Monday, April 28, 2014

Gods Love -- How Much Does It Cost? Pt. 1

Jordan hated shopping but there was no way he was going to let his dad, Wayland, shop for him.  Wayland couldn’t believe Jordan had literally outgrown out of all of the clothes and shoes they just bought a few months ago.  The boy is 6’2”, wears a size 14 shoe and he just turned 14 years old.  As Jordan picked up the latest Air Jordans and asked for a size 14, Wayland chuckled to himself because those were the only brand of tennis that his son would wear, but he also thanked God that he was in a position to provide for his son and he could freely walk into a store and not have to ask “how much does it cost?”.  He was a great kid, he knew his parents were wealthy, but he didn’t take advantage of it, in fact he was pretty frugal (except when it came down to his tennis), he is a gentle giant, very articulate but doesn’t talk a lot, honor student determined to go to Yale instead of jail like his cousins and older brother.  As they loaded the Hummer with the purchased items:  two pairs of Air Jordans, dress shoes and enough outfits to wear something different every day for two weeks, Jordan thanked his dad and Wayland almost had a meltdown right there in the parking lot.  They had both worked up an appetite and took a lunch break at The Habit, Jordan’s favorite burger spot, and then catch a movie. 

The Holy Spirit had been dealing with Way (his nickname) about sharing the love of God with his son.  They went to church and participated in bible class, etc. but it was time to have a man-talk about God.  They finished their meal and still had an hour before the movie arrived so they sat outside the theatre, which was in walking distance of The Habit, and decided to do some “people watching”, one of their favorite past times.  They both heard a father going off on his son about having to buy shoes for the third time this year and then the conversation ended because they got in the car and drove away.  Jordan looked at his dad with tears in his eyes and said, “Dad, I know that dude, he’s in my Spanish class and sometimes he comes to school bruised up.  I feel sorry for so many of my friends because they don’t have good role models like you and mom. I don’t say it often but I really appreciate you and mom because you have never treated me like that.  I love you.”  Way couldn’t help it, the tears streamed down his face and he hugged his son right there on that bench in front of the whole world.  He didn’t care that people could see him crying and embracing his son.  After about 20 seconds, Jordan said in a muffled voice: “Dad, you’re squeezing me so tight I can hardly breathe.”  Way quickly released him, apologized, wiped his tears with the back of his hand and then began to share the love of God with his son in way that only the Holy Spirit could inspire.  He began as follows:

“Jordan, everything costs something.  It cost something to make those Jordans, to buy them, to eat hamburgers, fries and chocolate shake, to drive that Hummer, to be a husband, father, dope dealer, scholar, preacher, sinner, lazy bum.  It doesn’t matter, everything has a price.  Some things cost more than others.  We could have gone to Payless Shoes, but we would have been right back there a week later.  I chose to take you to the best store in the area because I prefer quality over quantity but primarily because you deserve the best.  Just as I am your father and want the very best for you, so does God, your heavenly father.  He gave his very best for us because loves us unconditionally.

You can’t buy his love, rent it or put it on a card, he gives it freely.  For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.  John 3:16-17 (NLT)

God Shows His Love Through Discipline: When a believer falls, deliberately runs or walks into sin God shows His love by disciplining them.  For the Lord disciplines those whom he loves, and chastises every child whom he accepts (Hebrews 12:6).

When a parent loves their child(ren) they loving thing to do is to discipline them, not to ignore it.  While the child(ren) doesn’t understand at the time, the parent is setting boundaries that will be helpful throughout life.  There is a huge difference in abuse, which is ungodly, sinful and shameful and loving discipline, they are like night and day.  For example, when you were a toddler, it would have been irresponsible for us to allow you to touch a hot stove, instead we warned you by pointing to it and saying ‘No, No, hot’ and consequently you never burned your hand.  You would have learned on your own that it was hot by burning yourself, but we loved you enough to warn and protect you.  God loves us enough to warn and protect us, but if we ignore His warnings and go against His will, it will “cost us something.”

Do you remember earlier today when dude in the Hyundai cut me off?  I could have easily rammed the back of that bucket, crushed it like a tin can, gave him ‘the bird’, drove alongside him and cussed him out and made him feel like a fake dollar three dollar bill, but at what cost?  Being sued for tearing up is car, possibly causing serious injuries to him or even death, him shooting at me or following me. Your pops ain’t no punk, don’t get me wrong; but what would be the point?  Is it worth it to jeopardize everything I have worked for, the people I love, my relationship God and my witness just to ‘show people how much of a man I am?’  Son, it doesn’t take a lot of brains, self-control or integrity to act like an idiot.  I would much rather show you through my actions what type of man I am than to posture with another man because of testosterone, ego or pride.  The flip side is that what would I look like cussing somebody out and take the chance of somebody posting it on social media or dude ironically show up at my Men Teaching Men’s group or worship service.  I would shame myself but most of all God and with my ‘luck’ that’s probably the type of punishment I would get because I know better.”  They both had a belly laugh at the possibility and then Way continued: 

I know it's the middle of the story but I am out of time, we’ll pick it up tomorrow

In His Eternal Love


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