Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Misery is an Option Pt. 3

failure is not an option #inspirationYesterday’s declaration ended with: 
·       Roche having a complete meltdown in the door of the home he had planned to share with the woman of his dreams. His brother Neal was there to assist him through part of the grief process by just being there silently praying and interceding on behalf of his big brother.  The Holy Spirit was very clear that he was to remain quiet as the tears continued to run past Roche’s tear ducts and land on front entryway, his shirt and the welcome mat; and
·       Maritez had tossed and turned all night because she was conflicted about her options. She made a choice to spend a restless night in the bed of an attractive eligible bachelor while he slept as sound as a newborn baby in the living room on his plush leather couch, snoring ever so lightly.  But that wasn’t really the dilemma, the actuality is that she was playing with fire and she knew it.  Her stomach was in knots and there was an actual battle take place internally, she could hear the clanging of the swords, gunfire and grenades going off.   

We will pick up with Maritez who slept for a couple of hours at best.  She was exhausted by the time she woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, bacon and something with cinnamon that she couldn’t identify but the aroma made her mouth water.  She quickly got herself together and emerged as Chez was finishing the final touches on breakfast.  No man had ever went to the trouble of making her breakfast and feeling so “at home”.  He flashed his million dollar smile on her and was surprised to see how refreshed he looked.  She discovered later he was up at the crack of dawn, had hit the complex gym, showered, picked up items at the grocery store and now stood in front of her looking like the hottest thing since chocolate chip cookies in his tank top and sweats.  He pulled her chair out and offered her a seat and they enjoyed a fabulous meal.

As he cleared the table he suggested that they hit the books since they were so close to completing her project.  She reluctantly agreed, not because she didn’t want to complete the project but because she was so tired.  After her third cup of coffee she got her second wind and they knocked the project out by 11:00 am.  What a relief.  He received several text messages while they were studying.  He blamed it on work which made sense to her since he was here working on a project and it wasn’t alarming when he excused himself to take two calls outside of her presence. 

#Inspiration | F. Scott Fitzgerald
Speaking of which she had completely forgotten to turn on her phone and when she did, she discovered a voicemail from Mother Duhrite stating that she had been on her heart and called to tell her she loved her.  Maritez broke out in a cold sweat when the reality of where she was hit her upside her head.  She normally spent the 1st Saturday with Mother and she had completely forgotten about her.  She tried to call her but got her voicemail.  Just as she heard the phone ring on the other end, Chez walked in looking especially sexier than when he had left previously.  Wait, what are you saying Maritez, you are doing too much, you need to get your head back in the game.  But that’s just it, I have been playing by all the rules, believing God, waiting and waiting and waiting.  I’m tired of being single and waiting.  Life is passing me by, I deserve to live and have fun like everyone else.  Then she heard that whispering voice: “Maritez, you are chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. 1 Peter 2:9-10 (The Message)  He went into the bedroom to change clothes and give her some privacy.  Mother didn’t answer so she left a message apologizing for missing their 1st Saturday date and would contact her later.   When Chez emerged from the bedroom, he said: “My schedule is free for the rest of the day, what do you want to do next?”  What she wanted to say was: “Boy, if you only knew”, but she didn’t.  Instead she said: “I’ll leave it up to you, I’m all yours.”

Meanwhile Roche and Neal made a little progress, having moved from the doorway to the living room where they both sat in silence.  The place looked a little cleaner than Roche imagined, but it was due to Neal, their mom and two sisters who had come by last week and cleaned the place up.  They sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity, their cell phones hadn’t even rung.  Neal was determined to support his brother however he needed and felt led to remain quiet until Roche broke the silence and when he did try, nothing would come out at first because his throat was full of the tears that hadn’t escaped.  He was tired of crying and asking why, he just wanted to make sense of what felt like a cruel joke.  He cried a little more while Neal continued to sit in silence.  It was then that Roche realized what an amazing dude his little brother is and he had never really told him.  He knew he needed to get it together and focus on the task at hand which was to pack up Megan’s things.  Thankfully he didn’t have to worry about the wedding items because Gigi, Megan’s matron of honor took care of all of the wedding paraphernalia (e.g. the wedding gown, shoes, veil, and whatever else she had).  He didn’t bother to ask what she was going to do with it, he just didn’t want to see it.  

Must keep this in mind. It applies to everything you do - even taking Prelims in grad school. :)Roche finally broke the silence by thanking his brother for being there after which he stood up and said, let’s get this over with.  They began to pack the boxes that his mom brought over last week when they came over to clean up.  They got quite a bit done when they realized how hungry they were and ironically, there was a knock at the door.  Roche went to the door to discover their neighbor, Miss Faith and her husband Lovey with a pan of lasagna, salad, dressing, warm sourdough bread and her amazing lemonade.  He welcomed them in and Miss Faith directed Lovey to the kitchen so they could put the items on the counter.  Neal emerged as he heard the light chatter and when he saw Miss Faith he gave her a soft bear hug.  They had known this couple since they were kids.  Lovey was their childhood Sunday School teacher and Miss Faith was over the Hospitality workers.  Everything she cooked melted in your mouth.  She asked the brothers if they were hungry and they said yes simultaneously.  She told them to sit down and she would serve them and she went into action setting the table and making their plates.  As they finished their meal, she realized she left the dessert at the house (they lived across the street).  She told them she would be right back and Neal quickly volunteered to assist her.   He knew his brother needed a word from the Lord that he himself couldn’t give because he was too close to the situation.  He whispered one more prayer of thanksgiving as he followed Miss Faith out the door. 

I’m out of time, we’ll pick it up tomorrow.

In His New and Excellent Service

Tania Not Tanya

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