Thursday, February 20, 2014

Its Personal

What is the most common thing to do when you are in a public place but need to engage in a private conversation?  Huddle up, whisper, text (uh, that may not be a good idea because if you send it to some else accidentally, it could be disastrous) and/or you may ask them to step outside because you have something personal to share with them.

Have you ever been asked a question that you felt uncomfortable answering?  Of course you could respond with a nasty tone and them "it’s none of their business"; you could ignore them (literally speaking so silently that everyone heard you ignore them without you opening your mouth) or you could politely state: “It’s Personal” – minus rolling your eyes, snapping your neck and scrunching up your face, all at the same time.

What would you do if you walked up on a conversation with your children (or someone else's) only to hear them talking about very private things that were not so serious they should have reported it to an adult but private enough that they shouldn’t be discussing amongst themselves.  You could “fuss at them” and give it to them real good, or you could use that moment as a “teachable moment” by helping them to understand that what they are discussing is “very personal”.  This would also be a great time to share "what if" scenarios with the goal of showing them how it feels to be the one "everyone" is talking about.

TMI (too much in formation) in the wrong hands can be devastating to individuals, couples, families, business partners, co-workers, etc.  We have to be ever so careful that we don’t cross the line and put someone’s business out in the street.  Why?  Do I really need to say it?  It’s Personal!!!!

I do, however, want you to understand how to use TMI in your “personal” relationship with God, our Father, our Daddy.  It is so important for us to be totally transparent and open with Him, in fact you can be as open, and intimate with Him as you want and it will always be OK.

It is absolutely vital to understand that we are not just part of some huge collective Christian group.  We are a part of the Body of Christ, however, individuals make up that body.  Think of it like this, scholars’ estimate that based on an adult man’s typical volume, you may conclude that the human body contains 15 trillion cells.  As those individual cells make up the body and have a specific function, so it is with the Body of Christ.  Given that there are so many tiny cells, it is safe to say that many of them, perhaps thousands, are needed to make up a particular part of he body, for example the eye.  The same is with the Body of Christ.  We are all individuals that have specific gifts and talents, even though many of those gifts and talents are the same (but uniquely different based on our capacity, life experiences, etc.), however, we are all used together for the edification of the Body of Christ. 
Not as a physical body but as defined by Webster: the main, central, or principal part, as: the nave of a church the bed or box of a vehicle.
Have you ever seen an eyeball fighting with the eyelid and eyelash, not the fake eyelashes the real ones?  The eyeball better be cool because it needs both for protection.  As people of the most High God can you see how ridiculous it is to bicker, fight and argue with each other?  We must at all costs be different from the “world” and live to be UNIFIED, not just as women, but as people of the living God. 

It goes without saying that God loves (and cares for) us and that he sent his son Jesus to die for us, but did you also know there are numerous accounts of God demonstrating his love and care to individuals in the Old Testament as well as Jesus doing so in the New Testament?  Look at this:
  • The widow woman who was about to cook her last meal for her and her son and then prepare to die;
  • Elijah was fed by the Ravens while he was on the run
  • Lazarus his “homey”, was raised him from the dead by Jesus; 
  • Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus so bad that he climbed a tree as he was passing by, Jesus was so impressed with his enthusiasm that he called him down from the tree and “invited himself to Zac’s house for dinner; 
  • Saul was a terrorist whose assignment was to persecute Christians until he was hand picked and converted by Jesus on his way to Damascus and his name changed to Paul.  Understand, he killed and tortured Christians prior to his conversion and God still forgave him – and you think your junk is bad, please.
There are countless examples of God's provision, restoration, protection of individuals. Just as God allowed these things to happen to individuals in biblical times, He wants to do special personal things for you and I today to show you that he does love, care or is aware of your existence.  Anything else is a bold face lie federal expressed from the very pit of hell.  Can you do me a favor? 
·       Can you put your hand over your heart, pause
·       Feel your heart beat, pause
·       Take a deep breath, pause
·       Repeat after me … God loves me __________ (say your name out loud)

Let’s make “It” a little more “Personal”:

Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.  Ephesians 1:4-6

Your personal relationship with God is not a fluke, you were handpicked, predestined. You are not an accident, you are called, chosen by God!  Out of all the billions of people on the earth he made a choice of you, yes you, even though he knew you would blow it time after time.  He picked you because he knew you would finally stand up, dust yourself off, fix yo’ wig and keep it pushin’.  Other people in a similar situation would have given up, lost their mind or been somewhere strung out, but you, Baby, you, are unstoppable.  When you think about it for a minute, I know you might even be shocked, ‘cause, you still standing.  Have you ever asked yourself why you are still here, why you didn’t end up _______________ you fill in the blank?  Don’t you dare try to take credit, it is nothing but the mercies of God that you are not consumed, but it is also because he has a plan for your life.  Nothing Just Happens!!!!! 

Just as one partner doesn’t do all of the work for a relationship (e.g. business, marital, etc.) neither does God.  He will never do the things that we can do.  Now it's to get specific and personal with God.  Here's how you can start:
  • Hang out with Him every day (first thing in the morning, while you're commuting, on your lunch break, after work before you get home, whatever) just commit to a SPECIFIC time of the day that you hang out with him.  Praying, asking Him what He desires from you, listening to his Word, whatever, just make it God focused time.  Even if it's only 7 minutes a day, as long as it's consistent.
  • Make time to read your Word (so he can talk back to you).  This can be combined with the prayer or maybe it's separate.  There are too many tools available (e.g. CDs,, YouTube, your smart phone, etc.) so you can't use that as an excuse of not having the tools.
  • Throughout the day check in with Him.  Hey God it's just me checking in; I love you; what's the next step, this person is really getting on my nerves; I want to do this or that, what do you think?  EXPECT AN ANSWER if you ask a question. Again, we are developing a personal relationship.

Say it out loud, “Its Personal”.

In His Humble Excellence


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