Thursday, October 16, 2014

Misery is an Option Pt. 4 - Are You Addicted to Misery?

So that I can capitalize on the short amount of time we have, rather than re-cap I’m going to ask that you read the previous declarations: entitled Misery is an Option on this blog. 

Let’s pick up the story with Chez and Maritez.  Chez suggested that they celebrate the completion of her business plan school project and asked how she wanted to celebrate.  She had no idea what she wanted to do and time wasn’t waiting on anyone so he quickly came up with an itinerary: 1) shopping on North Main Street in Walnut Creek at Bloomingdales or Nordstroms, Tiffany’s and the Apple Store.  Shopping wasn’t his favorite, but he knew she loved it so he would tolerate it; 2) Dinner at Ruth Chris (this was a must because they were clients and he had to finalize some business with them, but it could also be used as extra credit because she could observe their business exchange and talk with the owners); 3) if there was time a movie of her choice.  She looked at Chez like he was crazy and just as she was about to list the reasons why shopping wouldn’t work, he added there was no budget to which she said: “and what do you expect in return?”  His reply was: “that you will wear what you select and accept my gift with no strings attached.  You work really hard Maritez, you’re always a blessing to others now it’s time for someone to be a blessing to you.  That’s it, plain and simple, no hidden agenda.”  The warning lights were flashing candy apple red, but she put on her internal night goggles and proceeded, cause after all, shopping is shopping and she deserved it.  She looked him in his eyes and said: “Okay, I’ll take you up on your offer.”

The Equalizer showtimes and ticketsHe decided on the Range Rover because he had a feeling it was going to be full before the day was over.  He had an American Express Black Card and a huge expense account so money was the last of his worries.  He insisted on an iPad so she could get rid of that raggedy laptop that was full of viruses.  She was super reluctant initially but when he told her it was an investment in her future so that she could be mobile and conduct her business more efficiently she gave in again.  They ended the evening at Ruth Chris Steakhouse with one of the best meals she ever had in her life, everything was delicious from the appetizers to the dessert.  The staff was amazing, she listened intently to the business Chez conducted with the Owner and took notes on her iPad.  They were right across the street from the theatre and it was early enough for a movie.  Maritez had her heart set on ending the night with another hunk of a man, Denzel Washington who was starring in The Equalizer.  When they got to the box office they noticed a huge line for the movie that had apparently just been released, Addicted.  She assumed it was something to do with substance abuse and at the last minute she changed her mind and opted for Addicted since it was going to start in five minutes, otherwise they would have to wait 30 minutes for Denzel’s movie.  Neither of them were hungry but out of habit, Maritez wanted some red and yellow gummy bears and a small bag of popcorn, but Chez ordered a large just in case.  They got settled in their seats and about 15 minutes into the movie she realized this movie had nothing to do with the type of substance she thought it would be.  It was a full on hot, steamy movie that set every nerve in her celibate body on full blast.  She broke out in a hot sweat, turned purple and wanted to disappear but she closed her eyes instead as if that would make her disappear but that didn’t last long, the suspense was killing her.  She gave into her flesh and imagined her and Chez on the screen.  

When the movie was finally over she was toast, there was no more fight in her.  She decided that if he made a move she was gonna be all in.  They didn’t talk a lot on the ride home, he let the music do the talking for him.  When the Isley Brother’s “For the Love of You” came on she thought she was gonna pass out when Chez started singing in key, the brother had skills.  When they arrived at the apartment garage, Chez pulled into the stall next to her car.  They got out, he helped her put the items in her car and then asked what she wanted to do next.  She told him it was late, she had to go to church tomorrow so she better go home but then she remembered she left her laptop in his apartment.  So she followed him to his apartment and that was the beginning of the rest of the movie, Addicted, because when I tell you Maritez was sprung after that first night of making sex with Roche, honey you betta listen here. 

