Thursday, March 13, 2014

It's Never Enough

As Adam turned the engine off his mind was immediately filled with thoughts of his childhood and his
mother, Amy, praying.   As a kid it seemed to him that she prayed about everything:  protection as they left the house; on their way into the store; when she needed a parking place; when they were stuck in traffic; when they returned home; when she was paying her bills, over their food even when she cooked it; etc.   Their home phone seemed to ring endlessly because people called all the time, day or night, it didn’t matter because Mama would pray for them.  On top of that she was one of the main chaplains at church so they always had to be early.  He lost count of how many times he asked (no one in particular) how much does a person have to pray?  When is enough; enough? And, what’s wrong with those people who call their house all the time, don’t they know how to pray?  As he approached the main entrance of the hospital it was hard for him to enter the building where his mother lay barely able to speak above a whisper, in those rare times when she was awake long enough to speak at all.  The doctors had told the immediate family that Amy may not make it through the night and suggested that they inform family members so they could say their last goodbyes.   He found himself whispering a short prayer for strength as he exited the elevator and headed down the hall to her room.  He was greeted by his immediate and extended family who seemed to have come out of the wood works to rush to his mother’s bedside.  He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination or not but the entire room seemed to sigh with relief entered.  Ironically he was the one that many of his family members, friends and co-workers called upon when they were in need of an encouraging word or prayer.  He wasn’t a pastor and had no desire to be, but he clearly understood he had the gift of exhortation and he was a true worshipper of God called to live a life of intercessory prayer.

My thought for today is:  It’s Never Enough

Always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Ephesians 5:20 (CEB)

Always (Webster): every time; on every occasion; without exception; all the time; continuously; uninterruptedly; forever; in any event; at any time.
Everything (Webster): the entirety of a specified or implied class; a great deal, esp of something very important:

If we really believe the word, that means we pray (talk to God) in the good times, not so good times, bad times, uncertain times, no time at all.  The bible admonishes us to give thanks to God ALWAYS. 

How do we give thanks to God?  Primarily through verbal communication – we call it prayer. 
Offer prayers and petitions in the Spirit all the time. Stay alert by hanging in there and praying for all believers.  As for me, pray that when I open my mouth, I’ll get a message that confidently makes this secret plan of the gospel known.  I’m an ambassador in chains for the sake of the gospel. Pray so that the Lord will give me the confidence to say what I have to say.   Ephesians 6:13-20 (CEB)

When we give thanks to God it is a prayer of thanksgiving which is also a form of worship.  For example: “God, Father (however you address him) I thank you for (_______ you fill in the blank)” and you continue to think of and express things you are thankful for.  Don’t fall for the distraction of thinking your prayer is: too small, too silly or not important.  I thank God for things like: my fingernails, eyes, ears, the ability to breathe freely, the ability to think and reason (common sense), the ability to come and when I want, etc.  Do you realize how many people cannot do any of those things that we take for granted for a variety of reasons: their health; incarceration; incapacity, pride; fear, etc.  The fact that you can read this blog without fear of retribution because you live in a country that upholds the Freedomof Religion Amendment is a lot to be thankful for. 

When you first start to talk to God (pray) you will probably feel a little awkward, especially when you pray out loud to him.  Just know that those feelings are normal, you must persist and pray anyway, even if you are afraid, feel like it’s not making a difference or it’s a struggle.  Don’t focus on any of those emotions, focus on God and learning to fall in love with Him.

Lastly, if you run out of words, keep your bible handy and turn to the book of Psalms.  It’s full of amazing prayers you can pray back to God.

In His Humble Excellence


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