Friday, March 21, 2014

The Basics Part 3

I’m aware that many people are intimidated by the Bible, feel like it is hard to understand and/or they believe it's not relative to our lives today.  I will agree with those statements to a certain degree, in that if you don't use the Bible correctly it could make people feel that way.  Here’s what I mean, if the issue was the Bible, it wouldn’t be considered the bestselling book of all time with estimated annual sales of 100 million copies.  Just as with any other resource, if you don’t use it correctly, you won’t get the correct results.  This simple truth leads me to believe it’s the “user”, not the “Word” or the Creator of the Word (aka God)” that is the challenge.   That said, to get the full effect, some of us may need a new paradigm about our Biblical approach, and, until we get the full effect consider the Bible to be a resource guide and/or instructional manual for our lives.  This new paradigm, I believe will help to reduce and/or eliminate the feelings mentioned above, over time, and it will allow us to reposition ourselves. 

What do I mean about "reposition ourselves"?  Have you ever taken a shower? I know, just humor me.  So, have you ever taken a shower?  Ok, if you are to the right, left, too far back or directly underneath the shower head, what happens?  Right, but really happens?  You get some sprinkles, but you don’t get the full effect.  Sometimes we do that on purpose for a variety of reason I won’t take the time to cover, just use your imagination.  However, when we reposition ourselves, we get the full effect of the shower, which allow us to do all of the things we desire: wash and rinse our bodies and our hair, shave, allow the pressure to sooth tired muscles and whatever else you do in the shower, but you get my point, right?  So it is with our relationship with God.  What worked for you five years ago may not work anymore because you have grown or fallen and it’s time to reposition yourself (change).  Change can also be intimidating but in order to become the person God has designed us to be, change is necessary too.

How do we reposition ourselves?  Great question but before I answer, I need to make this disclaimer:  None of the information below will make any difference whatsoever if you are not open.  The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it’s open.

Repositioning Ourselves:

1.     One must have a personal relationship with God through his son, Jesus, in order to get the full benefit of the Word.  It's like the fringe benefits of being a member of a prominent family whether they’re gansta’s, bougie or anywhere in between, otherwise, what would be the need of a personal relationship if everyone, regardless of their affiliation, commitment, etc. got the same privileges. 
·       Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. (John 14:6 NLT);
·       And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments. (1 John 2:3 NLT)
Let me say it another way, how fair would it be if some people were living a dedicated life to God, making sacrifices, saying no when we want to say yes; standing still when we want to run full speed ahead; fasting; praying; getting on the 6:00 am call, etc.; and other people live any kind of raggedy life they want and get the same exact privileges as the folks that are living a saved and consecrated life.  That would be messed up!  I would probably have an attitude with God.

2.     We must actually obtain and use the Bible.  Seriously, it's like being a member, but you have no idea what the benefits are, guidelines, expectations, etc.  I mean you have to be willing to participate on some level.  But isn't that true for anything in life.  You reap what you sew; you make no investment, there will be no return; you get out of it what you put into it.  
·       God, you have ordered that your decrees should be kept most carefully. How I wish my ways were strong when it comes to keeping your statutes! Then I wouldnt be ashamed when I examine all your commandments. I will give thanks to you with a heart that does right as I learn your righteous rules. I will keep your statutes. Please dont leave me all alone! (Psalms 119:4-8 CEB)

3.     We must be willing to take baby steps and humble ourselves to the point of knowing we won't grasp it all in five minutes regardless of our status (e.g. education, economics, background, who your “momma ‘nem is, etc.). This is an independent journey and you’ve gotta “walk it out.” Your girl ain’t gonna be able to “hook you up.”  This is all on you. 
·       I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christs return. (Philippians 1:9, 10 NLT)

4.     We must be willing to implement what we learn, otherwise, what is the point?
·       Therefore, with humility, set aside all moral filth and the growth of wickedness, and welcome the word planted deep inside you—the very word that is able to save you. You must be doers of the word and not only hearers who mislead themselves. Those who hear but dont do the word are like those who look at their faces in a mirror. They look at themselves, walk away, and immediately forget what they were like. But there are those who study the perfect law, the law of freedom, and continue to do it. They dont listen and then forget, but they put it into practice in their lives. They will be blessed in whatever they do. (James 1:21-25 CEB)

In His Humble Service,


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