Fast forward twelve months.  Maritez was told years ago that she couldn’t conceive, but ironically she had two abortions; contracted an STD and to make matters worse, she discovered that Chez was married with a whole wife and two kids who lived in Arizona.  She wanted to cut his throat but it was her own fault. Those gifts that afternoon in October were far more expensive than she realized.  The cold piece was that she was so addicted to Chez that she still continued to share him with his wife for another six months after discovering he was married.  She finally cut him off completely three months ago.  All of this was bad, it was horrible but the absolute worst was that she was out of fellowship with God, she had broken her vow of celibacy.  She felt nasty, manipulated, ashamed, guilty and worthless but to make matters worse she murdered two innocent babies.  She was angry with God.  He knew how much she wanted to have children, how could he be so mean and thoughtless.  God knew she wanted a husband, how could he trick her with Chez.  She stopped going to church, she wouldn’t answer phone calls, text or email messages.  She became withdrawn and was spiraling into a deep state of depression.  
First Response Pregnancy Tests Early Result

She didn’t really have an appetite but whenever she did eat the food would come right back up; she was tired all the time and slept every opportunity she could find.  Her mom and sister came by to check on her and when they saw how bad she looked they insisted that she make a same day appointment and agreed to take her because they didn’t trust she would go on her own.  When she emerged from the doctor’s office she looked as if she had seen a ghost.  When her mother asked if everything was ok she told her she was, you guessed it, pregnant with Chez’ baby.  People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.  Proverbs 28:13 (NLT).  And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”  Jeremiah 31:34b (NLT)


As Neal and Miss Faith crossed the street to retrieve the desert, Neal asked her if she had really forgotten it.  She looked him in the eye and said:  The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.  Proverbs 11:30 (NLT).  I knew you boys needed some male bonding time so I figured I would give it to you after dinner and use the desert as an excuse for an exit.  I just didn’t realize you were wise too.  They both chuckled as they entered the front door and headed for the kitchen where the peach cobbler was cooling on the counter.  She pulled out the Hagen Daz Vanilla Bean and said “a la mode or dry?”

Meanwhile Lovey and Roche sat at the dining room table enjoying small talk when Lovey felt led to share a story with him about his first love, Hope which he rarely discussed.  It has been 51 years now and some days it still hurt just a little to think about her.  He loved Faith with all of his heart but he loved Hope first.  He talked about how angry he was with the entire world but especially God for her transition.  He blamed and accused God almost as bad as Job when he went through his grieving process.  He credits Deacon Stays for saving his life.  The old deacon didn’t say much but when he spoke everyone listened.  One fall afternoon they had a very short conversation which Lovey recalled as if it yesterday.  “Deacon was sitting on his front porch, I had come by to drop off some fire wood for his house.  He invited me to ‘sit a spell’ and he said: ‘Lovey, I know’d you and ya peepa’s since you was yay high.  You’s a good man and yo’ Hope was good to you.  One thang I know fuh sho is this here, misery is an option.  Peepa’s choose to be happy or glad; up or down; in or out; free or bound.  It’s just dat simpah.  You can chose to be mad at God and this beautiful world or you can look fuh ‘da good in every thang God allows to happen in yah life like it says over in the Romans, all thangs work together fuh da good (Romans 8:28).  Now, its gon’ hurt for a lil while, sho nuff, but everyday it’ll get a lil bit betta.  Not a lots at a time, but a wee lil bit each day.  Sometime so lil you can’t even notice it.’  He politely got up out of his rocking chair, looked me in the eye and said ‘Lovey, you know how tah eat a elephant?’  I shook my head and said:  ‘No sir.’  He said: ‘One bite at a time.’  He opened the screen door and went inside to leave me to my thoughts.

Follow me on & be sure to like, repin or follow any of my boards on here :) Thanks How cute is this baby elephant? #NoelitoFlowRoche, I could use my psychology degree to analyze you and try to give you my professional advice or I can follow Deacon Stays example and leave you here to your thoughts, which was the best thing that happened for me.  So on that note, I will leave you with this: 1 Peter 5:7.  I won’t bother to quote it to you, I’d like to encourage you to read it when your mind is open and you’re ready.  At that, Lovey got up and left Roche to his thoughts. 

I’m out of time, make it a great day.

In His New and Excellent Service

Tania Not Tanya

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