Monday, March 10, 2014

Back That Thang Up

Clover has been living out of state for the past seven years.  Her family encouraged her to leave the Bay Area because her life was spiraling out of control.  She lived a hard fast life but now she is coming into her own womanhood at the age of 27.  Her family is amazed by her transformation, in fact many people have been whispering about how much she has changed, especially her girl Cerai, who was her partner in crime, in life, you name it.   They couldn’t figure out the glow that seemed to radiate over her face, she talked different, not like a preppy valley girl, but she wasn’t cussing or hatin’ on anybody which was one of their favorite past-times.  Clover’s family insisted on throwing a BBQ.  Invitations weren’t needed because they have an open door policy.  She was even cordial when her old flame, CC, showed up.  Unbeknownst to her, CC came there intentionally to sabotage and discredit her witness because he heard she was all “churchy” now.  He even went as far as making a bet that he would “hit it” before the night was over.  Everything was going great until CC “ran out”.  He was “high” when he showed up and while they were dancing he got too close to Clover but she played it off and started to walk away, however, CC made the mistake of saying, “girl, you know you back that thang up” as he pulled her back towards him.  The entire room got silent because the Clover they all know “don’t take nothing off nobody”.  She prayed silently real quick for help, yanked his hands off her waste and then calmly told him in a very matter of fact voice:  “CC, you have me confused with that insecure little girl who worshipped you when we were together.  I’m not her and this is not that.  Don’t ever disrespect me like you just did.  You are welcome to stay but you will be respectful. Now, do you want something to eat?”   CC lost his bet that night.

My thought for today is “Back That Thang Up”.

Umm, ma’am you are losing it.  No I’m not, I am very clear on what the Lord whispered in my spirit about that phrase which is really “Back That A__ Up” recorded by hip hop artists Lil Wayne, Jody Breeze, Juvenile, Mannie Fresh, but that’s not my focus. 

The overall point of the scenario above, was to show how Clover backed that thang up (her commitment) with her visual testimony.  She didn’t run around telling people she was saved and filled with the mighty burning fire, they “Saw It (the change) for themselves.  It’s no surprise that someone like CC would come along to try and destroy our witness.  His trick didn’t catch her off guard.  She said what she needed to said and continued to enjoy her company
Back up the word/testimony with your life.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)

How you live speaks much louder than what you say.  People should see you before they hear you. 

Back That Thang Up #1 – back up your Godly walk with the way you live:
On his return, Jesus was welcomed by a crowd. They were all there expecting him. A man came up, Jairus by name. He was president of the meeting place. He fell at Jesus’ feet and begged him to come to his home because his twelve-year-old daughter, his only child, was dying. Jesus went with him, making his way through the pushing, jostling crowd. Luke 8:40-42 (The Message)

While he (Jesus) was still talking, someone from the leader’s house came up and told him, “Your daughter died. No need now to bother the Teacher.”  Jesus overheard and said, “Don’t be upset. Just trust me and everything will be all right.” Going into the house, he wouldn’t let anyone enter with him except Peter, John, James, and the child’s parents.  Luke 8:50-51 (The Message)

Jairus was a church leader, his only child was dying, he pleaded with Jesus to come to his home and heal her.  Jesus stopped what he was doing and followed to his house, however, while in route, the Woman with the issue of blood for the past 12 years, touched Jesus’ clothes, Jesus felt the healing virtue go out of his body, the woman was healed instantly and Jesus stopped to ask “who touched me”.  Some time is lost with this miracle and while Jesus is wrapping up with this Woman, Jairus’ servant finds and tells him that his daughter died, so there is no need to bother Jesus.  But Jesus overhears the conversation and says Jairus, man, stop.  Remember what you asked me?  Don’t be afraid, I’m still going to heal your daughter, she is not dead, she is sleeping.

There will come times in life when our faith is tested.  We will have to stop, take a breath, and recollect our thoughts. Go back to what you said (your confession) of faith, healing, deliverance, etc.  Don’t get off track because of drama (trial, temptation).  Don’t start playing the blame game or making excuses about why you can’t do XYZ.   When it’s all said and done, “excuses only satisfy those who make them”.
You ever seen someone in a service tipping out in the middle of someone talking or preaching.  They stoop down, overemphasize their quiet steps, hold their index finger up, level with their head and ever so gently creep out.  Basically what they are saying through body language is: “excuse me ya’ll, I don’t mean to be rude, but I gotta step out”).  Guess what? There are people with the ShaCwuda syndrome (always have reasons why they shudda, cudda, wudda) are tipping out on their own life, saying: “excuse me ya’ll; I gotta check out/tip out on this part.  In other words, “I can’t lived saved anymore, it’s too hard”; “you don’t know what I’ve been through”; it’s easy for you to say that you been in church all your life” blah blah blah blah.

I’m trying to get you to understand, they need to STOP, put it in reverse (there thoughts) and Back That Thang Up – (their wrong thinking process) go back to their love and commitment before they were infected by the ShaCwuda syndrome. 

But you walked away from your first love—why? What’s going on with you, anyway? Do you have any idea how far you’ve fallen? A Lucifer fall!  “Turn back! Recover your dear early love. No time to waste, for I’m well on my way to removing your light from the golden circle.  Revelations 2:4-5 (The Message)

Back That Thang Up #2:  Stop, think and return to your first love and commitment to Jesus Christ.

In His Humble Excellence.


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