Tuesday, May 20, 2014

We Declare Pt. 4

Neshell, Nicks mother, Mikey’s grandmother, was about to clear the table when her husband, whom the kids affectionately called PopCee walked in the kitchen.  He had just returned from an out of town business trip and was famished.  There was just enough for him to have a plate so Neshell prepared his plate and cleared the table simultaneously.  PopCee spoke but he could tell something was going on so he didn’t engage in his normal “Wassup wit it” chatter with the guys.  Mikey and Nick sat silently for what seemed like an eternity and then finally Nick broke the silence with soft quiet tears disguised as manly emotion.  However, they quickly erupted into uncontrollable tears in a matter of milliseconds.  He wasn’t sobbing uncontrollably, he was crying like a full “growd up” man with no shame of doing so in front of his first lady, his mother or his first born, his son.  The tears that spilled out of his eyes, ran down his cheeks, into his goatee forming a pool on his mom’s table, but he didn’t care.  These tears didn’t sting his deep chocolate cheeks like those of bitterness or sorrow they simply glided to their appointed destination as if they were led by a well-worn road.  PopCee prayed silently.

None of them had ever seen Nick display this level of vulnerability and it was starting to weird Mikey out, so he broke the silence and said, “Pops, come on man, Imma be alright.”  Nick shook his head no because he was too full to speak.  Neshell broke her silence and said, “Mikey, he’s not saying he doesn’t want you to go, he’s just too full to speak right now, so let’s allow him to release.”  She placed PopCee’s heated food in front of him and then took Nick by the hand and said, “Man of God, it’s ok, we don’t have anywhere to go, you can release as long as is necessary, we will wait.”  They all joined the process of releasing, including PopCee, and a box of Kleenex later, Nick was able to compose himself and speak.  First he addressed his son:

“Mikey, the last time I cried like that was at 850 (San Francisco County Jail) when I got off a three way with your momma and Nana, who told us both how raggedy our lives were and that you and your brothers deserved more than the lifestyle we were creating for you guys and that if I was serious “this time” I needed to come before God broken from my pride and release my drama to him.  Later that night I went to the gym by myself and I poured my whole heart out to God, I was snotting and crying like somebody had beat me man, because I was tired of “the life”.   I didn’t care that people heard me hollering to God and came to see what was happening, I just wanted God desperately.  I messed up not long after I got out, but I couldn’t shake your Nana’s words until I finally got it together.  I put your Nana through way more than she deserved because she was a good mother to me and my siblings and I know it wasn’t easy for PopCee when he came into the picture, but they never gave up on us.  They did and taught us the right things: morals, values, work ethic, family first and taught us to love and reverence God.  I made a mess of my life, but God’s been merciful.  So I’m crying like a man is supposed to when he’s happy for his kids and because it’s like God is giving me a second chance through you.  I’m not ashamed to tell you that I’m proud of you son and I love you.  I used to think that I wasted so much time because of the choices I made, but now I realize it was the foundation for the ministry I have for the men I help.  There isn’t anybody that can tell me that they have done too much for God to forgive them because he forgave me.  I know your scholarship is covering all of your school expenses, but I got the rest covered, you won’t need to work a part-time gig.”

Mikey soaked up every ounce of knowledge his father shared with him, but he was still a little confused about making declarations.  He understood what his Nana said about making a decision, protecting his dreams; being strong, quitting wasn’t an option and staying positive, all of that made perfect sense.  He was still stuck on Trusting God (who he couldn’t see) and creating a world with his words. 

PopCee had been quiet the entire time, but now he spoke up first by telling Nick how proud he was of him for being so transparent and complimenting him on the amazing job he did with his sons and then he focused on Mikey’s question and said:  “Mikey and Nick stand up”, and they did and he continued, “Mikey I want you to face me and Nick I want you to stand behind Mikey about five feet directly behind him,” and he did.  PopCee looked Mikey dead in the eyes and said, “Do you trust your father?” to which Mikey said, “Yes”.  PopCee continued, “Are you positive?”  To which Mikey said, “Of course”’ PopCee asked again, “You’re absolutely positively sure?”  This time Mikey said, “PopCee, man, I trust my Pops with my life”.  PopCee said, “This is your time to prove it, close your eyes and fall backwards. Without hesitation, Mikey did exactly as he was instructed.  PopCee said, “Now tell me why you just did that?”  Mikey responded, “Because I knew my Father wouldn’t let me fall because he loves me and doesn’t want me to hurt myself”, to which PopCee said, “Exactly, so imagine this.  Let’s day Nick loves you 5 billion times more than anyone on the planet.  God loves you 999,888,777,677,555 times more than your father to the umpteenth degree.  Now if you have that much confidence in your earthly father who is limited as to what he can provide or protect you, etc. you can use that as a reference point for trusting God. 

Moving to the East Coast won’t be easy, there will be a huge adjustment period – new environment, people, things to do, pretty girls, lots of distractions – and then there’s the discipline of studying.  There may also be times when you get really homesick, wanna quit and do what’s familiar, return to the Bay and “settle”.  Going to school out of state isn’t an impossibility, young adults have successfully done it for years, but it comes with a price.  Everything costs something and anything worth having is worth the sacrifice of obtaining. I’m sure your Nana already told you this but it won’t hurt to hear it again: 
·       Write your declarations out and speak them out loud every day (Habakkuk 2:2-3)
·       Surround yourself with like-minded people
·       Respect the process:
·       Discomfort – pain of change –
·       Be ok with walking alone while you transform;
·       Be prepared for the haters – you’re a reflection of what they aren’t doing;
·       Protect your heart and mind from doubt and negative talk (Proverbs 4:23)
·       Be committed to the commitment (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

I’m out of time but if you’ll follow this family’s declaration recipe for your beliefs that are in line with God’s word, you can expect it.  Just remember to inspect what you expect.

In His Humble Service


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