Friday, April 11, 2014

Weapons of Mass Destruction Pt. 3

Derrian could hear someone calling his name, but he felt like he was in a deep fog that wouldn’t release its grip.  He heard the voice again and tried to respond, but he was just too exhausted.  When he heard the voice for a third time, he fought with all his might to open his eyes.  He could see the man but couldn’t recognize the voice or face.  He scanned the room and locked eyes with a face he will always recognize, the love of his life, Peaches; his parents, Robyn and Sid and his sister Sydney.  He was glad to see them but couldn’t figure out why they were in his bedroom and who was this dude talking to him?  Wait a minute, he thought to himself, this isn’t my bedroom and why is Sydney here, she lives in New York?  He opened his mouth to speak but it felt like he had swallowed a broken coke bottle.  He looked at his wife in confusion as if to say “what’s going on?” but then the man came a little closer and said:  Mr. Iwin, the surgery went well, I know you may be a little groggy and your throat will probably hurt for the next day or two so try not to say too much.  The surgery went well.  I’ll leave so your family can visit with you and check back in on you later today.” 

Surgery, what surgery?  All of a sudden he felt the most excruciating pain in his back that he had ever felt in his life, and then the memories came flooding back.  He was in the hospital because of the back surgery he finally agreed to have.  Peaches came to his side with tears running down her cheeks, she was just so thankful that he was alive.  His mother didn’t make it any better.  Between the two of them kissing and crying on him he could barely breathe.  Sid told them both that if they didn’t calm down and give him room to breathe they might end calling a “code blue” from suffocating him.  Both women chuckled and backed away.  Sid walked over to his son and told him he loved him and that everybody was praying for him.  Darrien couldn’t speak and he couldn’t keep his eyes open long enough to hold a conversation, but they didn’t care, they were just glad to be in the same space with him.  He didn’t understand why the room felt so intense and couldn’t stay awake long enough to ask.  As he dozed in and out of sleep each time he was awakened, he saw a different group of people, some strangers prodding him, taking his temp, blood pressure but he also heard someone reading a scripture, praying or singing.  As badly as he tried he couldn’t stay awake long enough to join in so he yielded to the morphine each time it called him.   

Dr. Sanar came back around 5:00pm and though Darrien was alert he was still a little groggy.  The   The back surgery was a success but his heart stopped for no reason for three minutes while he was sedated.  It is nothing short of a miracle that he is alive and the entire 3rd floor is buzzing that he is awake and alert.  Darrien managed to whisper and asked the doctor if he could eat.  Everyone in the room laughed and his mother said:  “that’s my baby, he’s gonna be fine Dr. Sanar”.  The doctor said he could start out with something light like soup and have a full meal tomorrow.  Darrien then asked the doctor if it would hurt if he tried to walk.  Dr. Sanar told him walking wouldn’t interfere with the healing process, but it would definitely hurt.  Darrien motioned for his father and wife to come closer and told them to help him up.  Dr. Sanar quickly interjected and asked if he could assist instead and Peaches conceded.  When Darrien stood up he saw stars, moons and spaceships as the pain shot through his body.  He wavered just a little but the doctor and the Father supported him.  Darrien managed a step and whispered, “I thank you that you order my steps, Father.”  He took two more steps and said: “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.”  He took two more steps and said: “By His stripes I am healed.”  That was it, his body was trembling so they half carried him back to the bed as he whispered: “No weapon formed against me shall prosper”.  Well that was it for Peaches, Sid and Robyn.  They went into shouts of praise and all of a sudden the doctor threw up his hands and said “Glory!!!!!!!!, Hallelujah and he leaped up and down”.  Sydney almost jumped out of her skin because she was standing right next to him.  She couldn’t believe Dr. Sanar was leaping for joy.  All she could do was stand there and cry in worship and adoration to their God for his unfailing love.
doctor read the chart and repeated the same information from earlier that morning but this time Darrien was able to comprehend the conversation.

When the room finally settled down, Dr. Sanar, got himself together and said:  “Family, I gave you the hospital’s canned version of what happened because the Chief of Staff our legal counsel advised me to, but Holy Spirit will not let me be silent.  So against their I must tell you the full story because this may very well be my last day at this hospital.  While you were on the table, you woke up in the middle of the procedure.  We are not sure how long you were awake because the anesthesia completely restricts your muscles and the breathing tube in your throat made it impossible for you to speak.  Your heart failed as a result of the excruciating pain you must have experienced.  In a matter of about 15 seconds I had to decide whether to take a chance at causing you to be paralyzed by flipping you over to perform CPR (you were face down for the surgery) or wait while my colleague tried to get the brand new defibrillator to come on.  I knew we were losing valuable time, instinctively I snatched my mask off, knelt beside your gurney and I cried out to God our Father as I have never done before.  Two of my staff knelt opposite me and we confessed and declared that you would not die but live and declare the works of the Lord and we fought in the spirit for you my brother.  The rest of the staff was in tears and disbelief as your heart started to beat normally again, I wanted to dance out of my clothes like King David but I decided against it.  The anesthesiologist administered more medication and when the coast was clear, we completed the surgery which went flawless.  Seeing you take your first steps just now was more than I could take, I just had to give God glory and tell you the real story.   

The emotions in that room were sky high to say the least.  Dr. Sanar said his farewells but before he left, Sydney handed him a business card.  He was shocked to see that she is the Director of Human Resources for Bethlehem Memorial Hospital in New York, where he lived all of his life until a few years ago when he relocated to California.  She had written her personal cell and email on the back and informed him they currently have openings.  He thanked her and went on his way.  After he left the room, Sydney who is fluent in Spanish said, do you all realize that SANAR means "TO HEAL" in Spanish.  The family gave each other "the look" (as if, what in the world just happened in here) and they all started to laugh, that holy laugh, at the goodness of God and His unfailing provision.

Deacon Wayne from their church arrived just in time with the homemade soup, rolls and salad that his wife prepared.  They blessed the food and reminisced about the goodness of the Lord as they ate.

In His Humble Excellence,


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