Saturday, June 14, 2014

I'm Just Sayin' #1: Word Art

For some reason I have always defined artists as people that draw, paint or create sculptures, etc.  Webster’s definition confirmed my belief:
 Artist: 1) a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria; 2) a person who practices one of the fine arts, especially a painter or sculptor; 3) a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.

I personally have never considered myself an artist.  The best I could do was draw a stick character.  I vividly remember being a kindergarten student at Anza Elementary School in the Western Addition of San Francisco (a.k.a. the Fillmore); we had some type of drawing assignment and I was frustrated because I couldn’t draw the picture I wanted so I asked my classmate, Anita, if she would draw my picture.  I clearly remember her reluctance, but she conceded nonetheless as I stood over her “talked her into doing it”.   

My younger sister, Sheena (Tachina Danielle), started singing professionally about 20 years ago and
identified herself as an artist, which put a different spin on the term “artist for me”.  She has an amazing voice and she’s a great lyricist as well.  I had always thought of people who sing as just singers – don’t hate, you don’t know what you don’t knowJ.  Between my uncle Rueben, a “singer” and musician for as long as I can remember, even travelling Internationally with the Edwin Hawkins Singers, back in the day; my eldest sister, Deb (De’Anna), a singer, and Sheena’s journey to become a professional recording artist which started about 20 years ago, I was enlightened to the profession and I learned that they too are artists.  Whether it is gospel, jazz, blues, opera, hip hop or rap, when people can hear and create controlled sound with their vocal chords they are creating art which can also be captured, not on canvas, but in the moment that they are creating the sound which can move you to tears, give you goose bumps and/or make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.  The artist’s creativity can as we know be captured digitally so that we can experience over and over their incredible sound.
Artist: 4) a person who works in one of the performing arts, as an actor, musician, or singer; a public performer: a mime artist; an artist of the dance.

After all this time, I finally realize that I too am an artist.  I am a Word Artist.  You see there is one other definition for the word artist:
Artist: 5) a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.

If I don’t know anything else, I can talk but what I was completely unaware of was my gift to write,
both of which require that I “create” the words which will be spoken or read, duh.  I didn’t come to this realization easily not because it is difficult to write or talk for that matter, but because I do it all the time, it’s literally like second nature to me.  Whether it is talking to one person or commanding a stage with hundreds of people listening to my creativity – my Word Art.  It is almost effortless for me to write, whether it’s a letter, report, article, blog, a book or a lesson on a specific topic that I am going to teach or preach.  The wheels start turning and I can lose myself in the words that God seems to pour into my mind.  This realization didn’t come cheap, I had to pay a huge price and I didn’t want to, not because I’m cheap but because it was so costly.  Sacrificially costly and you cannot put a price tag on the sacrifices that are required in order to reap the harvest that is prepared for us when we yield completely to our “calling”, our purpose in life, the reason we were born and exist. 
The Cost:  My journey for the past three years has been filled with ups, downs and what appeared to be complete stand stills.  Facing giants that sought to smash and obliterate me; Anticipating the moves of others like a master chess player (though I have never played chess in my life), hearing what people weren’t saying when they talked at me, watching the guilt in their eyes as they lied to my face, pretending to cooperate with me because they needed something from me or acknowledging their fake smiles as they stabbed me repeatedly in the back with a toothpick; poked me in the ankle with a plastic fork or plucked off little pieces of my earlobe.  but thanks be to God, my Father, Friend, Provider, Healer, Redeemer, Protector, Vindicator, Supplier of all my needs he didn’t let ‘em get me.  Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes. Solomon 2:15 (NKJV).  Most people are too scary to kill you outright, but if they can pluck off small pieces of you without you being aware, it gives them some type of satisfaction as sick as it is – what poor miserable creatures.

In January 2014, I began seeking God for specific direction after a devastating, but necessary life changing experience.  I sat down for a minute and asked him some serious questions about the next half of my life and he answered me just as clearly as if he were sitting in the same room with me when he said:  “Teach, Write and Serve.”  I love to teach it’s one of my gifts too, which requires me to write and I get an absolute joy from serving.  My response was “Ok, God, but who do you want me to teach and where do you want me to serve?”  A couple of weeks later in February 2014 a door swung wide open for me to do all three things: Teach, Write and Serve.  Shortly thereafter I had an epiphany, I realized how much I enjoyed writing, my passion became intense and I was consumed with it, not to the point where I neglected my responsibilities, but I began to own it, I declare it, as I realized this was my unique gift from God our Creator that I had possessed all of my life and I didn’t realize how incredible it was until now. 
Now (Webster): at the present time or moment: without further delay; immediately; at once:

I am not be intimidated by others, their achievements, education, intellect and/or their abilities.  I applaud them, but they are not me; I am not them and have no desire to be. I am the best at what I do because no one can do what I do the way I do it.  I never have to fear anyone taking my place or stealing what I have because when something is custom designed specifically for you, no one else can wear it the way you can.

Am I conceded and cocky?  Absolutely not, it’s called C O N F I D E N C E*. 

Confidence (Webster)  Belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance

Look out world, I have arrived

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