Monday, February 10, 2014

The Guarantee

Non-consuming Fire
The Guarantee
Inspired 2/9/14

Would you agree that there are varying degrees of temptation?
I was tempted to leave my shopping cart near my car v. returning it to the right place
I'm tempted to spend all his/her money because ...
I'm tempted to buy 6 hot Krispy Kreme donuts and eat 4 on the way home
I'm tempted to accept the invitation to accompany them on the 10-day cruise

Temptation (Webster) root word is Tempt

  • to entice or allure to do something often regarded as unwise, wrong, or immoral.
  • to attract, appeal strongly to, or invite.
  • to put (someone) to the test in a venturesome way; provoke.

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. (I Corinthians 10:13 NKJV)

There are three key points that I want to share:

1.  You ain't the only one, Boo:
No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful
As much as we would like to tell ourselves that:

  • People don't understand; 
  • No one has been where I am
  • I'm all alone

Those are invitational statements for the PPC (Pity Party Crew)
You are not the only one to experience the drama you currently face
I use the term drama respectfully, not to diminish anything you may be facing, but simply to put all of the challenges in one bucket :)
Understand that somebody, somewhere has faced similar circumstances
The situation may not be 100% exact but enough identifiable similarities exist to relate to your experience(s)

2.  Not today, not tomorrow, not ever:
Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able

God is faithful:
Psalm 31:5 (NLT) says:  I entrust my spirit into your hand. Rescue me, Lord, for you are a faithful God
This is a God-promise.  I say God-promise because his promises are not like ours.  We say (and most of us mean) what we are going to do, life happens and .....
God will always keep his word, he can't do anything less
God knows your capacity
He absolutely, emphatically, unequivocally WILL NOT allow you to break under the pressure of drama.

3.  There's a "custom designed" way out:
but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

BUT (Webster):  on the contrary; yet; except; save; unless; if not; except that; without the circumstance that
This is the rest of unconditional promise for BELIEVERS, which is that God WILL make the way of escape (Selah --PAUSE for a minute.  Think about that )
Did you miss the escape clause in the God-memo?
Have you been suffering unnecessarily, when you could have escaped?
You are far to valuable, way to precious, for Him (God) to just let you fail.  He has invested too much in your success.  "You is kind, you is good and you is impo'tent"
Let's go back to the escape clause portion of scripture
It doesn't say you will escape temptation (awe, man!!).  The message here is that God will create the environment for you to bear "it" (the drama).  It's not a cookie-cutter escape, it is custom designed just for you as it relates to this particular situation, AND,will give you:
Stick to it-ness
The resolve
The ability to hold under the pressure; and
Stand still and see the salvation of The Lord
He is making you aware of your capacity
How much you can handle
Not only will you surprise those around you; BUT
You will surprise yourself!!!!
To be clear, God is not creating ESCAPE ARTISTS

In closing:
This is not about "you" suffering cause you did something wrong.  Of course there are times when we make a mistake and there are reactions to the "cause", but I want you to understand that all drama is not created equal.  Don't assume you are being punished and don't let "religious people" make you feel condemned over something you have no control over.  I could say more but I think you get my point.
You will feel the affects of the drama
Yes, it might hurt, growing pains do, BUT
It will not take you out, AND
Again, suffering is not the primary purpose

God selected you for this assignment for a reason (read Job 1)
It could be for one or many reasons
Allowing you to be a relevant current witness for the 21st century
Character building
Personal development, etc.
Who knows the mind of God
If we endure as faithful servants and Ambassadors
The rewards will far out weight the "light affliction"
We have his guarantee that he will not allow us to fail

In His Excellence,


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