Thursday, April 3, 2014

Condemnation: My Secret

“Carmel was the pride and joy of her parents, Daisy and Jeff.  She was a beautiful caramel colored little girl with hair so long and thick one pony tail looked like a horse tail.  She loved to play with her friends Kim Brown and Jessie Whitehall.  Daisy was very selective about who Carmel visited with and even though Kim and Jesslyn were a little older than Carmel, she felt comfortable with her visiting with them.  One summer afternoon, Kim called to invite Carmel over to play with her new Barbie Doll house.  Kim was a good little girl but she had six brothers, a couple of which were teenagers and she wanted to be sure that an adult was present as a precaution.  Daisy agreed after she spoke with Mrs. Brown to confirm she was going to be home.   Kim came across the street to get Carmel who had put some of her Barbie’s in her backpack and off they went.

The girls were immersed in their play time in the family room.  Mrs. Brown needed to run across the street to get something from a neighbor.  She went to the family room and told the girls she would be right back.  Reggie, Kim’s 18 year old brother, heard his mother when she told the girls she would be right back.  Reggie was high as usual and he knew that Carmel had a crush on him.  He went into the room where the girls were playing, sat down by Carmel and asked if he could play as her husband to which she innocently agreed.  Kim got mad and told him to get out and leave them alone.  He looked at Carmel and asked if she wanted him to stay and she said she didn’t care.  Reggie then told Kim to go get him a Capri Sun but when she protested, he threatened to tell their mother that she was the one that broke the DVD player last week (even though it was really him).  Against her better judgment she left the two of them in family room.  Reggie suggested they play tag instead and she agreed.  She chased him and he let her catch him and then they reversed roles but when he caught her he threw her down on the couch.  When she protested and tried to push him off, he laughed at her and called her a big baby and let her go.  She nervously tried to laugh it off, but she was starting to feel uncomfortable.  He grabbed for her again but she escaped his grasp and ran for the family room door, but he beat her to it and locked it, just as Kim arrived with the Capri Sun. She tried to open the door but when she discovered it was locked she banged on the door and told him to open it.  Reggie ignored her as he pursued Carmel.  She got really scared and ran from him, but he pinned her down on the couch again.  She looked in his eyes and could see that something was different about him.  Kim was banging on the door yelling for him to open it, but he laughed at her.  Carmel was starting to panic.  She didn’t understand what was happening, but she knew something was wrong.  She yelled for him to get off of her but he wouldn’t budge.  He continued to antagonize her saying that she knew she liked him and this is how big people play house.  During the commotion Mario and Renaldo, Kim’s brothers, ran upstairs to see what was going on.  She told them that Reggie locked Carmel in the room.  Ironically Mrs. Brown returned to see the panicked look on her sons face and Kim crying and banging on the door.  It didn’t take Mrs. Brown long to figure out what was going on.  She banged on the door and demanded that Reggie open door.  He conceded, released Carmel and opened the door.  Mrs. Brown slapped Reggie so hard in the face that she left a hand print on his high yellow cheek and he stormed out of the room.  Carmel was in shock, she stood near the couch frozen and then the tears gushed out of her eyes though she never said a word.   Mrs. Brown consoled Carmel and told her that Reggie was just playing and that he didn’t mean any harm.  She took her in the kitchen and gave the girls some ice cream, which Carmel barely ate, as she continued to try to convince her that Reggie didn’t mean any harm, but then she made Carmel promise not to tell anyone what happened.  Carmel never told anyone what happened, she never spoke about it with Kim and she never went to Kim’s house again.  She buried that confusing summer afternoon so far down in her subconscious until she forgot it ever happened until recently.”

The audience of women from the Hope Street Women’s Group were in shock when Vanessa, the person telling the story, confessed that Carmel’s story was really hers.  Vanessa was interning for her Master’s program at Hope Street where she had been facilitating the group meetings for the past six months.  It wasn’t her intention to go in that direction but the Holy Spirit completely changed her lesson plan for that evening and told her to share her story. 

She continued:  “At first I thought I was tripping, but then the memories started to come back.  I can’t remember Reggie’s face, just that he was tall, slender, light skinned and he had dark curly hair, but I can remember the fear and confusion.  I remember praising God for protecting me from what could have been a horrific life altering experience.  I realize that some of you may have had similar experiences and I want to share what the Lord has given me for you: 

Ladies, you are not your past and it is not your fault.  We cannot blame ourselves for someone else’s sick behavior.  I will not minimalize your pain, but if you don’t get past it and forgive the perpetrator you will live locked in your own prison of condemnation for the rest of your life. 

Some of the words synonymous with condemnation are: damnation, denunciation, reproach, reprobation, doom, disapproval.  These words are not uplifting, gracious or attractive.  Colossians 4:6 (NLT) says: Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone (including yourself).

Those accusations that you keep rewinding in your head over and over and over come from the accuser himself, the devil.  Revelations 12:10 (NLT) Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at last—salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ.  For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth the one who accuses them before our God day and night.  As long as you accept his accusatory message, he will have a stronghold over you.  How many of you want to give the devil that kind of control?  Right, I thought so.

Jesus said: So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. John 8:36 (NLT).  Period, end of story, no more discussion.  But if you remain in your condemnation cell, you will remain a prisoner of your own devices, self-condemnation.

I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.  John 5:24 (NLT)

Never means: not ever; at no time; not at all; absolutely not; to no extent or degree:

In His Humble Excellence


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