Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mindset Pt. 3: Why Change Your Mind

In yesterday’s blog of June 10, 2014, we began the first phase of the work necessary to change your mind.  Today we’re going to continue on that journey but let’s re-cap some of yesterday’s points:

  • We should be clear by now on the impact of sensory perceptive learning (e.g. what we heard, saw, tasted and smelled) as well as what we were told and/or what we forgot that began as early as infancy regardless to whether those learnings were good, not so good.  It is what it is;
  • Change is not going to happen just because we say we want to change.  It may be painful but it will be worth it given the end result;
  • We cannot truly change ourselves we can discontinue some behaviors and have some great success, but to truly change the core of our being, we need the help of God, a personal relationship with him.  2 Corinthians 5:17
  • What do you want to change?
We addressed the “why” of change yesterday but I want to pick up with that point.  Whenever taking on a new venture (e.g. going back to school, opening a business, expanding your business, downsizing, etc.) or making major life changes (marriage, divorce, starting a family, relocating out of state or country, moving your membership, etc.) you need to know why.  Not necessarily to explain it to someone else but so that you are clear on your decision and so that you can fight for your decision.  I can’t say it enough, change isn’t going to just happen magically, you’re gonna have to make it happen and believe it or not, the only person that can stop you is you.

Why Change Your Mind

Changing to please others generally does not yield long-term results because it is not your desire, it’s not your why.  There is nothing to anchor you to the change process.  When your why is big enough that no matter the price you have to pay, cost won't be an issue because you will willingly pay it and some to attain achieve your goal.  The price is not necessarily confined to a monetary amount, especially with our topic of change.  In our case it is primarily a sacrificial price (e.g. comfort level, vulnerability, fears, self-control, redefining your "normal", ridicule, dream killers, rejection, your time, etc.).  For example:
  • At the age of five James suffered a traumatic experience so severe that he began to stutter.  The ridicule for this baby was so overwhelming that he retreated from speaking altogether and lived as a functional mute for eight years until a teacher helped him overcome his fear of speaking.  He didnt speak until he changed his mind which I am positive included getting to the root of his mute lifestyle.  Today James Earl Jones is known as one of America's most distinguished and versatile actors in American history. 
Assuming you have identified what you want to change as we discussed in yesterday’s blog and why you want to change, let's talk about the change process:
  • Phases:  Whenever I am taking on a new project I have found it to be most helpful to do things in phases as I test the waters as opposed to taking on too much, becoming overwhelmed and quitting.  I realize this is not always feasible as there are some things that require we jump in head first which I can do if necessary, but if given a preference I'm generally going to opt for implementation in phases which will allow me to tweak my progress along the way or completely overhaul it.  It also allows me to celebrate my successes along the way which inspires me to work a little harder and perhaps faster.  Quitting really is never an option for me once I start something, I tend to believe there is a solution we just have to look for it. 
  • Overcoming Obstacles #1:  The majority of your obstacles are going to come from you.  We are such creatures of habit that it will take a minimum of 30 days to break a surface habit.  The good news is that it's possible.  Be aware that you may be your biggest enemy.  Negative self-talk (e.g. You don't deserve to be happy because you have caused too much pain; God will never love you because made too many mistakes and you're not worthy of his love; I don't care if you already had a donut, I want the last two now before anyone else eats them; I don't care if you can't afford it, satisfy my needs no matter who you have to hurt; Don't change even if it means killing yourself; you can't change because you're too: broke, lazy, tired, sick, short, fat, thin, light, dark, ghetto, bright, broke, etc.
What I don’t understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing
things I absolutely despise. So if I can’t be trusted to figure out what is best for myself and then do it, it becomes obvious that God’s command is necessary.  I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn’t that the real question? The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different. (Romans 7:16, 24, 25 MSG)

·       Rules of Engagement (ROE): these principles can be applied to any situation you face (e.g. spiritual warfare/faith fight; deliverance from a specific area in your life; healing; etc.)

1.     Change your language:  Stop allowing the enemy (self and the devil) accuse you of your past.  When it pops up DO NOT under any circumstances engage.  STOP IT immediately by changing the subject: think about something positive, starting singing a praise song, quote a scripture.
a.     Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:24 (NIV)
2.     Change your company (if necessary).  If you are around people that are negative, they drain you, pull from you, etc. you may need to separate yourself from them, this includes relatives.  It doesn’t mean you are disowning them, you are taking a break to get better.  I am not talking about your kids or your spouse.  However, if you are having marital challenges, that is a different conversation.
a.     Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? Amos 3:3 (NLT)
3.     Declare what you want (out loud)
a.      Father, I declare that I no longer think the same, my mind is renewed with your word.  I am healed from my past, I will not spend my days pressing rewind; I will move forward on purpose and with your help because I cannot do it on my own.  I declare that each day I am getting better, stronger and wiser.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

I'm out of time, so we'll pick it up tomorrow
In His Excellent Service

Tania not Tanya

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