Thursday, February 13, 2014

ABC's of Faith

The ABC’s of Faith

Faith: in general it is the persuasion of the mind that a certain statement is true.
2 Thessalonians 2:13 (NIVR): Brothers and sisters, we should always thank God for you. The Lord loves you. God chose you from the beginning. He wanted you to be saved. Salvation comes through the Holy Spirit's work. He makes people holy. It also comes through believing the truth.

Faith: Hope
Hebrews 11:1 (NIRV): Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being certain of what we do not see.
Romans 4:18 (NIRV): When there was no reason for hope, Abraham believed because he had hope …
Study Romans 4 on your own

Do we need faith?
Hebrews 11:6:  Without faith it isn't possible to please God. Those who come to God must believe that he exists. And they must believe that he rewards those who look to him

How do we obtain faith?
The mind must be enlightened by divine teaching:
Ephesians 1:18: (NIRV): I also pray that your mind might see more clearly. Then you will know the hope God has chosen you to receive. You will know that the things God's people will receive are rich and glorious
Romans 10:17 (NIRV): So faith comes from hearing the message. And the message that is heard is the word of Christ.
The more knowledge you have about the Word of God
The more comfort you will have in ________ (you fill in the blank)

Faith is a law; it is not magic
Romans 3:27: Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith
For the most part we are taught faith in the context of Salvation and Redemption
We are saved/rescued from sin by the redemptive work (buying back, paying the price) of Jesus Christ, however, that work cannot take place unless we confess our sins to Jesus, ask Him to forgive us of those sins AND belief that He will at the time we ask.  That takes faith.
The principles of faith are the same, whether believing for salvation or to be healed.
Just as the law of return says you reap what you sew;
The law of faith says you will overcome if you believe.

God has oceans of resources: (El-Shaddai – Almighty God has exhaustless bounty):
2 Corinthians 2:20 (NIRV): God has made a great many promises. They are all "Yes" because of what Christ has done. So through Christ we say "Amen." We want God to receive glory.
We believe (hope) and confess promises:
Salvation, healing, deliverance, peace, prosperity, provision, etc..
God’s promises are not all spiritual: good health, relationships, promotion, success, etc.

God wants us to have the best (El Olam: No matter how great our concept of God; He is always greater)
By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. (2 Peter 1:3 NLT)

The Process is connected to the Promise
A:   Ask the Father in Jesus Name (what do you want?)
B:   Believe your request was granted instantaneously (spiritually)
Ultimately will see the manifestation
How long? For a while
We believe in things we don’t see (e.g. Heaven, Wind, Pregnancy)
C: Confess the promise; speak your world into existence
Proverbs 18:22 (NIRV): Your tongue has the power of life and death. Those who love to talk will eat the fruit of their words.
D: Demonstration of the ask
James 2:17: It is the same with faith. If it doesn't cause us to do something, it's dead.
Healing: follow doctor’s instruction, eat right, confess healing verbally
Substance abuse challenges: put the dope/alcohol down;
Stay away from sticky places, people and things
Confess deliverance verbally
See yourself as an overcomer
Find pictures of ____ (you fill in the blank)
Place them where you will see them all the time
Visualize yourself in or as ____ (you fill in the blank)
E: Expectation
Plan: As a result of my faith stand God will give me a plan to ____  (you fill in the blank)
Favor: God will raise up someone to use their influence, power and ability to help me
Miracle: He will do something in the supernatural
Strength to endure until change comes

F: Fight
Assume the enemy’s attempts to:
deposit limiting thoughts
change your thinking to usher in doubt/unbelief
If you expect the fight (drama, distractions, etc.)
You won’t be caught off guard
You will realize where they’re coming from
Fight back with the word
Confess the promise in the morning, noon, night, whenever it comes to mind
G: Glorify God
Attitude during this process is to glorify God.
Romans 10:19-21: Without becoming weak in his faith, Abraham accepted the fact that he was past the time when he could have children. At that time he was about 100 years old. He also realized that Sarah was too old to have children. But he kept believing in God's promise. He became strong in his faith. He gave glory to God. 21 He was absolutely sure that God had the power to do what he had promised.

Don’t get overwhelmed by all the scriptures
Focus on one that resonates with you
Decide to believe until you see the promise come to pass
Dream BIG!  El Shaddai has unlimited resources
Don’t share your dream with everyone
Everyone can’t handle dreams, only dreamers can
Stay away from negative people

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