Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ready Or Not Here It Comes

From this FP blog post: "A lot of the time we ignore the true callings of our body because emotions like stress very cleverly disguise our honest needs and turn them into dishonest actions..." Meaning, mindless actions, which are inevitably self-destructive. Focused breathing is the antidote. :)We spent all last week doing some deep self-examinations as it relates to ourselves but we took our time and included Selah moments so that we could allow adequate time to analyze: Where we are; How we got there; If we planned on staying and What we’re going to do, now that we were aware of ….. and/or admitted the truth, if anything at all.

The double edged sword to this work was though it is necessary in order to move forward, it may have allowed things to surface that were ugly, nasty, stinky things that we ignored, buried and/or denied, etc. for years.  Some of us did so because it was the only way we knew how to survive the drama we had lived through and so pretending that it never happened or that it happened to someone else was a survival mechanism which allowed us to keep our sanity, dignity and/or perhaps avoid the penal system.  While I don’t want to focus on those parts of our lives that we are not proud of, it was necessary to raise the issue briefly because we cannot change what we do not acknowledge as Dionne The Radical Midwife often says.  Doing so will allow us to begin the journey to The Other Side (of drama) which is a great place to start this declaration.

Product DetailsIn October 2008, Carl was working as an IT Instructor at Five Keys Charter School with the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department.  He was hired to teach digital literacy in the San Francisco County Jails both men and women’s facilities at Mooreland Drive in San Bruno, CA and Seventh Street Jails in downtown San Francisco.   I was working at Goodwill Industries as the Director of the Bayview Hope Transportation Academy.  Both of us were passionate about engaging underserved individuals and making a difference in their lives through the programs we ran and being living examples by the way we spoke, carried ourselves, handled drama that they witnessed, etc.  Ironically both of us could tell there were some major shifts in the atmosphere taking place at work but we couldn’t identify the actual drama.  For example: 
Desktop Repairs

Carl’s class became so popular that there was a huge waiting list for it causing a buzz throughout the jails and inmates literally looked forward to attending.  The bottom line was that in the two years of his employment with Five Keys, Carl had never had an incident in his classroom (e.g. no class fights or drama at all) even when “the people” tried to instigate the drama, it was as if God always allowed him to discover it before things jumped off.  Secondly he had such a command of his class that the inmates regulated each other and the OGs checked the youngsters whenever they tried to get out of line because they didn’t want to lose the privilege of attending his class which was an elective.  He didn’t have any issues with the inmates his opposition came from “Po-Po”.  They did things like: placed known rival gang members in his classroom and waited for the drama to jump off but it didn’t; He was left unattended when a deputy is supposed to be outside his class at all times; Snitches were planted in his classroom to try to discover “what was going” on in the class and I believe some items had even been planted in his classroom. 

The drama I experienced at Goodwill was not quite as bad.  Like Carl I didn’t really have any issues with my staff or students, it was “the people”.  Why? What started off as a pilot program which I believe they thought would most likely fail in a year or two, flourished instead.  It became the most successful program Goodwill had, so much so that they started to implement some of the criteria that I had created in order to screen for the best training candidates.  We consistently met our objectives: enrollments, completions; job placement and retention and 85% of the program was paid for through grants which meant Goodwill was spending very little of its revenue to operate the program.  The problem was that a black woman was running a successful program offsite out of their control and they couldn’t figure out how I was so successful.   That was never gonna happen because it wasn’t me, it was God.  He honored my prayer when I asked him to bless the program to succeed and flourish, not for my benefit but for the benefit of the men and women that would be able to take advantage of the life changing training, wrap around services and job placement that we offered.  Mind you 54% of my students had been previously incarcerated, some were former gang members, had been on Welfare for many years, former substance abusers, etc.  Those were the people we targeted.  Like Carl, I didn’t have any real issues with my students and in those rare times that I did, I terminated them and my staff always had my back like I had theirs.  There was no risk of them retaliating because we operated on the Naval Shipyard down the road from the San Francisco Police Department’s Special Tactical Unit.  As in Carl’s case, they couldn’t figure out the recipe for my success.

In October 2008 Carl and I started praying consistently for God to open a door for us to create our own nonprofit organization.  Carl is amazing at what he does, his people skills, etc. and I’m not bad myself, but together, we are lethal.  What he lacks I make up and vice versa.  We began to pray for the resources and open door to start our own nonprofit not knowing there would be some rocky roads ahead based upon our request.

The first major road we had to travel was when Carl was laid off in June 2010 and though it was a blow to us I at least had a job, but we had to make some drastic changes to our household.  It wasn’t easy but we were able to make the adjustment.  I continued with work though I felt uneasy.  I knew it was time to start looking for another job, but I didn’t have the energy.  I didn’t want to start all over again but the writing was on the wall that it was time to leave because I could see that they were playing games, trying to get information from me that they previously didn’t care about; wanting to have multiple site visits; direct access to our off-site facility, etc.   I gave them the information I wanted them to have because I could hear the lies they weren’t verbalizing based upon what they didn’t say or the way they didn’t completely answer questions. I felt like I was playing a constant game of chess always anticipating their next move. 

The second major road we had to travel was when things got heated for me at work when I was laid off in July 2011 after 7-1/2 years of committed service to the people I served, not necessarily Goodwill, they were simply a means to an end.

I love this fescue grass in certain areas instead of ordinary lawn. It never has to be mowed, and looks like a meadow of 'rolling sea' green. Requires regular watering, however.As ugly as that part of our lives was it was absolutely necessary.  Once I got passed the feelings of betrayal, anger, and insult, I was able to think clearer on what I wanted to do with my life.  I thought seriously about school but decided against it.  After much thought and prayer I felt led to take some time to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I knew I was bigger than a job that I was called to do more than work for someone else that was not an option for me, but what?   I knew God was my source according to Matthew 6:30-33 (CEB) If God dresses grass in the field so beautifully, even though it’s alive today and tomorrow it’s thrown into the furnace, won’t God do much more for you, you people of weak faith?  Therefore, don’t worry and say, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ Gentiles long for all these things. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them. Instead, desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, stop worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.   I decided that I would exhaust every resource available to me including food stamps, Medi-Cal, Keep Your Home California and the severance package that Carl and I demanded the CEO increase or I would play my trump cards.  Let me just say we reached an agreement and the very woman that told me it couldn’t be done (severance package renegotiated) was forced by the CEO to sign off on it and three months later that demon, I mean my former boss was terminated herself, well they say she quit but that’s what they say.  For two years, I did exactly what I wanted which was to get my feet wet as a consultant for churches.
Clearly I am laying a foundation for the upcoming declaration.  Unfortunately though I am out of time, so we will have to pick it up tomorrow.

In His New Excellence

Tania Not Tanya

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