Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Relationships Pt. 2 Hope

We ended yesterday’s declaration (blog) with a partial answer to Destiny’s question:  How do you find a
good man and what should you look for?  Faith started the answer with a question to the question because she instantly recognized this was a teachable moment and she wanted the conversation to have more depth than a quick response.  So Faith seized the opportunity and asked Destiny if she wanted a good man or a husband and what she wanted specifically in a husband.   The perplexed look on Destiny and the other three young lady’s faces was a dead giveaway that the younger “Girls” hadn’t really considered their options other than surface expectations – looks and money.  So we’ll pick up the dialogue from that point.

The next morning the aroma of coffee, freshly baked rolls, bacon and eggs was enough to wake anybody from a sound sleep.  The younger Girls were informed that when they smelled breakfast it was gathering time.  They got themselves together and headed for the dining room where Faith’s housekeeper/chef had an elegant breakfast spread on the table that was so beautiful the younger Girls didn’t want to mess it up.  It looked like something straight out of Martha Stewart’s magazine.  To capture the moment each of them took out their cell phones and started posting on social media sites.   After their morning pleasantries and blessing over the food they all satisfied their taste buds with the delectable goodies that laid before them.   Setelya was eager to begin the conversation where they left off last night because she could identify with Faith’s story of being raised by a single parent and the fantasy wedding.  She was so mesmerized by the “things” Ab was able to provide for Faith that she completely missed the undertone of the message which was that Ab was a whoremaster with an insatiable sexual appetite that could not be satisfied because it was really a symptom of a much deeper problem.  There was no doubt that Faith loved Ab to this day, but she refused to pay the cost of subjecting herself to sharing her husband with anybody, no matter how much money he made or how fine he was and sweetie, Ab was beyond fine.

Setelya decided to “show” the OG Girls how deep she was so she started the conversation by trying to impress them with her knowledge of the word.  She announced to the group that she was on a quest to be just like the Proverbs 31 woman.  Poor thing, she had no idea that Proverbs 31 was not about a literal woman but an old Jewish poem that was shared by a woman with her son.  She bragged about not having any children, saving herself for the right man, blah blah blah.  Ironically before coming on the trip Hope was training a small group of nurses on the Medical Information Network that had recently replaced the analog system for Walter T. Rivers Hospital in Dallas, Texas.  The System Programmers randomly selected medical records of patients throughout the country for students to use as practice files.  One of the students did something to lock his practice file on the screen and when Hope went to help the student Setelya ‘s medical records were on the screen which displayed the last 10 procedures, three of which were abortions and one was treatment for an STD.  You could have knocked Hope over with a feather but in hindsight she knew something was off about Setelya because she was so superficial.  Obviously she couldn’t divulge the information the Holy Spirit allowed her to see due to patient confidentiality so she prayed that God would give her what to say and how to say it without crushing this confused young woman that had church hoe tendencies.   When she finished speaking, Hope addressed the Girls by sharing her search for a good man.

Hope asked the Girls to close their eyes and imagine themselves trapped in a vehicle that had plunged into a river and was quickly filling with water.  Now imagine yourself finding an air pocket in the back of the vehicle but you had to hold your head up with your nose near the roof of the car to breathe.  You have two choices: stay there and hope that someone will rescue you soon or take a deep breath and rescue yourself.  Now open your eyes.  That was my life up until I was 17 years old, pregnant by my mother’s boyfriend who raped me repeatedly.  My mother pretended that she didn’t know what was going on because she was too afraid to stand up to him for fear of being alone and losing the things he gave us.  I lost that baby to a miscarriage but I found my voice and freedom.  I left my mother’s house 27 years ago and I didn’t return until I was able to forgive her and that was only two years ago.  But the journey during that 25 year period was full of curvy windy roads some of which led to dead ends, cul-de-sacs, one way streets and others to quiet peaceful places that allowed me to heal, think, rest and gather courage and strength for the rest of my journey.  

Obviously I had no sense of marriage either based on what I just shared but I was desperate for a man’s love because I never had it as a child so I gave myself to the first guy that bought me the things I wanted.  I got pregnant, he wanted to marry me and I needed a secure roof over my head so I said yes.  Two years later we were divorced because he couldn’t decide whether he wanted to be with me or another man and I wasn’t sharing.  Even though we were divorced I stayed in the house until I found steady income.  I met my second husband while attending night school.  He had a car a really nice house, great medical benefits and loved my son like he was his own.  After he agreed to pay my way through nursing school we drove to Reno and got married but he was a wimp, he did whatever I told him to do and after a while I got bored with him.  I got pregnant and aborted the baby because being pregnant was an inconvenience at the time.   My third marriage lasted for about three months and it’s not even worth mentioning other than I aborted the baby from that marriage too.  

I didn’t have any personal role models that I could pattern my life after, but I got on my knees one Sunday after church and asked God to help me and he overshadowed me with his love.  I realized I needed direction because even I knew my decisions to marry weren’t really decisions at all, they were more like spontaneous events that happened repeatedly.  I will never forget being at a really low point in my life because it was a mess.  I wanted to be a good person and live a life for God like everybody else seemed to be doing but I didn’t know how and instead of people reaching out to help me, they hated on me except Mother Ollie May Gooding.   I will never forget the invitation she gave me to have lunch with her.  She was a quiet but powerful woman of God and it was hard to get anything past her.  When you were in her presence you could just feel the love of God exuding from her pores.  That was the best spiritual meal I ever had in my life.  She poured so much wisdom in me over the next few years that I grew by leaps and bounds so quickly that it almost scared me.  She taught me how to love my son and provide for him regardless to whether I ever got married again.  She taught me what it meant to completely sell out to God, not to a piece of tail and use men for what they could do for me which is what I did because it’s what I saw my mother do.  She said: “baby, that ain’t nothing but hoeing from your house instead of the corner.”  I almost fell face forward when she said that.  Then she said: ‘You look like you saw a ghost.  What’s the matter wit’ you girl, you think cause I’m old, I don’t know what time it is?  I know what a hoe is, you use it in the garden of life” and we both fell out laughing.  I told her everything about my raggedy life including the abortions and clinic visits, all of which happened while I was in the church.  She is the most nonjudgmental person I have ever met.  Mother did something no one else ever did, she challenged me to become the church so God could use my messed up life for his glory.  When I did, God sent my husband, Charlie and I love that man to life.  God is so merciful, not only to I have an amazing husband, he blessed us with Blessing and she is our absolute joy.  I promised God that I would help the women in my world avoid the mistakes I made if they were willing to listen.  So in answer to your question: How do you find a good man? I would say first you have to find yourself.

I’m out of time, we’ll pick it up tomorrow.

In His Excellent Service

Tania not Tanya

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