Friday, March 28, 2014

Faith Part 5: Protect Yourself At All Times

The first rule that any would-be boxer learns when he steps into a gym is typically "protect yourself at all times." Regardless of what is happening in that ring at any specific time, you better be ready to defend yourself against your opponent, no matter what. It's a phrase that got an extra dose of importance after the September 17, 2011 Floyd Mayweather vs. Victor Ortiz fight.  Apparently Ortiz forgot that rule after Mayweather shot a right hand punch straight into Ortiz’ face when he was distracted by the Referee, Joe Cortez.  That right hand punch caused Ortiz to fall to the canvas and prevented him from beating the count.  The Referee was forced to call the bout off resulting in the KO4 victory for Mayweather.

My thought for today is: Protect Yourself At All Times

Shayla, affectionately called Shay, went through life like most of us in reaction mode, never really making any plans or setting goals, just living and reacting.  She completed high school, got a pretty good job as a stocker for Costco ultimately working her way up to supervisor.  She wasn’t happy or sad about the job, in fact she didn’t think much about it at all until she needed to use her 25% discount.  The pay was decent, they offered great benefits and combined with her husband, Charlie’s salary, they could afford the mortgage, car notes, and extracurricular activities for the kids.   She and Charlie loved God and they were faithful to their ministry but at the age of 40 they were starting to feel restless, not towards each other, but it occurred to both of them that there had to be more to life than building somebody else’s dream.

Shay’s friend, Deb, approached her about catering her 50th birthday party.  Whenever Shay did an event she incorporated the entire family and they all seemed to work well together after discovering their areas of strength.  Shay was a natural born cook and event planner.  Everything that girl prepared was deliciously mouthwatering as if her food was anointed to cause one’s taste buds to crave for more.  After discussing the menu, color scheme, budget, etc. Deb handed Shay a down payment.  After Deb’s event, it hit both her and Charlie like a ton of bricks.  This is it, a catering business.  They prayed about it and got their answer almost as soon as they got on their knees.  God gave them a strategic plan, showed them were to get the start-up capital and Charlie’s boss (who also loved Shay’s cooking) was willing to help with re-designing the kitchen to meet Shay’s commercial needs just for the cost of materials.

They met with the Pastor to share the vision but to their surprise, he was completely against the idea and strongly advised that they keep their jobs.  They were disappointed, but not discouraged, because quiet is kept, business is not Pastor’s acumen.  Ironically they received the same response from several of their close “friends” including a few relatives.  This was a huge blow to Shay.  When she started to cry in frustration, Charlie got hot as fish grease.  He took Shay in his arms and said, Babe, I believe we should go for it.  I love Pastor and yo’ momma ‘nem, but this is our life and we will only get one shot at it.  What do we have to lose?    
Shay is a person like so many that are talented in an area completely opposite to what they do to earn a living. There is no passion, it just pays the bills.  Yes, paid bills are important but to what end?  She needs to decide whether to take the leap of faith and follow God’s lead or listen to those around her. If she stays on her job, she could become cranky, resentful, etc.  How is that bringing glory to God?  How can people see her light?  How can she live a full life?  What did Jesus mean when he said? 
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10 (NKJV)
The Common English Bible says …. live life to the fullest
I am not anti-job and I am not telling you to quit your job, I am suggesting that you take inventory because we are not getting any younger.  I don’t want to look up at 69 and have a ShaCwuda attack:  I shudda, cudda, wudda went into business for myself but   

The best thing for her to do is to put her faith and confidence in God.  I know some of you may be thinking that sounds easier said than done, but let’s look closer.

Most of us give up on the Word before we see it come to past.  We pray, believe and then forget to guard our minds.  More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it.  Proverbs 4:23 (CEB). Don't turn on your request, don't be a sellout!  Quit giving up.

The enemies of faith are worry and anxiety
Matthew 6:27: Who among you by worrying can add a single moment to your life?
Philippians 4:6:  Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks.
If we can eliminate these words from our vocabulary we will have it made.  Set your course with your words.  Call on the God of heaven, remind Him of His will, His word. Pray the Word over your situation and let him show you how strong He is.
3 John 2: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

The reason negatives are happening is because we "say" the negative but if we change our words; change our conversation; stay away from sticky people, places and things (yo’ momma ‘nem, yo’ play cousin, etc.) and protect yourself at all times, you will come out a winner.  Consider these positive statements:
I will not do broke anymore
I am too anointed to be broke
The back of lack is broken over my life
I am a distribution center for God
I am a lender, not a borrower
I am the head, not the tail
I am above, not beneath

In His Humble Excellence


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