland chuckled to himself because those were the only brand of tennis that his son would wear, but he also thanked God that he was in a position to provide for his son and he could freely walk into a store and not have to ask “how much does it cost?”.  He was a great kid, he knew his parents were wealthy, but he didn’t take advantage of it, in fact he was pretty frugal (except when it came down to his tennis), he is a gentle giant, very articulate but doesn’t talk a lot, honor student determined to go to Yale instead of jail like his cousins and older brother.  As they loaded the Hummer with the purchased items:  two pairs of Air Jordans, dress shoes and enough outfits to wear something different every day for two weeks, Jordan thanked his dad and Wayland almost had a meltdown right there in the parking lot.  They had both worked up an appetite and took a lunch break at The Habit, Jordan’s favorite burger spot, and then catch a movie. 

The Holy Spirit had been dealing with Way (his nickname) about sharing the love of God with his son.  They went to church and participated in bible class, etc. but it was time to have a man-talk about God.  They finished their meal and still had an hour before the movie arrived so they sat outside the theatre, which was in walking distance of The Habit, and decided to do some “people watching”, one of their favorite past times.  They both heard a father going off on his son about having to buy shoes for the third time this year and then the conversation ended because they got in the car and drove away.  Jordan looked at his dad with tears in his eyes and said, “Dad, I know that dude, he’s in my Spanish class and sometimes he comes to school bruised up.  I feel sorry for so many of my friends because they don’t have good role models like you and mom. I don’t say it often but I really appreciate you and mom because you have never treated me like that.  I love you.”  Way couldn’t help it, the tears streamed down his face and he hugged his son right there on that bench in front of the whole world.  He didn’t care that people could see him crying and embracing his son.  After about 20 seconds, Jordan said in a muffled voice: “Dad, you’re squeezing me so tight I can hardly breathe.”  Way quickly released him, apologized, wiped his tears with the back of his hand and then began to share the love of God with his son in way that only the Holy Spirit could inspire.  He began as follows:

“Jordan, everything costs something.  It cost something to make those Jordans, to buy them, to eat hamburgers, fries and chocolate shake, to drive that Hummer, to be a husband, father, dope dealer, scholar, preacher, sinner, lazy bum.  It doesn’t matter, everything has a price.  Some things cost more than others.  We could have gone to Payless Shoes, but we would have been right back there a week later.  I chose to take you to the best store in the area because I prefer quality over quantity but primarily because you deserve the best.  Just as I am your father and want the very best for you, so does God, your heavenly father.  He gave his very best for us because loves us unconditionally.

You can’t buy his love, rent it or put it on a card, he gives it freely.  For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.  John 3:16-17 (NLT)

God Shows His Love Through Discipline: When a believer falls, deliberately runs or walks into sin God shows His love by disciplining them.  For the Lord disciplines those whom he loves, and chastises every child whom he accepts (Hebrews 12:6).

When a parent loves their child(ren) they loving thing to do is to discipline them, not to ignore it.  While the child(ren) doesn’t understand at the time, the parent is setting boundaries that will be helpful throughout life.  There is a huge difference in abuse, which is ungodly, sinful and shameful and loving discipline, they are like night and day.  For example, when you were a toddler, it would have been irresponsible for us to allow you to touch a hot stove, instead we warned you by pointing to it and saying ‘No, No, hot’ and consequently you never burned your hand.  You would have learned on your own that it was hot by burning yourself, but we loved you enough to warn and protect you.  God loves us enough to warn and protect us, but if we ignore His warnings and go against His will, it will “cost us something.”

Do you remember earlier today when dude in the Hyundai cut me off?  I could have easily rammed the back of that bucket, crushed it like a tin can, gave him ‘the bird’, drove alongside him and cussed him out and made him feel like a fake dollar three dollar bill, but at what cost?  Being sued for tearing up is car, possibly causing serious injuries to him or even death, him shooting at me or following me. Your pops ain’t no punk, don’t get me wrong; but what would be the point?  Is it worth it to jeopardize everything I have worked for, the people I love, my relationship God and my witness just to ‘show people how much of a man I am?’  Son, it doesn’t take a lot of brains, self-control or integrity to act like an idiot.  I would much rather show you through my actions what type of man I am than to posture with another man because of testosterone, ego or pride.  The flip side is that what would I look like cussing somebody out and take the chance of somebody posting it on social media or dude ironically show up at my Men Teaching Men’s group or worship service.  I would shame myself but most of all God and with my ‘luck’ that’s probably the type of punishment I would get because I know better.”  They both had a belly laugh at the possibility and then Way continued: 

I know it's the middle of the story but I am out of time, we’ll pick it up tomorrow

In His Eternal Love
