During Yesterday’s blog we had multiple Selah moments. We learned that the word “Selah” is only found in the Old
Testament of the bible (specifically Psalms and Habakkuk). And we learned that its definition
is somewhat controversial primarily because theologians, scholars, etc. cannot
fully agree on the true definition.
Rather than completely abandon the word the three most common meanings
can be combined to obtain clarity. Those
three meanings are to: 1) pause and calmly think about the statement or phrase
preceding the Selah; 2) weigh the meaning of the information preceding the
Selah; and 3) we should lift our hearts up in praise to God for His great
Yesterday’s blog was
different from my “norm” as a series of questions were asked; several possible answers
were shared and then there were instructions for intentional Selah’s – silence
meant to cancel the noise of life. Not
necessarily other people talking but the noise of random thoughts, accusations,
guilt, doubt, sabotage, etc. that imprison the gifts we stuff, bury and/or
force to wait for a “magic day” that may never come if we don’t make the magic
come. We united together in spirit (at
least those brave or “crazy” enough to participate – however you wanna call it)
and we listened to our silence as uncomfortable as it was for 98% of us who
jumped in head first without even thinking because, we are desperate for God,
change and discovering our purpose.
Tania Not Tanya moment: During an impromptu “noise” exercise
yesterday we opened our hearts, eyes and ears to the suggestion that God
probably attempts to speak to us more often than we realize but he will not
compete for our attention. To hear from
God we must be willing to bravely press mute on the internal and external noise
we are so easily distracted by and remain in that state until we hear from
him. Hmmm, that requires patience,
another discipline that some of us lack.
The challenge for many of us is that we are so afraid of the volume of
our silence that we will do any and everything, including completely stepping
out of character to avoid facing the noise our silence makes. But that intentional silence allowed us to hear
an all important question: “Where are you?”
If you weren’t on the Victory Call yesterday, this may sound like a
whole lot of double talking gibberish, but I assure you that is not the
case. Selah (12 seconds)
I will ask again, how did you get
there? Where? In debt.
Not just any debt because some debt is necessary. I’m talking about bad
debt (e.g. unnecessary credit cards, pay day loans, gambling, etc.) Did you really have to buy a luxury vehicle
or could you opted for a more economical one?
Is it necessary for you to keep your subscription to Zappos, Shoedazzle,
Shoebuy, JustFab, HSN, QVC when you know you have a weakness for shoes, clothes
and things? I’m sorry, let me keep it
one ‘hunid’, you know you have an addiction to shopping but technology makes it
far more convenient to feed the desire than physically driving to the mall. How do you justify getting your hair, nails
and toes done every week but you’re behind on your utilities or you don’t have
enough food? Do you have to have the
Cadillac version of DirecTV, Dish, uVerse or Comcast? How many channels can you
watch at once anyway? What if you scaled
back some of the paid channels and substituted TV for reading? Selah (12 seconds)
My dear friends, you always obeyed when I was with you. Now
that I am away, you should obey even more. So work with fear and trembling to
discover what it really means to be saved.
God is working in you to make you willing and able to obey him. Do
everything without grumbling or arguing.
Then you will be the pure and innocent children of God. You live among
people who are crooked and evil, but you must not do anything that they can say
is wrong. Try to shine as lights among the people of this world. Philippians 2:12-15 (CEV)
Tania Not Tanya moment: Stop worshiping the people and worship God,
keep your confidence in him and his word.
Listen the sin that God is exposing with these Church Leaders should not
surprise you. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and
wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24 (NKJV) Let no one deceive you by any means; for that
Day will not come unless the falling away comes first. 2 Thessalonians 2:3a (NKJV)
Ladies, how did you get from a size
10 dress to a 32 and men from a 34 waist to a 52, in a year? Did it have anything to do with your refusing
to exercise; steady diet of fast “fried” food; fad diets; attempt to eat your
drama away (hurt, anger, anxiety, frustration, guilt) or your refusal to press
mute long enough to put the potato chip bag down and listen as your body
screamed for help. What do I mean: shortness of breath, difficulty in standing
or walking, chest pain, swollen ankles, constipation, knee, hip, ankle and/or
back pain; buying a larger size every other month; prescriptions for high
blood, high glucose, sleep apnea, heart challenges, etc.. Selah (12 seconds)
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in
health, just as your soul prospers. 3
John 2 (NKJV)
I'm out of time, we’ll pick it up
In His New and Excellent Service
Not Tanya
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