Monday, October 27, 2014

Selah Pt. 4 - Whatcha Gon' Do Now?

Biggest design project is your life!We have had corporate Selah’s all week and though they are still a little uncomfortable for me I am nowhere near as uncomfortable as I was the very first day, the very first one; how about you?  Again, if you missed any of the blogs I would strongly suggest that you read my blogs on the “Selah Series” to get a sense of what I’m talking about.  Here’s a brief overview of the series: 
·       Monday’s question:  Where Are You -- probably seemed kind of strange to some people but it was designed to stir you up.  If you still have not come up with an answer to that question let me offer this one.  You are right where you are supposed to be, in God’s perfect will or in his permissive will, but I assure you it’s not a mistake, luck or an accident, because “nothing just happens”. 
·       Tuesday’s question:  How did you get here – required steel toed boots tightly laced because it was an absolute toe crusher.  We ended that call fully understanding that many of us are experiencing self-inflicted drama and/or pain.  If you are still looking for an answer to that one too, let me offer you this one for free – Your thoughts got you right where you are.  If you want to change your current position you’ve gotta change that stinkin’ thinkin’.  Proverbs 23:7a (NKJV) For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. 
·       Wednesday’s question: Do You Plan To Stay -- probably put some of us on the spot.  It’s one thing to find yourself wandering in a wilderness of decisions and denial, but when someone stops you, shows you that you’re off course, gives you a GPS, food and water for your journey and you have to think about whether you want to keep wandering aimlessly or just follow the yellow brick road to purpose, ummmmm that’s kind of special. 

That’s a good place to jump in.  The million dollar question for today is:  Whatcha gon’ do now?  What do I mean?  Well, we made history this week because questions were posed for your consideration and then we intentionally had a Selah before moving on to the next topic.  But none of that means a hill of beans if you discovered something about yourself during this blog series, talked about the incredible information you got and do nothing to change your position.  I understand it is possible that your life is going really well, it’s not perfect, but you don’t have a lot of drama going on.  All kiddin’ to the left, my hats off to you.  Seriously, no sarcasm intended at all.  I’m not there yet but I’m working towards it and Imma keep goin’ until I get there. 

Tania not Tanya nugget:  For your reference the simple definition of Selah is: pause, park and pond (mentally and physically). 

St Louis 1904. A women's boxing match. Credit : IOC Olympic Museum CollectionsMeanwhile of the 98% of us that are still trying to figure some stuff out, a few of them say they want: to be set free; helped; healed; delivered; whole, etc. but they don’t realize there is work involved.  It’s almost as if they are insulted or act like they got punked or something when they realize they actually have to give up some stuff and/or people; change some habits, fight for their right to be sane, to get out of debt, live in peace, etc.  Physical fights are nothing compared to the type of fighting required to be free. Let me make something abundantly clear there is a price for freedom and if you’re not willing to pay the price you don’t deserve to have it.   Free of what?  Free of yourself, of caring about how others perceive you, the need for approval and the drama that tries to keep you distracted from purpose.

Tania Not Tanya moment:  I refer to “purpose” quite a bit because we are all called, gifted to do specific things.  God created us for a specific purpose.  If you have not identified what your true purpose in life is, it is time for you to make that discovery a priority because until you do, you will never really be able to live a fulfilled life.  There will always be some level of frustration, disconnect, inward turmoil, and yes, even if you are a spirit filled believer, in fact the uneasiness may be greater for you because of your spiritual connection to God.

Whatcha gon’ do now?  About what? 
·       The relationship(s) that needs to be repaired.  Perhaps you have been waiting for someone to make an effort to initiate peace but what if you are the “someone”? 
·       The marriage that needs to be restored or dissolved.  Listen, I am not an advocate of divorce, I believe that if two people love each other and are committed to the commitment (especially if they love God, though it’s not a requirement for a healthy marriage) and they are willing to put in the work, the marriage can be salvaged and restored to a state better than it was prior to the drama.  However, however, if you have exhausted every resource (e.g. counseling, therapy, fasting, praying, etc.) and/or your spouse has made it clear that they are no longer interested in being married (verbally or through their actions) and/or your life (and that of your child(ren)) is in danger, you need to rethink your position?  God didn’t call us to be doormats, punching bags or target practice.  That is not living life in abundance.  I am fully aware that nothing is impossible with God, but I am also aware that God will not impose his will on any one (including your spouse) because he would be violating his own plan, the plan of free will of choice.  I make this statement from a place of experience, not theory.
·       Moving past the church hurt? Are you going to shake it off, make a conscious effort to forgive that person(s), earnestly pray and intercede for them; or get an attitude and avoid them; or stay home and vow to never go to another church in your life; or is it time to move onto another ministry?
·       Your health?  Your body has been sending distress signals for months, possibly years.  Are you going to continue to ignore them or are you going to love yourself enough to begin making changes.  I hear you and I agree, diets don’t work but lifestyle changes do if you remain committed to the commitment.  Start somewhere.  Go to the doctor and tell them you need a plan, make sure your healthy enough for an exercise routine, yes exercise, but I suggest a physical first so that you have a benchmark and decide on tangible goals to reach (reduce: blood pressure, glucose level, weight, etc.).  Cut back on the junk food slowly and then altogether.  Cut back on the fast food slowly and then altogether.  The key is to do things in increments so you don’t feel so deprived and then rebel against yourself;
·       Your dream?  Ask God to rekindle the fire; start dreaming again; pull out the papers, pictures, ideas, etc. you packed away and start reading them often, post pictures of your dreams or “dream notes” where you can see them.  Talk to other dreamers and/or people who have done similar things.  Create a plan, implement it in stages if you can’t do it all at once, but do something.  When you talk about it be clear that you talk to the right people (those who are like minded, that encourage you that talk up to you).  Guard your dream from buzzards, dream snatchers who will criticize, poke fun and speak death into your ears and/or to steal your dream and create it for themselves.  You have to be so careful of thieves especially those around and within, including you.

 Whatcha gon’ do sweetie, time is a ticking and it ain’t waitin’ on you or nobody else.  Speaking of which, I’m all out time but you’re not, whatcha waitin’ on?

In His New and Excellent Service

Tania Not Tanya

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