Monday, March 24, 2014

Faith Basics Pt. 1

Rosario and Roscoe have four children.  They live a very comfortable life, but Roscoe’s three hour commute is taking its toll on him and the family.  Ree-Ree, the middle child is starting to act out according to her teacher, Ms. Abbott.  Both parents tried to explain the reason for Roscoe's legitimate absence, together and individually, but Ree-Ree just doesn’t understand.  After Ree-Ree’s last melt down at school Roscoe and Rosario prayed together about a solution and they both got the same answer, which is for Roscoe to request a transfer to the office closer to their home.  They realize there may be a reduction in pay, but agree the family is more important than the extra money.  Roscoe agrees to speak with his supervisor first thing Monday morning.  They share the plan with the children and explain that even though Pappa will be able to spend more time with them it may mean they have to reduce some of their family activities and possibly their summer vacations. The children seem pretty nonchalant about it except for Ree-Ree.  She is really excited about the possibilities and assumes it's a done deal.

Later that evening after returning from a family outing Roscoe goes in to say good night to Ree-Ree who asks if she can lead the prayer, and this is what she prayed:  “Dear Jesus, thank you for the best family in the whole world especially my Pappa.  Please let him make the same money so we can go to Chuck E. Cheese and stuff and he can still be home with our family.  In Jesus name, Amen.   Tears formed in Roscoe’s eyes as he said “Amen”, kissed his daughter good night and walked out of the room.   The next morning, Ree-Ree could hardly contain the excitement because she knew Jesus was going to let Pappa keep the money and be home with them.  Her siblings and Rosario laughed at her innocence, which she seemed completely oblivious to.  Ree-Ree had a great day at school, she earned more points than usual, participated in class discussion, volunteered to help clean up, etc.   Ms. Abbott, could hardly believe her eyes.  When she asked Ree-Ree why she was so excited, she said, “Because Jesus is going to let my Pappa keep the same money and be home with us.”  Ms. Abbott, a semi-agnostic, chuckled and dismissed Ree-Ree’s comments.

When Roscoe got home that night, Ree-Ree ran to her Pappa and jumped into his arms.  Roscoe hugged his daughter and carried her in the house.  He told Rosario to put the food away and save it for tomorrow because they were going out to dinner to celebrate.  His supervisor didn’t agree to the transfer, but he did agree to allow him to telecommute four days a week and he would keep the same rate of pay.  Ree-Ree looked at her siblings and said: “See, I told you Pappa was gonna keep the same money and be home with us.”

How many of you have ever inspected the kitchen and interviewed the Chef before eating at a restaurant?  How many of you ate the food even though you had no clue who cooked it?

All of us have some measure of “blind” faith, in fact, it’s like second nature for us not to think about some of the things that we do that require faith.  Pulling a chair out and sitting down; taking prescribed medication assuming it will cure us because the doctor said it would; boarding an airplane without seeing the pilot or knowing if they are even qualified to fly the plane; assume we won’t get hit if we stay in the crosswalk, etc.  We all have faith on some level.

Faith (Webster): confidence or trust in a person or thing; belief that is not based on proof
·       Now we have confidence in God through Christ.  2 Corinthians 3:4 (NET)
·       In whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him (Jesus Christ).  Ephesians 3:12  (NET)
·       Be strong and confident all you who wait on The Lord.  Psalm 31:24  (NET)

Faith (Bible): Hope
·       Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV): Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
·       Romans 8:24-25 (CEB): We were saved in hope.  If we see what we hope for, that isn't hope.  Who hopes for what they already see?  But if we hope for what we don't see, we wait for it with patience.
Victory Nugget: Study the following chapters this week to get a better understanding of faith
·       Romans 4 (Abraham's faith journey) and
·       Hebrews 11 (Description of faith and the acts of faith by God's people

It is important to pray, which allows us to communicate with God but it is just as important to read/study God's word (aka our Life Manual/Instructional Book/Resource).  However, if we do not have faith to believe what we asked God for and/or what we read about can be applicable to us, it is a waste of oxygen and brain power.  Simply put the Bible, Prayer and Faith go hand in hand, you must have all three.

Do we need faith?
·       Hebrews 11:6:  Without faith it isn't possible to please God. Those who come to God must believe that he exists. And they must believe that he rewards those who look to him

How do we obtain faith? You can't go to Wal-Mart and get a "roll-back" special, go to Target and put five on it or call Grandma and ask if you can borrow some.  We obtain faith by:
Asking:  Whoever asks shouldn't hesitate.  They should ask in faith, without doubting,   Whoever doubts is like the surf of the sea, tossed and turned by the wind.  People like that should never imagine that they will receive anything from The Lord.  They are double-minded, unstable in all their ways.   James 1:6-8 (CEB)
Hearing:  So faith comes from hearing the message. And the message that is heard is the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 (NIRV)

The more you hear the Word of God whether it is a Sunday morning message; someone teaching a Bible Class, 6:00 am prayer; the audio bible; YouTube, etc. the more your faith will increase.  That is why so many of you continue to show up on the Victory Call.  Your faith is being increased, otherwise you wouldn’t bother.  But I have a secret for you.  Do you want to know what it is?  Are you sure?

When you read the Word of God (your Life Manual) out loud, as it pertains to scriptures that are encouraging, uplifting and/or address your particular situation, you are increasing your faith.  No lie.  Let’s look at Romans 10:17 again:
·       So faith comes from hearing the message. And the message that is heard is the word of Christ.
When you speak the Word of God back to Him, it activates something in the spiritual realm (remember, God is a spirit).  In essence you are reminding God of His Word, not because He forgot, but because you remembered and you are taking action.
·       As the lifeless body is dead, so faith without actions is dead.  James 2:26 (CEB) 

The more knowledge you have about God (through His Word -- your Life Manual); the more confidence you will have to believe God for ________ (you fill in the blank)

In His Humble Excellence


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