Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bring It (We Declare Pt 2)

We had to end yesterday before I could completely answer the question of how we take it (our stuff) back?  If you will recall part of the answer was through fasting, praise, worship.  I didn't get a chance to talk about prayer and the element of surprise so that's where we will pick up:

Surprise:  Webster defines it as: to come upon or discover suddenly and unexpectedly; to make an unexpected assault on (an unprepared army, fort, person, etc.).  The enemy surprises us all the time with drama, whether it's first thing in the the morning; while we are praying; reading our bible; having lunch with a friend; listening to the Preacher; in the shower; making groceries; etc.  He just pops up unannounced all the time either with a thought or through someone else.  We have to remain alert; self-checked and ready at all times:  Mark 14:38 (NLT) Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”

Prayer: And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. You fathers—if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead? Or if they ask for an egg, do you give them a scorpion? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.  Luke 11:9-13 (NLT)  Be specific in your requests, what do you want to take back?  What has the enemy stolen from you?  Don't ask once and disappear. Write down what you want back and keep it in a location where it is easy to locate and it's visible ( e.g. bedroom/bathroom mirror, front door, refrigerator, laundry room, your car, cubicle, office, etc.)  Why? "Out of site, out of mind" and "the squeaky wheel gets the oil."  We are changing the atmosphere with our actions but most importantly our words.  Keep a prayer in your heart with those things in mind and meditate on them throughout the day.  If you're tossing and turning trying to get to sleep meditate on your stuff; If you wake up and can't go back to sleep meditate on your stuff.  You can go to bed without fear;you will lie down and sleep soundly.  Proverbs 3:24 (NLT)

Now that we have the basic ingredients let's put it all together so we can Bring It -- the fight-- against the enemy to get our stuff back.  We're going to use the enemy's tactics and bring the fight to him unannounced for a change.

  1. When you wake up it's important to set the tone for your day.  Before you allow the enemy to tell you "it's gonna be a crappy day", etc., you say, sing and/or shout God's word back to God: This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it; I am fearfully and wonderfully made; This is the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in my eyes, or any positive scripture that inspires you.  Victory Nugget:  That's why the Victory Call is so powerful.  We are giving God our first fruits, the beginning of our day before any drama has an opportunity to take root.  That doesn't mean it won't try to surface, because it will, but now you are alert, watching and ready.  You can't get suckered as easily if you're prepared for the fight.  Just remember to keep a balance, you cannot be all spiritual, praying on your knees and talking in tongues at work, in the grocery store, at Starbucks, etc.  That's not ok, however, we can pray inwardly, just above a whisper.  It's ok, if people see you they will most likely think you're on a cellphone, not that we really care, we just want to make sure we don't embarrass God.
  2. Throughout the day, offer shouts of praise and thanksgiving to God (when and where appropriate).  For example: God I thank you for saving my son; I thank you for delivering my daughter; I thank you that I win; I thank you that I am healed and pain free; I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me; I praise you because you are the way, truth and the light. It's not a full blown prayer, it's a weapon you are firing at the enemy out of nowhere.  This is especially effective when all hell is breaking loose.
  3. Worship: throughout the day worship God alternately between your praise.  For example:  "Father, I know I don't deserve it because of who I am, but because of whose I am; Thank you for loving me Daddy; You're an amazing God, supplier of all my needs, faithful friend, loving father; I love you back Father, etc.  Sweet love messages to God.  If you're at work, you may only be able to speak above a whisper which is fine, God will hear you.  Victory Nugget:  Scout out your office building for a place where can you pray, praise and worship without being disturbed.  Ask God to create a space for you.  You can also take your breaks and walk as you worship.  I use to take advantage of my company's stairwell because most people prefer the elevator.  If you're on the road by yourself you've got it made!  If you're in a boring meeting or you feel yourself trying to get overwhelmed, write out your victory on a piece of paper or your smart device and they will think your taking notes.  You didn't speak it but you got it out of your head and into the atmosphere.
  4. Fasting:  when you fast your sole attention should be directed at your fight and what you are believing God for.  You may feel led to fast one day for a specific time e.g. Tuesdays, but if you're really serious, you may consider fasting for several days, it depends on you and how bad you want it.  IF YOU TAKE MEDICINE THAT REQUIRES EATING, eat enough to take the medication and continue the fast, however, if you cannot fast because of medical conditions you can fast from things (e.g. Secular entertainment, social media, excessive talking, etc. All of which should be a part of your fasting anyway)
  5. Surprise:  spontaneous praise, prayer or worship completely confuses the enemy, especially if you're in the heat of something (e.g. a co-worker, family, financial and/or church drama).  Instead of uttering an expletive or defeat, shout "Mercy", "Help me Jesus", "Thank you Father"; an unexpected bill arrives, don't stress, tell your Daddy: "Father, I don't have the money but you do.  I thank you for providing the resources I need to satisfy this bill, etc." If all else fails, take a deep breath, bite your tongue or something but, pause before you say speak negative words into the atmosphere.

I am out of time, we will cover the last phase on the next blog

In His Humble Excellence

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