Friday, February 14, 2014

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

He Loves Me; He Loves Me Not

Earlier this week when I said there isn’t anything that you have done that could keep God from loving you?  Well, before I share the Word for today, I have a confession to make and hopefully you won’t pre-judge me.   I have thought about it for a while now and have decided to come out with the truth once and for all.

I have been married to an amazing man, Carl, for the past 26 years, but the truth is that I am in love with another man.  There I said it.

He is absolutely amazing.  He has a huge heart, he is personable, intelligent, witty, kind, gentle, thoughtful, and he loves harder than any man that I know.  I could go on and on about the incredible characteristics that he has, but I don’t want to bore you. 

He fulfills me in ways that no one ever has, including my husband.  We have shared countless intimate moments, but can I tell you that he has never betrayed my confidence, ever.  Sometimes when I think about how much I love and adore him it literally brings tears to my eyes.  I don’t know what heaven feels like, but when he touches me I can hardly take it. 

We met personally when I was eight years old, but we have known each other intimately since I was 19.  Though I have had challenges with our relationship, I have remained as faithful to him as I know how, given my circumstances, but his love for me has been constant, he has never wavered.

His mom is deceased, but his Father absolutely adores me.  He literally considers me his daughter, it’s incredible.  He has a bride and though some people might think that can be kind of sticky, I don’t have a problem with it.  I am not ashamed of my love for him and I don’t care what anybody thinks or says.

Though my husband hasn’t said anything, I believe in my heart he knows.  Carl is not the type of person that wears his emotions on his sleeves.  He has a very calm demeanor, he is not easily excited but I am just the opposite, so we are a good fit for each other because we balance each other out.  Believe it or not, before we got married, that was one of the qualities that I listed on my “Faith List” for a husband.  That’s another topic we can cover later.

Some of you may actually know him.  His name is Emmanuel, which means God with us.  Some people also refer to him as the Prince of Peace, Friend, Master, Savior, Teacher, Son of the Living God, but I usually call him Jesus.

What is Love? 
Love (Webster)  Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal tie; attraction based on sexual desire; affection and tenderness felt by lovers; affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests; an assurance of affection

Love (The Word)  God -- 1 John 4:8: He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
It is apparent to me that Webster’s definition of love is conditional, whereas God and His Son, Jesus, love us unconditionally. 

Have you ever been in a relationship where you weren’t quite sure if the person actually loved you? 
·       When things were good, they were good, you couldn’t get enough of each other.  But there were other times when you just weren’t sure. 
·       S/He voluntarily paid your bills without you having to be a pest, bought you something special and told you over and over how much they loved you… S/he Loves Me. 
·       Two days later you can’t find them… He Loves Me Not.   
·       S/He showed up with a really good reason why he hadn’t been around, you went to dinner, a movie, had great “make up” sex…  Ok, S/he Loves Me.  But in the morning you had a heated argument and S/He slammed the door on the way out … S/he Loves Me Not. 
Don’t play, you know what I’m talking about.  The classic on/off relationship.

I have good news for you.  The man, Jesus, that I talked about earlier is nothing like that.  He will be a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).  He will never leave nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)

Would you die for your husband, wife, sister, brother, parents, children?  Would you die for a total stranger?  Would you die for them even if you knew they were going to reject your efforts, the price you paid, your demonstration of love?

That’s what Christ did for us.  When I reflect on the price he paid, it is humbling to know that I can never repay Him, so I live my life purposely to please him and in return he actually blesses me in ways I could never even describe. 

John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  Before you and I were ever born, God had already proven his love for us by sending his Son, Jesus to die for our sins.  This isn’t a fairytale, Jesus walked the earth doing his Father’s business until it was time for Him to die.  He wasn’t tricked into dying, according to the bible he did so willingly.
·       John 15:13:  Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. Love me keep my commandments
Death was required for our redemption (payment in full), but we know it doesn’t end there because he rose on the third day taking all power (e.g. death, the sting of death, etc.) from the enemy, Satan, the devil. 

So as you go throughout your day wishing people a Happy Valentine’s Day and as the day turns to evening and you begin preparing for the a night with your spouse, that special someone or even your children, reflect on God’s unconditional love and the sacrificial love that Jesus, the Christ has for you, me and even that lost soul that has no clue that the price has already been paid.

S/He can enter into the peace, rest and love of God debt free with no strings attached.

In His Humble Excellence


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