Monday, April 14, 2014

Gods Plan: Eviction Notice

Alec and Eva married right out of college.  Eva’s parents were deceased and she was an only child, but
Alec’s parents treated her as if she was their biological daughter.  The newlyweds both landed great jobs at Fortune 500 companies, Eva in marketing for a major realtor and Alec as a day trader for Charles Schwab.  Their six figure a year salaries allowed them many of the luxuries that most people dreamed about.  Alec’s dad cautioned them to save more and spend a little less lavishly but they blew him off because they felt they had time on their side because of their youth and then it happened, the bottom fell out of the economy.  Eva was stunned when she was called into her boss’ office late Friday afternoon and was informed that the entire department was being eliminated and though she received a generous severance for her past seven years of service it would probably only last a few months.  She called Alec as soon as she got to her car.  He consoled her as best he could and told her they would discuss it more over the weekend.  Early the next morning after breakfast they took a serious look at their finances and based upon Alec’s projection things weren’t as bad as Eva thought.  To their horror two months later Alec was laid off and the financial avalanche over the next few months ended with an eviction notice on the door of their million dollar home.  Needless to say they were completely devastated.   

Unbeknownst to Eva and Alec another couple faced a similar situation several thousand years ago but they weren’t evicted from their home for failure to pay, it was for a failure to obey.

As we discussed in the “Sin is the Blame” blog Monday, April 7, 2014, Man (Adam) and Woman (Eve) disobeyed God’s commandment (sinned) when they ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  In addition to the consequences for their actions as stated in Genesis 3:15-19 they were also evicted from the garden, their home.

Victory Nuggetthe Bible does not say what type of fruit Eve ate.

So the Lord God banished them from the Garden of Eden, and he sent Adam out to cultivate the ground from which he had been made.  After sending them out, the Lord God stationed mighty cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden.  And he placed a flaming sword that flashed back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.  Genesis 3:23-24 (NLT)

What is sin:  1 John 3:4 (NLT) Everyone who sins is breaking God’s law, for all sin is contrary to the law of God.  A sinner is one that habitually breaks God’s law, so the person who does things that we are familiar with: theft, murder (hatred), adultery, fornication (sex between two people that are not married), lying, pride, taking advantage of people, etc.  But did not know that it is a sin to fail to accept Christ as your personal savior?  1 John 3:23 (NLT): And this is his commandment: We must believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as he commanded us.

Adam and Eve’s thoughtless act carried a huge weight that didn’t just affect them, it affected mankind as a whole because we inherited Adam’s sinful nature.  We don’t have to be taught to do wrong, it’s instinctive and the more we get away with the more we want to do.  Have you ever observed small children that can barely walk or talk but they can shake their heads “no.”  You tell them not to do something and they do it anyway until you set “healthy boundaries” and some of them will still challenge you.  I hear you: but it’s just a baby they doesn’t know any better.  Exactly, no one has taught them to be disobedient, selfish, etc., it is instinctive.

What’s even more catastrophic is the fact that sin separated Adam and Eve from God.  To be clear, God still loved them both and it was because of his loving kindness that He did not kill them both instantly.  Remember, the consequence for eating the forbidden fruit was death.  Instead, He punished them and then evicted them from the Garden and they had to learn how to survive on their own.  Those days of hanging out with God when He would leave heaven and come to the Garden were over.  God didn’t abandon them, nor did he throw their sin up in their face, but the relationship was completely different.  It sounds harsh, doesn’t it?  Well, it’s called tough love and I am sure it hurt God even more to have to evict His own creation.

Now that Adam and Eve don’t have the “hook up” (e.g. protection, fringe benefits of their relationship) with God they’re on their own probably kicking themselves and blaming each other for being tricked by the serpent. I can only imagine what that argument must have sounded like (“Man, this is all your fault, why didn’t you stop that Serpent.” “Woman, you tripping, I told you we should have stayed on the Westside, but no, you wouldn’t listen, this is all your fault.” Etc.)  For the first time they are separated from God and that has to be absolutely devastating.  They have no covering, they had to be full of anxiety, questions and fears.  Can you imagine the void that they felt?  Of course you can, it’s the same void you felt before you surrendered to God and if you haven’t yet it’s the feeling of emptiness that you can never fill with people, places or things.  Nothing that you try satisfies the emptiness. 

They survive instinctively and have their first child, Cain, as well as several others.  Cain murders his brother Abel out of jealousy, God banishes him from his family and curses him as a homeless wanderer.  (Genesis 4).  Between Adam and his descendants, they populated the earth as God instructed them but as they multiplied in number so did the sin. 

The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil.  Genesis 6:5 (NLT)

It was nothing like the crime that we are familiar with because at least we do have some “law and order”.  It was so bad that God literally regretted ever creating man.  I’m talking about complete anarchy and most assuredly no laws except for the ones they may have made up on the fly. I would imagine that their might have been some type of hierarchy because as human beings there is usually someone who stands out as a leader, asserts his/her strength.  The weaker ones will follow this person blindly and/or out of fear, but the renegades who decide they don’t have to listen to them don’t and the ongoing fight for power ensues.  I have no scripture to confirm this, I am merely giving my opinion based upon the nature of mankind. 

All of this because of one Man’s disobedience, there has to be a solution, and there is, but it calls for drastic steps which we’ll cover tomorrow.

In His Humble Service


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