Thursday, February 27, 2014

You Are What You Say

We have all heard cliche's like: “you are what you eat” and/or “garbage in, garbage out”.  These short sentences speak volumes if you listen.  I'm not a health food fanatic (not that I'm opposed to them), I have paid more attention to what I eat especially over the past few years.  My maternal family’s medical history is a huge indicator that if I am not proactive with my health, what I eat, exercising, etc. I could end up like many of them with some of the common diseases that plague many people of color.  You matter to the people in your life; so I encourage you to evaluate what you’re eating and make small healthy changes so that you don’t feel overwhelmed and quit.  If you eat fast food every day for lunch, try cutting back to three times per week and gradually reduce the trips.  If you have a sweet tooth like me, try cutting back the number of sweet things you eat in a day and gradually reduce consumption.  Take a walk on your lunch break or take the stairs instead of the elevator (assuming you are healthy enough to do so).  Cut back on sugary drinks.

So, we are clear that you are what we eat, but did you know “you are what we say”?  For example:
·       Janay woke up feeling great.  She sneezed a couple of times while speaking with Betty who immediately told Janay she must be coming down with a bug.  Karen overheard the conversation, looked at Janay and said, “yeah, your eyes look a little pink”.  My husband had the same thing last month and he was out for two full weeks.”  Janay responded that her throat did have a little tickle this morning and agreed she must be coming down with something.  By the afternoon Janay had successfully "talked herself" into being sick and she left work early. By the next day she had spoken sickness into her home.
·       Thomas decided to change his lifestyle.  He stopped smoking, started an exercise plan and lost 20 of the 40 pounds he plans to lose by summer.  Losing weight was a real challenge for him initially, but his loved ones placed positive affirmations on the fridge, front door, in his car, etc. and he recites them out loud every time he passes by them.

In these two examples both parties said something.  The difference is that Janay’s affirmations were negative and Thomas’ were positive, but what’s key is that they came from the heart.
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.  Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you. Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV)

The latter part of the text above “his heart is not with you” is describing an evil person who is tolerating you long enough to get something from you.  An evil stingy manipulative crooked thieving liar is going to have the same characteristics no matter their ethnicity: African-American, Latino, Caucasian, etc.   How do I know?  Just as it is the nature of a snake to bite, it is the nature of a manipulator to manip.  Yes, people change, however, this would not be a good time to exercise “blind” faith.  Instead you might want to wait and SEE the Salvation of the Lord and their good works.  I’m just sayin’.  There is something about the heart of a man/woman, their soul, who they are at the core.  They can only hide their true selves (good or bad) for so long before the real person begins to emerge. 

We can also use our words to customize our world.  Jesus gives the “how to move a mountain” lesson in the book of Mark, 11:22-24:
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:22-24 (NKJV)

Right, I’m gonna tell a mountain to move out of my way and throw itself in the sea; really, c’mon?  Yes, check this out:
1.     You must have faith (hoping/believing your request will materialize) even though you don’t know when or how.
Yeah, but a real mountain?  Just keep reading …
2.     Stop thinking linearly and think spiritually.  Jesus uses the mountain as a metaphor to represent the challenges, problems, trials, tribulations we face.  Just as you tell a dog to go or get out of here as you point your finger to the door (with authority), you can do the same with your drama.  _______________ (you fill in the blank) get out of my life, you are not God’s best for me, I command you to go!  
3.     When you give the command you must believe that you will receive, there is no room for doubt, not even ½ percentage.  When the doubt tries to creep in your mind speak to it: “I command you to go in the name of Jesus”; “I believe God, I believe God, I believe God….” “I will have it, I will have it,” etc.  Do not under any circumstance allow the doubt to plant its seed.  Find scriptures in the bible on faith so that you can use them as a weapon against the doubt when it comes.  Remember the Word of God is our Sword
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.  James 1:6-8 (NKJV)
4.     The last part of verse 24 above says: “you can have whatever you say.”  Let’s be clear, our every wish is not God’s command, however, he will give us the desires of our heart as long as they line up with his Word of God.  It is not enough to have the desire alone, Jesus specifically says “you shall have what you say.”  I don’t know how to make it any plainer than that.

I do know that it is human nature to want what we want yesterday and sometimes those prayers are hindered for what we fail to do.  We have not because we ask not, and/or we give up too soon For example:
·       You asked God for your desires yesterday, told the mountain to jump in the lake and it’s still there, wassup with that?  Could your motive be a little off?  You do realize we are talking about God. The same God who knows your thoughts before you think them.  Is it possible He took into consideration you were going to doubt after the first day and He is teaching you a lesson of patience?  You probably have genie syndrome.
·       I asked God for a car and I’m still riding the bus.  What kind of car did you as for? Used, new, Hyundai, Honda, fully loaded, bare basics, you want car notes or no notes?  God is like, you ain’t setting me up to make the choice for you and then you not like it. What do you want????  Come on, what is your desire?

Do your part, and God will do His.

In His Humble Excellence


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